Thursday, December 30, 2010

News Items - January 3, 2011

1. COMMUNITY WELLNESS CENTER GRANT: On January 10 council will consider a resolution authorizing a grant application (see Notice of Intent in packet) and committing local funds to Vision Iowa. The grant amount is $2.5 million or about 20% of the estimated $12.5 million cost. According to Vision Iowa sources, community wellness centers have been funded in the past. And, Indianola’s application looks very promising considering the partnerships with the Indianola Schools, Simpson College, Warren County and the YMCA. Keep in mind the grant application in no way commits the city to the project. It simply would help fund it should it be authorized.

The Vision Iowa Community Attraction and Tourism (CAT) Program supports projects that promote recreational, cultural, educational or entertainment attractions that are available to the general public. Indianola’s proposed project fits that definition perfectly!

2. AERIAL TRUCK: Per recent discussions by elected officials, Chief Brian Seymour is preparing information to replace our aerial truck that will be presented at the February 14 committee meeting. Information will include replacement options, how the apparatus is used and the Insurance Services Office (ISO) rating. Depending on the Street Replacement Project’s delay, timing could coincide well in 2012/13 for a joint bond issue.

3. D&D: In the packet is a table showing the Dangerous and Dilapidated program financial position. Note that using Tax Increment Finance revenues to reimburse expenses causes it to be in the red since TIF has a one-year lag. Funds certified for FY 11/12 to repay D&D total $358,500.

Another funding option (if there is concern about the negative balance) is to issue debt and then use TIF to pay the annual payment. This item will be brought to committee in January or February.

FYI—The D&D committee is meeting on January 5 to review other property purchases.

The D&D program uses city funds to purchase properties like the Cottage Inn, remove the building and sell the property for re-development. It removes eyesores and increases the tax base.
4. MLK: Another reminder the second council meeting in January will be on Tuesday the 18th given Martin Luther King’s holiday on Monday the 17th.

5. INFILTRATION & INFLOW: In the packet is the 2010 Infiltration & Inflow progress report prepared by Water Pollution Control Supt Dan Miers. Dan will present the report at the January 18 meeting.

6. SOUTH Y: Chuck Burgin sent a letter and easement to Lamar Koethe about two weeks ago. A response has been requested by January 3. If an easement is not received to move the storm water, the remaining options include ending the project or, condemnation.

The item will be on the January committee agenda.

It is worth noting that condemnation would be for a storm water “easement” across land upon which water is currently flowing. Condemnation, in this case, is not to own land, it is simply to pipe the water across the land, or, outlet the water from a pipe onto the land. The process involves a 6-member board who determines the value of the easement that the city must pay to the property owner.

7. STORM WATER UTILITY: On Monday the 27th about 380 commercial properties were sent Storm Water Utility notices indicating the fee based on the engineer’s calculations. As of Thursday 5 calls were received regarding waivers.

8. MEETING: The Planning and Zoning Commission has rescheduled their meeting in January to the 18th at the Activity Center from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. They will conduct a public input session for the Comprehensive Plan Update.

9. TAXABLE VALUES: The city received the FY2011-12 numbers from the county this week. Values increased slightly (2.7%) mainly due to residential growth just under 2% with commercial and industrial growth at approximately .5%. In your packet is a table showing rates by residential, commercial and industrial class.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

News Items - December 27, 2010

1. NEXT MEETING: The next meeting is January 3. Have a great holiday!

2. CONFLICT OF INTEREST: There seemed to be some question as to what constitutes a conflict of interest for elected/appointed officials at the December 20 meeting. The following clarifications are intended to help:

“A conflict exists when there is a clash between public and private duty, or the loyalty owed an employer and the duty to act in the public interest. The good faith of the public official and lack of corruption are not defenses. The disqualifying conflict need not be actual, nor based on dishonesty, but rather is predicated upon whether there is a potential of a conflict or an appearance of an impropriety that is more than fanciful”.

3. C STREET: City, Simpson and school staff met V&K Engineers on Tuesday the 21st to discuss the C Street Study recommendations (see packet). After a thorough review, it was decided to hold on a presentation to council until February or March when more information about the school’s plans for new parking at Irving can be developed.

4. HOMELAND SECURITY: The city recently received the annual bill from the city of Des Moines for its share of the Homeland Security Program funds. The city’s annual cost has been as follows:


The city used the Homeland Security Team during the December 6 standoff in the 200 block of North F Street. 60 staff members assisted the PD including a negotiating team, and, no one was injured. A very good investment.

5. LETTER TO THE EDITOR: There was a letter to the editor in the December 21 RH&T from a person who received a speeding ticket. The ticket was issued on November 7 for doing 71 mph in a 45 mph zone. The ticket was paid on November 18.

Friday, December 17, 2010

News Items - December 20, 2010

1. FD HONOR GUARD: Indianola’s honor guard is believed to be the first in the state when formed in 1995 and was the first honor guard to be invited to the Iowa Firefighter Memorial service in Coralville. The group is still invited today and travels to other events honoring fallen firefighters.

On Monday the 20th, 6 new members will be added to the team. These six were interviewed by a committee and selected as members who will be part of an 18 member group that attends events and posts colors. This year they are planning fundraisers to finance their attendance at the National Fallen Firefighters Memorial in Maryland.

Their team commander will conduct the first pinning ceremony during the FD training session at 7:00 pm in the city hall training room.

2. DART: Over the years there has been discussion about inviting the Des Moines Area Regional Transit Authority to provide commuter bussing to/from Indianola. Finance Director Jean Furler contacted DART and received a $220,000 quote (packet) for a three bus inbound/outbound system.

The item will be placed on committee agenda early in 2011 for discussion.

3. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: P&Z will hold a public meeting on the comprehensive plan update on January 18 beginning at 6:30 p.m. at the Activity Center.

4. TAX REVENUES: Revenues are still slightly ahead of this time last year. Good news

5. MLK: A reminder that Martin Luther King holiday is Monday January 17 so our council meeting will move to January 18.

6. SNOW ORDINANCE: Chief Bonnett reports there were 32 tickets and 19 impounds during last Saturday’s snow fall.

7. W. BOSTON & IOWA: The proposed scheduled for the W. Boston and W. Iowa Storm Sewer Project is as follows:

• January 3, 2011 Set public hearing and letting
• February 2, 2011 Receive and open bids
• February 7, 2011 Public hearing and designate low bidder
• March 1, 2011 Start construction
• June 30, 2011 Project completion

The project will consist of construction of two headwalls on W. Boston with grading, backfill, surface restoration, etc. Construction of two double intakes with 110 linear feet of storm sewer, subdrains, surface restoration, etc. on West Iowa.

The costs will be paid by the new Storm Water Utility.

Friday, December 10, 2010

News Items - December 13, 2010

1. STORM WATER STUDY: Forrest Aldrich reports the model for the E Girard area is near complete. A meeting will be scheduled in early January with the neighborhood to discuss the study and potential repairs. A copy of the recommendations will be in the packet as soon as available. Storm water revenues will fund the improvements.

Several appeals were received from residential customers regarding their $2/month storm water utility fee and Supt Dan Miers is reviewing them. Most relate to a lack of storm sewers in their particular area however, storm water in drainage ditches and thru culverts affects the system upstream.

2. C STREET CLOSURE STUDY: The study is near complete and will be presented to Simpson next week. It will also be placed on the January 10 committee agenda for elected official review. There will be three options for consideration. A copy will be delivered electronically next week.

Also, given the lack of direction on the street, I will recommend it be removed from the 5-year replacement project and handled as a separate project.

3. ONLINE UTILITY BILLING: Billing clerk Lindsey Offenburger reports 994 customers are signed online to view their accounts and 740 are paying online monthly. That means 740 less stamps, envelopes and bills and represents about 15% of our customers.

4. MCCORD PARK: Glen Cowan reports the neighborhood has raised about $2,500 for new equipment.

5. BUFFER: Community Development Director Chuck Burgin reports a buffer is not required on the south side of the PD/FD storage building because both zones are residential.

6. STATE REPRESENTATIVES: City Clerk Diana Bowlin is trying to schedule Senator Kent Sorenson and Representative Glen Massie for the January 24 committee meeting.

7. MFPRSI: The Board of Trustees consisting of two fire and two police, four city and one private citizen representatives are recommending no change to the current system in their report due January 10 to the legislature. Although many amendments were made to the recommendation, no amendments passed (5-4 votes). So if return on investments average 7.5%, Indianola will contribute the following in the next 5 years to police retirement.

July 1, 2011 July 1, 2012 July 1, 2013 July 1, 2014 July 1, 2015
% of Payroll 24.76% 29.31% 34.51% 37.33% 35.81%

8. SENATE FILE 2379: As mentioned in the December 6 news items, effective January 1 the new Senate File 2379 will go into effect which states a person could carry a firearm in the open if they want to. Police Chief Steve Bonnett has started to notify the banks and other businesses and plans to host a meeting to discuss the new law.

9. BALLOON MUSEUM CULVERT: As written previously, the contractor will remove and replace (no cost to city) dirt on either side of the culvert. However, work will not begin until next spring due to cold weather. A May 15 completion date is planned.

10. BUDGET REPORT: In the packet is the November budget report. Revenues are slightly ahead of schedule and expenses are on target.

Friday, December 3, 2010

News Items - December 6, 2010

1. STORM WATER UTILITY: The Clerk’s Office and Sewer Staff have been meeting to discuss utility billing and a schedule for implementation. Below are the tentative results:

• Letters were sent today to non-owner occupied single and two family dwellings indicating the $2/month fee. An agreement has been included allowing the tenant to pay the fee (owner/tenant must sign).
• Letters will be sent next week to commercial/industrial owners indicating their fee and providing information as to the appeal process
• Supt Dan Miers will handle appeals and those that are not agreed upon will be brought to council
• Appeals will be reviewed in January
• Billing will begin March 1

This process provides opportunity for property owners to learn more about the new utility and to discuss their fee prior to actual billing.

2. MIDDLE SCHOOL: Steve Bonnett, Chuck Burgin, Glen Cowan, Brian Seymour and I attended a meeting with school officials on December 3 to learn more about the Middle School expansion. While there will be some changes to the north, the majority will expand east (see flyer).

Bidding is anticipated next February and construction will be from spring ’11 thru summer of ’12.

The CAF parking lot will be paved as part of the project.

3. SOUTH LIFT STATION: In the packet is a letter from IDNR’s Daniel Cook indicating a need to test soils because a portion of the south lift station was used as a shooting range. Tests were taken this week and the lead concentrations were well below IDNR levels. Mr. Cook has been advised.

4. LIBRARY HVAC: It appears now the board will consider bidding the existing equipment (estimated $70,000) along with the Geo Thermal system. Shive Hattery is preparing a list of replacement equipment that the board will review at their December 14 meeting.

Should the board recommend the replacement option, it will be an opportune time to replace lighting and carpet as listed in the FY 11/12 Capital Budget for a total cost of about $160,000.

A recommendation will be presented at the December 20 meeting.

Also, in the packet is the FY 2009/10 Library annual report that will be presented on December 20.

5. ISA: The Indianola Sports Association (operates diamonds at Pickard) had a very difficult year due to rain and will request an extension of their $134,000 loan with a local bank. As co-signor on the loan, council will have to consider approval at their December 20 meeting. President Todd Ahrens will be there to discuss the request.

6. POOL: A lawsuit filed by a patron of the Memorial Pool who slipped and injured herself in June 2008 was dismissed in District Court recently.

7. SOUTH Y: Garden’s Brad Uitermarkt will attend the December 13 committee meeting to discuss the final recommendation. It includes flowing the storm water west along the Halsted driveway and southwest to the Lamar Koethe property. Brad reports the 24” pipe size will be adequate to handle in excess of a 100-year rain.

Chuck Burgin has a signed easement from the Halsted’s and is discussing one with Lamar Koethe early next week. He is also working with the town home association and Deer Run Golf Course for the access road and there is verbal agreement on that easement as well.

The next step will be a preliminary assessment followed by voluntary assessment applications sent to property owners. The more of those received, the more likely the project will proceed.

No word from the Supreme Court.

8. CULVERTS: There are problems with both culvert projects as discussed below:

a. Balloon Museum—The contractor did not use proper compaction when replacing the soil on either side of the new culvert. The soil will consequently be removed and replaced in accordance with the plan/spec.

Project completion will likely be delayed until spring.

FYI—Due to IDNR restrictions related to wetland protection and the amount of weight the new culvert can withstand, the height of the fill is just about where it will be when complete.

b. Stephen Court—The western section of pipe is not fitted properly and water there seeps underneath. We are having discussions with the contractor as to the options of how to repair.

9. SENATE FILE 2379: Effective January 1 the new Senate File 2379 will go into effect which states a person could carry a firearm in the open if they want to. Police Chief Steve Bonnett has been told that private businesses may regulate guns on their premises, but government buildings cannot accept the courthouse.

10. TRI-CITY: No word from Norwalk’s Mark Miller so the December 7 meeting with Carlisle and Norwalk will be delayed until further notice.

11. NARROWBANDING: Police Chief Steve Bonnett has received some good news regarding their base radios. He will be budgeting $12,000 in next year’s O&M which will take care of the police department. This must be placed in the O&M to keep them compatible with other law enforcement agencies next year.

The fire department has some flexibility between O&M and next year's CIP. The reason is that the fire department’s expense is in portable radios, where the police department’s expense is all in the form of base radios.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

News Items - November 29, 2010

1. NEXT MEETING: The next council meeting is December 6.

2. COMMUNITY/WELLNESS CENTER: A reminder the Planning Committee will present its recommendation to a joint meeting of city, county, school and Simpson officials on December 13.

3. 110 W ASHLAND: After discussing with colleagues, John Hoyman reports the $18,650 engineering fee will be assessed to the owners of 110 W Ashland (Adams/Proctor) because it is their building that needs stabilizing to protect the public. The building was damaged in July 2008. The court hearing is still scheduled for December 14.

4. SEWER CAMERA TRUCK: Supt Dan Miers reports a major oil leak in the Camera Truck’s oil pan. The leak was caused by the dip stick rubbing against the inside of the pan. The engine must be lifted to remove/replace the pan and it is recommended the rear main seal be replaced at the same time. Their estimate for repair is $3,500. We will proceed.

5. SOUTH LIFT STATION (PHASE THREE): Supt Dan Miers met with Neuvirth Construction about the Phase 3 construction of the lagoon at the south lift station. The contractor is finishing the lagoon expansion and after draining the existing lagoon found about 2 feet of sludge in the bottom. V&K will evaluate the amount of sludge and will estimate the cost to remove it. We therefore are anticipating a change order for the Phase 3 project.

Removing the sludge will increase capacity and keep solids out of the collection system. Removal will be most efficient when the lagoon is empty.

6. HOLIDAY: The day after Thanksgiving is an official city holiday so most offices/departments will be closed.

7. TAX REVENUE: Tax revenue is slightly ahead of this time last year. Good news!

8. LIBRARY HVAC: The Board is meeting Tuesday the 30th to discuss the system. A recommendation will be on the December 6 agenda.

9. UTILITY BILLING: Do to some personnel issues in the Clerk’s Office, utility billing will be sent on December 2 or 3.

10. “C” STREET STUDY: Most of the data collection is complete and there will be meetings scheduled with city and Simpson staff in early/mid December. A recommendation will be brought to council on January 10.

11. JOINT MEETING: The date for Carlisle, Indianola and Norwalk to meet again regarding dispatch and EMS is (still) tentatively set for December 7. However, Norwalk and Carlisle have yet to confirm.

12. BRIDGE: County Engineer Mark Lee informed us Friday the bridge west of the sewer plant on Hoover Street has been temporarily closed this week. It will be open next week to light traffic.

Friday, November 19, 2010

News Items - November 22, 2010

1. NEXT MEETING: The next council meeting is December 6, at 6:00 pm. Have a great holiday!

2. ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN: Theisen’s is asking to use pre-cast concrete walls on their exterior which is not an approved method in our ordinance that requires brick, E.F.I.S., cultural stone and Nova Brick. P&Z will hold a special meeting on November 30 and a recommendation will be brought to council on December 6.

Theisen’s is locating on Hwy 65/69 just south of Noble Ford in the Summercrest Hills Development.

3. FIRE DEPT: $75,000 was budgeted to provide a vehicle exhaust system for the Fire Dept bays and Brian Seymour received quotes in the $40,000 to $60,000 range. The higher end system provides the best option/most flexibility especially given the cramped spaces. A recommendation will be placed on the December 6 council agenda.

4. STEPHEN COURT CULVERT: Chuck Burgin reports that additional sod is needed on the slopes of the east side of Stephen Court to minimize erosion. A change order will be on the next council agenda.

5. TEMPORARY STRUCTURE ORDINANCE: In the packets are the October 26 P&Z minutes indicating their recommendation to allow beverage sales (only) from temporary structures in a C-3 (general retail/office) zone. The correct ordinance is in the packet.

Also, while the ordinance does not include language regarding a 3-year extension of enforcement for McCoy’s west structure, John Hoyman reports the action taken by council on May 3, 2010 will allow the extension.

6. W HWY 92 SEWER: Financing for this $300,000 project will be added to the GO Debt refinancing that council set a hearing date for December 6. Even though the cost will be re-couped by either assessments or connections fees, the immediate cash flow is necessary to keep the Sewer Fund in the black.

7. 110 W ASHLAND: SVPA has been paid $12,227.50 of an $18,650 contract to design improvements to 110 W Ashland to make it safe from collapse.

8. SQUARE BUILDING INCENTIVES: Chuck Burgin is working with the property owner regarding the items eligible for grants/loans (i.e. roof replacement). A recommendation will be placed on a future council agenda.

9. 204 N JEFFERSON: Quotes will be received on November 23 to remove the Chiropractic Center at 204 North Jefferson. The Fire Dept has used the grounds for training purposes.

Community Development Director Chuck Burgin reports the Cottage Inn and building south will be bid after the first of the year. There were closing issues among other delays.

10. WIND ENERGY CONVERSION SYSTEMS: After talking with Chuck Burgin, he reports the original recommendation for small wind energy conversion systems was 1 acre for commercial and 3 acres for residential consistent with the Metro Advisory Council’s model ordinance.

11. JOINT MEETING: December 13 is the joint meeting with the trustees to receive the Indianola Development Association’s latest report and request for FY 11/12 funding.

Other (tentative) items include the Community/Wellness Center recommendation, Qwest pole removal/re-location (John Hoyman), state representative/legislative review, South Y progress report and park dedication review.

12. LIBRARY HVAC: The Library Board will consider a third option next week. Chuck Burgin and Joyce Godwin met with a contractor and he provided a reasonably priced alternative that will fully meet the needs.

A recommendation will be on the December 6 agenda.

13. STREET REPLACEMENT: The engineer does not recommend replacing all of “D” between Ashland and Clinton because it was partially replaced in 1995.

However, the blocks between Euclid and Girard on N. Howard can be added per council direction.

Friday, November 12, 2010

News Items - November 15, 2010

1. ROLLBACK: The rollback for FY 11/12 increases to 48.52% from 46.9% or about 3.4%. If there is no change in the tax rate, a home valued at $150,000 would pay $822 in FY 11/12 compared to $795 in FY 10/11, a $27 increase (about $2.25/month). Since Indianola’s taxes have not increased in the last two years, that increase would average about $8/year.

Industrial and commercial rollbacks remain at 100% in FY 11/12.

2. TRI CITY: The next meeting of Carlisle, Indianola and Norwalk is tentatively scheduled for December 7. Time and location are yet to be determined but we offered Indianola as a site. I will ask Steve Bonnett and Brian Seymour to attend as dispatch and EMS will be discussed. The supervisors will also be invited.

More information will be provided when available.

3. STORM WATER STUDY: V&K’s Forrest Aldrich reports the storm water model/study will be complete by the end of November and neighborhood meetings will be scheduled.

4. INFILTRATION/INFLOW PHASE 3: The South Lift Station Storm Basin project will receive a contract reduction of about $8,500 because soil will be taken from the site as opposed to hauling it from elsewhere. The change order will be on a December council agenda.

5. MEMORIAL POOL DEBT PAYMENT: The $180,000 final debt payment for the Memorial Pool will be made in June 2011. And, the P&R Commission intends to approach the council about using some or all of the 43-cent tax rate to provide trail extensions (yet to be determined).

6. BRUSH FACILITY: The brush facility will remain open thru November 30.

7. W HWY 92 SEWER: A meeting is scheduled for next Monday with utility owners to discuss the conflict with the sanitary sewer services. A recommendation will be provided at a December meeting.

8. FIRE DEPARTMENT EXPANSION: The grant Brian Seymour applied for to expand the Fire Station was $2.5 million.

9. D STREET: D Street was paved during a sewer replacement project in 1995.

10. MIDDLE SCHOOL EXPANSION: In the packet is a drawing showing the proposed Middle School expansion. City staff are meeting with school officials in early December.

11. VINTAGE HILLS: The November 8 Business Record had an article (packet) on Indianola’s Vintage Hills Retirement Community. Very good PR for Indianola.

12. MAYOR’S YOUTH COUNCIL: In the packet is a flyer explaining the Mayor’s Youth Council. High School students are encouraged to apply and will meet throughout the year with the involvement of the Mayor and council members. P&R Teen Coordinator Becky Lane will assist with the MYC. Meetings and activities will be lead and driven by the students with the assistance and guidance of the Mayor and Becky. The MYC will provide opportunities for high school students to learn about city government, provide input about city issues, represent high school youth by providing ideas that are of interest to them, provide leadership opportunities, learn how to work together with others, learn how to plan, organize, fund and administer activities for the community, etc.

Warren Co. United Way Action Council tried to start a county youth council successful so it was suggested Warren County Mayors be involved. Mayor Bresnan expressed interest so Indianola will have the first MYC.

13. HABITAT: The Warren County Habitat for Humanity will hold a dedicated ceremony for the recently completed home at 512 E. Euclid on Saturday, November 20 at 2:00 p.m.

Friday, November 5, 2010

News Items - November 8, 2010

1. COMMUNITY/WELLNESS CENTER: The planning committee received a proposal from the 360 Group and Downing Construction to build a facility in the Summercrest Hills Development. The full proposal can be viewed at

There is a wellness link and then click the RFP Responses. I can also provide a paper copy if preferred.

Mayor/council will formally receive the proposal at the December 13th committee meeting.

2. RETAIL SALES: In the packet is John Hoyman’s opinion regarding retail sales in an R-3 zone. P&Z will discuss a request for such sales at their November 9 meeting.

3. SWECS: Per Steve Richardson’s comments at the November 1 meeting, we checked and found the following metro cities allow Small Wind Energy Conversion Systems on single/two-family (residential) lots:

Ankeny 1 acre
Clive 1 acre
Waukee 2 acres
West Des Moines 1 acre
Des Moines 1 acre

In the packet is a map showing the residential lots that are 5-acres/greater and ag lots that are 15 acres/greater within the city limits. There are 150 lots between residential and ag. Also, Ivan Webber reports that the SWECS ordinance does not have to return to P&Z since they already discussed it and provided a recommendation.

Given today’s efforts/attitudes about saving energy and becoming more sustainable, allowing SWECS in residential areas should be strongly considered. Economics are not the only reason people purchase SWECS. Some simply feel an obligation to protect the environment and are willing to pay for that obligation. The city should provide that option while at the same time protecting the interests of neighbors which can be done by placing a minimum lot size and setbacks in the ordinance.

4. NORTH Y/INWOOD: The Warren County Road Crew removed the seal coat surface on North Y and Inwood this week. The surface was very rough and no decision on the ultimate surface has been made. County reps will meet with Chuck Burgin and I next week to review options.

5. AMPHITHEATER: Glen Cowan reports the Rotary Club volunteered to place the roof (originally in Phase 2) on the Memorial Park Amphitheater this year. They are contributing nearly $4,700 financial support in addition to labor for the project. I am authorizing the remaining $3,750 material cost for the metal flashing to install the roof since the project is under the contract amount by nearly $4,500. The roof will protect the theater over the winter.

Hats off to the Indianola Rotary!!

6. STORAGE BUILDING: Steve Bonnett is getting material quotes for the storage building (east of Arby’s). He’s been advised costs are likely to increase after the first of the year so the idea is to save some expense. Construction will begin next March.

7. ARC FLASH ANALYSYS: According to National Fire Protection Association standards, the city is conducting an arc flash analysis (See Mike Metcalf memo) to provide an assessment of the potential energy at each point in the system that would be released in the event of an arcing fault. Safety Coordinator Mike Metcalf received quotes and the low is shown below:

WPC $13,800
Water $8,725
Power Plant $8,725
City Hall $4,985
Library $2,490
Aquatic Center $10,000
Total cost $48,725 and will be budgeted accordingly.
5. VEHICLE ACCIDENT: Sewer Supt Dan Miers was involved in a minor fender bender on November 1 when a small vehicle ran into the rear of his truck while waiting for the signal to change on Hwy 65/69 at Euclid. The truck received no reportable damage.

6. TAX REVENUES: Revenues thus far are about 45% of the amount budgeted and nearly 2% higher than this time last year. Good news and it will be continued to be monitored.

7. IDOT DETOUR: In the packet is a letter from IDOT’s C.E. Belgarde indicating Hwy 65/69 and Hwy 92 will be part of an I-35 pre-determined detour in case of accident or detour. The letter is a courtesy to advise of the highway status.

8. MEDIACOM: Mediacom intends to raise the following rates on December 1, 2010 per a letter received November 1.
Product Old Rate New Rate
Broadcast Basic $25.95 $27.95
Expanded Basic $37.00 $38.00
Total Family Cable $62.95 $65.95

9. REFUNDING OF G.O. DEBT: Finance Director Jean Furler had conversations with Chip Schultz, Ruan Securities, regarding refunding two GO Debt issuances. Due to lower interest rates the results would be a net savings of about $165,000 over the next 8 years. Proceedings are being prepared for council consideration. If approved, the following schedule will be recommended:

• November 15: Council considers resolution setting December 6 as date for public hearing
• December 6: Public hearing on proposed General Obligation Refunding Bond issues
• December 13 (special Council meeting): Bond sale - bids due at 10:30 AM at City Hall; Council awards at 5:30 meeting and authorizes redemption of prior bonds
• December 20: Authorize issuance of two General Obligation Refunding Bonds (Series 2011A and Series 2011B)
• January 11: Closing / delivery of funds
• January 17: Effective redemption of 2004B G.O. Bonds (current refunding)
10. W. HWY 92 SEWER: There are some utility conflicts with the sewer services for most of the buildings on the north side of Hwy 92. Options are being reviewed and a recommendation will be brought to council.

11. SEWER CONNECTION: St. Thomas Catholic Church reps contacted the city about connecting to the sewer main on W. Highway 92 at R-63. The church owns 20 acres and the connection fee is about $53,000 (includes interest). We are discussing the fee and may have a recommendation for council in December.

Friday, October 29, 2010

News Items - November 1, 2010

1. FEMA: Below is a list of the emergency disaster project costs submitted to FEMA. Risk Manager RoxAnne Hunerdosse worked very well to compile this data and submit it to FEMA. Department directors also deserve recognition.

Federal funding will reimburse 75% of eligible expenses and state funding will reimburse 10% of the eligible expenses for a total reimbursement of 85%.
Debris Pick-Up, Removal, & Recycling $ 12,500
Emergency Protective Measures $ 18,800
Street & Storm Sewer Projects $380,000
City Hall & Library $ 9,300
Water $ 8,100
Electric $ 82,900
Water Pollution Control $172,700
Parks** $ 30,700
Total $715,000
*There may be some parts of a project that won’t be reimbursed due to an improvement on the “prior to event” condition. **This does not include the engineering or restoration work needed at Easton Park.

Total estimated reimbursement is $608,400.

2. STORM WATER UTILITY: Clerks Office staff has been meeting to discuss utility bill issues related to non-owner occupied single/two-family dwellings. There are about 800 and the key is to minimize the amount of new bills generated. It is possible the SWU billing may be delayed until February or March in order to ensure the most efficient utility method.

3. C STREET CLOSURE: V&K scheduled a meeting on Monday November 1 with reps from the city, school and Simpson to discuss the ramifications of “C” Street’s closure to thru traffic. The study should be complete in a few weeks.

4. W HIGHWAY 92 SEWER: The main (south side) is installed and the services for north side properties have been determined with the assistance of owners. However, based on the service locations, there are conflicts with existing utilities making the originally designed borings near impossible. V&K is working with Underground and the utility owners to determine the best option. We therefore anticipate a change order that will be brought to council in several weeks. At this time an open cut may be the best option.

5. SQUARE BUILDINGS: City Attorney John Hoyman reports there was a hearing October 27 to delay the December 14 court date for the lawsuit by the owners of 110 W Ashland against the owner of 112 W Ashland. The court date was not changed and will be held as scheduled.

Steve Gray of SVPA reports the plan/spec is complete and the estimate to repair the building is approximately $160,000. The tentative schedule for repairing the building follows:

• November 3 – submit construction document
• November 15 – Resolution ordering construction of public improvement and fixing a date for hearing and taking of bids
• November 22 – pre-con meeting
• December 1 – Receive bids
• December 6 – Award contract
• Completion within 90 days

6. GUN SALES: Chuck Burgin’s Office received a request to sell guns (see letters) under the “special exceptions , uses and structures” in an R-3 (mixed residential) zone. R-3 allows home occupations but does not include retail sales. Chuck Burgin and John Hoyman are working the issue.

7. NORTH Y/INWOOD: Chuck Burgin and I met with county reps to discuss options regarding the seal coat (placed for RAGBRAI) on North Y and Inwood. One option is to remove the gravel and put it back to its original surface.

8. HEALTH INSURANCE POOL: The pool remains around $990,000 and is hopefully well poised for new expenses arising from federal health care reform.

9. MEDIACOM: Notice was received from Mediacom to change channel KDSM DT@-Cool TV to channel 110 on November 15.

10. 204 NORTH JEFFERSON: Community Development Director Chuck Burgin is getting quotes to remove the D&D building 204 N Jefferson. The former Cottage Inn and building south will be removed later this year or early next year due to some required environmental testing.

11. DOWNTOWN INCENTIVE: Mary Donaghy of Mary Donaghy Insurance (206 N. Buxton) is working with Chuck Burgin on building improvements and the Downtown Incentive Program. Because of the nature of the late in the building season, most of the improvements have been started. This will be placed on a future council agenda.

Friday, October 22, 2010

News Items - October 25, 2010

1. BALLOON MUSEUM: The construction to extend the culvert has begun. The contractor uncovered a 24” RCP Storm Sewer which was not indicated on the plan. Connection of this pipe is required, a change order will be forthcoming.

2. STEPHEN COURT: Approximately 300’ north of Iowa Avenue has been closed and construction has begun. Part of the project included new sanitary sewer crossing. On Thursday a potential conflict with a water main was discovered. The engineer is sending a survey crew down Friday to determine if adequate clearance is available. A change order may be needed.

3. PETITION: As part of the 2011 Street Replacement Project, we have received a petition (packet) indicating they do not want a new street. This portion of North 1st was included in the original 42 blocks under consideration, however, the final selection of streets has yet to be determined.

4. CENSUS: We received information from the U.S. Census Bureau stating that 74 percent of households in the United States filled out and mailed back their 2010 Census questionnaire. The apportionment counts will be delivered to the President within nine month of Census Day (on or before December 31, 2010). We should receive our data no later than April 1, 2011.

5. PROSPECT: A formal incentive request will be forthcoming at the upcoming council meeting for a call center as mentioned in the October 7th news items (packet).

6. RACE CARS: According to our attorney Hugh Cain, the court ruled in the city’s favor and stated the fencing ordinance is not an unconstitutional taking.

Friday, October 15, 2010

News Items - October 18, 2010

1. LIBRARY HVAC: After much discussion and research, the Library Board wants to seek bids on two Geo Thermal Options. Shive Hattery Engineer Jake Newman summarized the two options in a memo (packet) dated October 14. In addition, Board will get a conventional replacement quote from a local contractor who is familiar with the current system in order to provide an accurate cost comparison (and payback period) between conventional and geo-thermal.

The Board will attend the November 1 council meeting to discuss these options and move forward with the bidding process.

2. STEPHEN COURT: TK Concrete plans to begin the culvert replacement next Monday (weather permitting). The contract has a November 19, 2010 completion date.

3. W EUCLID HOME: Owners of a home damaged during the July 23 tornado are rebuilding but ran into a city-related issue. Their .89 acre property (along with the two single family dwellings immediately west) is zoned agricultural which does not allow a single-family dwelling on less than 15 acres (council changed on May 27, 2009).

However, the code does allow a special exception that is recommended by P&Z and approved by council. P&Z has a special meeting on October 26 and will have a recommendation for council’s November 1 meeting.

Community Development Director Chuck Burgin is recommending the owners (and those west) rezone to residential thereby avoiding future issues.

4. AMPHITHEATER: Sodding and seeding are complete. The sidewalks are 95% complete and the contractor is working on the punch list.

5. SQUARE DECK: The Brickhouse deck was late coming down as the owners removed it on October 12.

6. FEMA: FEMA extended the application deadline for citizens and businesses to file a claim to November 12. Damage between June 1 and the end of August not covered by an insurance company are eligible.

7. FIREFIGHTER CANDIDATES: To date we’ve received 11 applications to fill the Fire Department’s firefighter position. Application deadline is October 22 with Civil Service testing scheduled for November 20th.

8. MUNICIPAL BUILDING HVAC: There continues to be problems with the building HVAC related to consistent heating/cooling. Department directors met on the 15th and agreed to obtain quotes from three companies that are familiar with the system. A recommendation will be brought to council in several weeks.

Friday, October 8, 2010

News Items - October 11, 2010

1. TAX RATE: City Clerk Diana Bowlin drafted the comparison surveys (packet) for cities with a population of 6,500 and greater and also included Adel, Bondurant, Grimes and Polk City. Of the 62 cities surveyed, Indianola ranks the following (1 is the lowest and 62 highest):

Tax rate 12th

Taxes paid per capita 9th

Tax Base per capita 28th

These numbers rank very well especially considering the tax base is about 65% residential.

2. SUMERCREST HILLS PLAT/TIF: Developers plan to submit a preliminary plat and also ask for Tax Increment Finance funding to provide paving for their development. The TIF request will be on the November 1 agenda and the preliminary plat schedule is as follows:

October 1: Submittal to Development Department of preliminary plat 3 for review.

October 11: Submittal of revised preliminary plat and proposed final plat to Development Department.

October 26: Special Planning and Zoning Meeting to consider preliminary and final plat.

November 1: City Council Meeting to consider preliminary plat.

3. PROSPECT: Todd Kielkopf and I met with Tiffany Coleman (WCEDC) and Jerry Kelley (IDA) to draft an incentive package for a call center who is reviewing options to lease an existing building and employ 45 full-time equivalents with an average of $10/hr. The incentive package (packet) will be considered by council at an October or November meeting.

FYI – Tiffany resigned her position with WCEDC effective October 22.

4. IDA: Indianola Development Association will present their budget request at the joint council/trustee meeting in December. In the packet is an update of their progress.

5. W HWY 92 TRAIL: In the packet are letters of support for a trail to be part of the W Hwy 92 Improvement Project (“R” Street thru R-57) scheduled for 2013. A trail to connect Summerset and the Great Western in Martensdale has been discussed since the early stages of the Hwy 92 Project.

6. STREET REPLACEMENT PROJECT: Staff is meeting with Snyder reps on the 12th to begin dialogue on streets to be replaced in 2011. Ed Yando and Chuck Burgin have listed over 40 streets and the engineer will narrow the list to about 20 to fit our $2.5 million budget. Criteria such as core samples, traffic, curb and surface conditions will be used by the engineer to prioritize. A recommendation will be placed on the December committee agenda for review.

7. NORWALK/CARLISLE: As written previously, the meeting has been moved to October 28 at 6:00 pm in the Norwalk Library.

8. ONLINE BILLING: Billing Clerk Lindsey Offenburger reports 902 customers have signed on for online billing access. 114 receive their bills online which means there are 114 less stamps, envelopes and bills. The savings are beginning to mount.

9. ROSENBERGER TRUCK SHOP: The buffer fence was installed on Friday October 1 therefore John Hoyman did not file the municipal infraction for failure to comply with the city code. Good news!

10. CAF PARKING: The School District is working with an engineer and Chuck Burgin on the Community Athletic Facilities parking lot on South 15th. Installation is expected during the summer of 2011.

11. BALLOON MUSEUM DITCH: Work is scheduled to start next week. Traffic control is lined up for Tuesday morning and will pull the lane closure off around 3:30 or 4:00 p.m. to accommodate evening traffic. More details will be provided when available.

12. “C” STREET STUDY: Veenstra and Kimm will set traffic counters in the next couple week. A meeting will be held with Simpson, school, police and fire at the end of October.

Friday, October 1, 2010

News Items - October 4, 2010

1. ROLL BACK: The rollback for FY 2011/12 are as follows:

Class 2011/12 2010/11

Residential 48.53% 46.9%
Agricultural 69.02% 66.3%
Commercial 100.00% 100.00%
Industrial 100.00% 100.00%

2. SERGEANT HAMELL: In the packet is a letter acknowledging Sergeant Ron Hamell for “wonderful service” by helping an individual who showed signs of a stroke in a local restaurant on September 23. Hats off to Ron!!

3. BUILDINGS ON SQUARE: On September 28 John Hoyman received a call from one of the attorneys indicating the One Stop insurance company filed several new motions and requested a 6-month delay of the December 14 court date.

Chuck Burgin is working with Savage/Ver Ploeg and design of safety improvements is underway and will continue per council direction.

4. CARLISLE/NORWALK: Norwalk is asking to re-schedule the October 14 joint meeting to October 28.

5. COUNCIL/TRUSTEES: The Indianola Development Association will conduct a strategic planning session in Mid-October so delaying this agenda item with the trustees from October 11 to December would be beneficial. IDA intends to bring a business plan to the council/trustees and will need adequate time for preparation.

The joint discussion regarding Qwest’s pole relocation can also be delayed.

6. BEGGARS NIGHT: This year’s beggars night is scheduled for October 30 from 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

7. PRINCIPAL SELLING MEDICAL BUSINESS: The City/IMU self-insured plan is administered by The Principal Group and receives discounts based on their purchasing agreements. This arrangement will be affected by The Principal Group’s announcement that they are phasing out doing business in the health insurance market (see letter). The financial impact won’t be known until plan renewal time.

Friday, September 24, 2010

News Items - September 27, 2010

1. NEXT MEETING: The next meeting is October 4 at 6:00 pm.

2. QWEST POLES: Since April of this year Community Development Director Chuck Burgin has been unable to have Qwest relocate three poles on (2 on North 1st and 1 on East Franklin) so the Kelley Trail can be completed. And, this is not the only time Qwest has refused to re-locate poles as the trustees had the same difficulty in 1997 on South Jefferson and currently on the East Side Underground Conversion Project.

Ivan Webber met with Chuck Burgin, John Hoyman, Bob Miller, Todd Kielkopf and I on Tuesday the 21st to discuss options. Ivan recommended John proceed using the municipal infractions ordinance to have the court require Qwest to remove the poles. That item will be placed on the October 4 council agenda for discussion including hiring the Ahlers Law Firm should it be necessary.

Based on Qwest comments, they “may” challenge a city’s ordinance (packet) to force relocating their lines underground when IMU relocates their lines (Cedar Falls has a similar ordinance). As such, the trustees will discuss (September 27) joining the city and financing the challenge should Qwest proceed.

More information will be provided on October 4.

3. ROSENBERGER TRUCK SHOP: John Hoyman tried unsuccessfully since October ’09 (Chuck Burgin since June ’08) to have Rosenberger install the required buffer (a 6’ double-sided fence) on the west side of their 1813 N 7th property (industrial park). John reports the last assurance was the fence be installed by September 30. However, if not installed as promised, he intends to file a municipal infraction on October 1 to have the court order the buffer installation and possibly include a fine.

4. BALLOON MUSEUM DITCH: Snyder’s Jennifer Croate now says the project will begin next week with a subcontractor doing the initial grading. The contract was approved on May 3, 2010 and a completion date of December 19, 2010.

This type of contract allows more flexibility and results in a lower bid since the contractor can use their discretion as to when they do the work.

5. JOINT COUNCIL/TRUSTEES: The meeting is tentatively scheduled at 6:00 pm on October 11. Agenda items (thus far) include IDA’s annual budget request, Qwest pole re-location and other items of mutual interest.

6. FEMA: Applications for federal disaster (tornado/flood) can be made thru October 11.

7. P&Z: Jeff Jensen resigned (family commitments) from Planning & Zoning Commission after serving since 2004. Jeff served P&Z well and will be missed.

8. SEWER I&I PROJECT: The city has spent $1,896,422 on Infiltration/Inflow removal since May 2009 and been reimbursed $1,896,422 from the State Revolving Loan fund with an interest rate of 3.25% and 30-year term.

Another $7 million expense is projected for Phases 2, 3 and 4.

9. DARK WATER: The Water Dept will begin their annual hydrant flushing program approximately the middle of October and Supt Lou Elbert reminds residents that flushing can raise sediment in some mains thereby making water darker. There is no harm from the sediment but residents can run the faucet for several seconds to clear the sediment.

10. ARC FLASH: Compliance with electrical safety standards (NFPA-70E 2004) requires the city to complete a flash hazard analysis on all facilities supplied with electricity. Quotes are being collected at this time and will be included in the 2011-12 budget. Requirements include analysis, rating of each electrical panel, employee training and purchase of personal protective equipment.

11. CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS: Holidays will be celebrated on Thursday December 23 and Friday December 24 since Christmas Eve and Day fall on a Friday/Saturday respectively.

12. BRAVO: In the packet is a table showing Bravo contacts.

13. W EUCLID: Ivan Webber reports no contact from the Supreme Court regarding the W Euclid assessments.

14. TRAIL EXTENSION: The P&R Commission asked to attend the October 4 council meeting to request a $125,000 local match for a Surface Transportation Program Transportation Enhancement grant provided by the Central Iowa Regional Transportation Planning Association.

The Kelley Trail extension would provide a trail from Memorial Park to Wilder Elementary School (see map).

Funds are not budgeted so the match would have to be borrowed. A $125,000 10-year note at 4% interest would cost about $15,200 annually or 4 cents on the tax rate.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Storm Water Utility Facts


Storm Water Utility is the same as an electric, water or sanitary sewer utility. Properties pay a fee for a commodity they use

Revenues will be used for storm water repairs, improvements and new additions to the system

All properties pay a storm water fee the same as all properties pay for water, sewer and electricity

The residential fee is proposed at $2/month and is based on an average 3,400 square foot of impervious surface. 3,400 sf is the “average residential unit”

Commercial/industrial property fees will be determined by the number of average residential units of impervious surface which is called an “equivalent residential unit”. For example: 51,000 sf of impervious surface = 15 eru’s or $30/month

Gravel is not considered an impervious surface

Property owners can appeal their monthly fee to staff who will review the information and then make a recommendation to council

If the amount of impervious surface changes, adjustments can be made to the monthly fee

Estimated annual revenue is $250,000 based on a $2 eru

Storms in 2008 and 2010 showed weaknesses in the Indianola storm water system. Thru review by an engineer with the assistance of the street and sewer superintendents, there is an estimated $800,000 expense for repairs and improvements to Indianola’s storm water system. The estimated tax rate necessary to pay for this project is 25 cents.

It is estimated that a storm water utility will reduce the tax rate by about 10 cents for current projects (Stephen Court and South Buxton)

The combined 35 cents would save a home valued at $175,000 about $29 annually compared to the $24 annual cost of a storm water utility

The storm water utility revenue can also be used for street sweeping which is currently funded by a diminishing Road Use Tax Fund. About $65,000 is spent annually to sweep Indianola streets.

Friday, September 17, 2010

News Items - September 20, 2010

1. IDA: Indianola Development Association reps will attend a joint meeting with council/trustees on October 11 to request funding for fiscal years 10/11 and 11/12. The city provided $29,000 supported by Hotel/Motel taxes and an additional $29,000 from TIF funds beginning in FY 10. 69K is budgeted this year for additional marketing materials. The new contract will be provided in October.

2. SWECS: The small wind energy conversion system (swecs) ordinance has passed out of P&Z and will be placed on the October 4 council agenda to set a hearing date (or it can be sent to committee). A copy of the recommendation will be in the packets on September 24.

3. JOINT MEETING: A joint meeting of mayors/councils from Carlisle, Indianola and Norwalk is tentatively scheduled for October 14 at 6:00 pm in the Norwalk Library.

4. METHANE STUDY: The South Central Iowa Landfill Board approved a study to determine the amount of methane generated by the landfill. Once complete, options will be discussed as to how to use/dispose of it.

5. STRATEGIC PLAN: In your packet is a draft copy of the Indianola Community School’s Strategic Plan for 2010-2015.

Friday, September 10, 2010

News Items - September 13, 2010

1. KELLEY TRAIL: The P&R Commission has asked Glen Cowan to submit a grant application to Safe Schools and Surface Transportation Trail Enhancement Programs for the approximate $625,000 cost to extend the Jerry Kelley trail from Memorial Park to Wilder School (see map). Commission member Jay Byers will attend a council meeting in September or October to discuss the project and discuss funding.

The Surface Transportation Enhancement program provided through the Central Iowa Regional Transportation Planning Agency requires a 20% ($125,000) match which is the purpose of the Safe School grant application. If not received, however, a city commitment of the $125,000 is required to apply for the $400,000 Surface Transportation Enhancement Funds.

Also, Chuck Burgin is still working to get Qwest to remove/relocate poles on N 1st and W Franklin so the trail can be completed.

2. TRAFFIC SIGNALS: Signal controllers at 12th & Hwy 92 East, Valley Dr & 65/69, Ashland & 65/69, and Iowa Ave & 65/69 have been damaged during various storms throughout the summer and being repaired. Also, 3 of the 4 cameras at Valley Drive were damaged on August 20th.

The loaner controller units do not communicate with our system so the signals along Jefferson Way are not synchronized as designed.

Listed below are new and repair costs for the items and the time length for repair or delivery.

New Multisonic 820A $4,062.50 30 to 45 Days
New Detector Camera $3,562.50 30 to 45 Days
Controller Repair $600 to $2,000 2 to 6 Months
Camera Repair $600 to $1,600 1 to 3 Months

At issue is getting an answer to whether the controller and cameras can even be repaired. And if they can be repaired what other damage have they sustained to shorten their life span.

3. BUSINESS MAKEOVER: In the packet is a letter/invitation to a business makeover presentation from Linda Hayes who is working with ISU. The meeting is September 15 in the council chambers at 6:30 pm.

4. STEPHEN COURT CULVERTS: Per V&K’s Becky Ford, the new culverts will increase flow by 3 times over current capacity which is the equivalent of a 25-year storm. Had the culverts been in place this year, only the July 23 storm where 4-plus inches of rain fell in less than an hour would water have topped the street this year.

Friday, September 3, 2010

News Items - September 7, 2010

1. EAST IOWA SHARED SERVICE: Supt Dan Miers met with the property owners on Thursday the 26th and the consensus was to move forward with a sewer main that will eliminate the shared services. Quotes for the estimated $17,525 project will be presented at the September 20 council meeting.

2. STORM SUMARY: Department Directors met on August 30, 2010 to discuss the July 23 storm. Below is the summary:

• Emergency response happened as planned with the following departments responding: fire, police, street, water pollution control, electric, water and IMU administration
• Fire and police personnel worked with tornado affected neighborhood
• An emergency shelter was opened at the Middle School but closed a little after midnight due to no need
• Fire was kept busy with a wide variety of calls both inside and outside the community
• Police clerical staff assisted dispatch in answering calls
• Mayor Bresnan’s assistance at City Hall was greatly appreciated
• Staff are reviewing capabilities of the new phone system and may program adjustments for emergency events
• High vehicle traffic on West Euclid the next day was monitored for closure consideration but decided keeping it open to the volunteer cleanup effort was in the best interest of the neighborhood
• Electric is adding components to their communication system due to a couple minor weaknesses discovered during the event

FYI—The home on Stephen Court that had flooding in 2008 and 2010 was inspected by our staff the week of August 30. It was determined it had a cross-connection (footing tile connected to the sanitary sewer) and a sump pit/pump that was not connected to anything. When storm water and sewer backed up to the home thru the service, it went through the footing tile and dispersed under the foundation. A cavity was found under the home where the sump pit emptied thru a separate tile.

3. OFFICER WAGNER: In the packet are letters of commendation from Sheriff Mike Balmer (Jasper County) and Sergeant Brian Sher for effort by Officer Mesha Wagner regarding two burglary suspects that were apprehended on July 31. Hats off to Mesha!!

4. FEMA ON-SITE VISIT: FEMA personnel spent all day Wednesday and Thursday morning visiting all the various sites of damage for the city and utility. Damage since June 1 has ranged from telephone replacement and alarm panel repair to culvert extensions and sewer main repair. Superintendents from streets, parks, water pollution control, electric and water described in detail what occurred and what was or will be needed to repair or improve the site. FEMA will pay to return the site to before event condition and will consider some Section 406 Hazard Mitigation. Mitigation must be cost-effective as determined by FEMA which means benefits exceed costs or the ratio of benefits to costs is greater than one.

Staff continues to repair, document and work with consultants to bring infrastructure back to original or improved condition. All eligible expenses will be reimbursed 75% by federal and 10% by state.

5. HOMECOMING PARADE: The annual Homecoming Parade will be held on September 23 from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m.

Friday, August 27, 2010

News Items - August 30, 2010

1. NEXT MEETING: The next council meeting is Tuesday, September 7 at 6:00 pm.

2. FEMA MEETING: Indianola was well represented by city staff on Thursday, August 26 for Indianola’s FEMA Kick-Off Meeting. Staff now has 60 days to identify and categorize all storm damage to public property between June 1 and continuing. They will be working with state and federal officials to ensure Indianola’s infrastructure is returned a condition the same or better than before the rain events. Cost sharing on eligible projects is 75% federal, 10% state and 15% local.

3. SOUTH SEWER MAIN BREAK: Vanderpool’s completed the emergency sewer main repair at the south plant lift station Wednesday night.

4. NORTH 1ST SEWER: The sanitary sewer on N 1st is being replaced as part of I&I’s Phase II. When the sewer was opened, the services were found to be below the main which is why there have been problems for many years. There are 8 sewers that will be replaced with a change order of $14,080. Since the sewer is open now and residents will need sewer service, the contractor is moving forward. The change order will be placed on the September 7 agenda for formal consideration.

5. BALLOON MUSEUM DITCH: Van Hauen did not start on the 25th as planned and is now looking after Labor Day. They are working to set up a meeting on-site with Elder to do some initial grading and clear trees to the west side of the balloon museum building prior to starting the box culvert. Elder may be in before Labor Day but Van Hauen will let us know

6. JOINT MEETING: Mayor Bresnan and I met with Carlisle/Norwalk mayors/administrators on the 25th. One of the items discussed was a joint meeting with all elected officials in October. The tentative date is Thursday, October 14 but that will be confirmed later.

7. 19TH STREET: Paving is complete and erosion control will begin this fall.

8. STORMS: The last of the 3 neighborhood meetings was held on the 25th and Forrest Aldrich has a better understanding of the issues that occurred on July 23. A recommendation will be brought to council in several weeks.

I asked Forrest to prepare a proposal to provide a plan/spec for the repairs outlined in the Storm Water Utility information coupled with the neighborhood meetings. A recommendation will be brought to council in September or October.

9. 2011 STREET REPLACEMENT PROJECT: Three proposals were received for engineering the 2011 Street Replacement Project (special assessment) as follows:

Company Design/Gen’l Services Resident Review

• Snyder & Associates $ 98,800 $57/hour
• Stanley Consultants $115,150 $62/hr
• Veenstra & Kimm $106,500 $60/hr

A recommendation will be made at the September 7 meeting.

The tentative project schedule is:

Sept 2010 Hire engineer
Oct/Nov Review streets for replacement
Dec 2010 Public info meeting with property owners
Dec 2010/Jan 2011 Develop plan/spec
March 2011 Receive bids
May/Oct Project construction

Friday, August 20, 2010

News Items - August 23, 2010


TO: Mayor and Council
DATE: August 18, 2010

1. NEXT MEETING: The next meeting is Tuesday, September 7 at 6:00 pm.

2. SEWER PLANT: On August 15 Operator Kevin Crawford saw smoke coming from the Main Control Center (MCC) in the maintenance building and discovered the plant lost one phase of its three-phase power. Consequently several pumps lost power.

A Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) was damaged and several fuses where blown. Breakers tripped including the Country Club re-use water pump that may have suffered damage as well.

This VFD cost $5,700.00 to remove and replace on the 16th. The drive unit controls the influent flow to the treatment plant and is very critical to plant operation.

3. I&I: Chuck Burgin, John Hoyman, Skye Jacobs, Dan Miers and I met on the 19th to discuss methods to encourage property owners to make I&I repairs instead of paying the monthly fee. Options include:

1. Increasing the fee
2. Filing a municipal infraction (court action)
3. City performs repairs

After discussing, options 1 & 2 will be recommended for elected official discussion on September 13.

4. SOUTH Y: Garden’s Brad Uitemarkt reports the proposed storm pipe extending west along the south side of the Halsted property is 24” and is sized for larger than a 10-year storm. However, he will review 30” and 36” pipe options to determine the potential for reducing overland drainage even more.

Upon review of the properties several times this week, standing water was noted south of the driveway and in the field southwest both before and after Wednesday’s rain. This project will make a significant impact on removing the water and keeping it away from the garage (referenced at Monday’s meeting).

The option sending storm water north needs careful review due to the required length (and size) of pipe. This option will likely cause more overland drainage (over it’s current path) because water will have to flow 1,300’ underground before it outlets into the pond. The original option requires water to flow only 300’ underground before it outlets.

Brad Uitemarkt’s review and recommendation will be brought to committee in September or October.

5. AG ZONING: Residents are allowed to keep farm animals including horses, cows, etc, in the city as long as the property is zoned agricultural and the animals are kept 300’ away from a residential development.

6. LIBRARY HVAC: The Library Board recommended Shive Hattery re-design the Geo Thermal system and also design a replacement conventional system. Getting bids on both options will provide valuable information as to which systems are the most efficient and economical. The recommendation will be to reject the bids on September 7 and re-start the process.

7. FIREWORKS: Fire Chief Brian Seymour approved a fireworks permit for Simpson on August 29 as part of their festivities to welcome students. Per policy, the city is a named insured on Simpson’s $2 million general liability insurance policy.

8. AMPHITHEATER: The backstage wall and room concrete block were completed but due to weather, no other work has been done. Grading and paving of the access drive, backstage doors, sidewalk connection and sod/seeding remain.

9. MCCORD PARK EQUIPMENT: Glen Cowan received installation pricing from 5 companies that range from $10,000 to $12,000 to 15% to 35% of equipment cost. Based on these costs the staff recommendation will be to install the equipment in house.

Friday, August 13, 2010

News Items - August 16, 2010

1. GOALS/PRIORITIES: In the packet are the goals/priorities established by elected officials on the 9th. Bob Kreamer’s will be added next week.

2. TRUSTEE MEETINGS: The trustees are considering televising their second meeting (4th Monday) of each month instead of their first meeting (2nd Monday). Also, their first meeting may then be moved into the conference room upstairs in the east hallway.

If that occurs, mayor and council could consider moving the committee meeting (2nd Monday) to 6:00 pm.

3. DART: There are 8 Ride-Share vans serving 75 riders in Indianola and surrounding area.

4. WELLNESS/COMMUNITY CENTER: The Planning Committee would like to discuss Tax Increment Finance revenues at the September 13 council study meeting.

5. WEB PAGE: Several employee staff members have been reviewing our web page and are suggesting updates including:

• Combining all current sites into one main location. (Library, P&R, City, IMU) IMU will continue to have a second site that is dedicated to the more technical aspects of their business, but that site will also be designed to complement the City's (we're designing them at the same time)
• City wide calendar. Searchable depending on what information you would like. (meeting times, Library programs, Park & Rec. activities, etc.)
• Secure login" function. Can be used to deliver council packets and such. Also would allow in the future secure electronic employment application delivery.
• Ability for users to opt in and out of electronic delivery of City publications.
• Allows multiple users to update specific areas instead of funneling everything back to one person. (Police can update their pages whenever they need to, Library manages their own pages, etc.)
• Web based administration eliminates the need for software purchase. Also allows for many levels of users.
• Overall facelift and change of focus from department based navigation to needs based navigation. Allows easier navigation for the end user that is not familiar with the overall structure of City Government. For example, on the current site in order to view Building and Zoning Ordinances you would have to know that you need to navigate to the "departments" tab, and then to "Community Development" and then to the "Building and Zoning Ordinances". The new site would allow a user to select a drop down that begins with "I would like to..." and then select "view Building and Zoning Ordinances"

The city page has not been updated for approximately the last 7 years and the estimated cost is about $5,000. The schedule is to have the new site up and running by the end of January 2011.

Friday, August 6, 2010

News Items - August 9, 2010

1. SOUTH “Y” PAVING: Garden Associates Brad Uitemarkt is unable to attend the meeting Monday night. This item will be placed on the next Council Study Committee or council agenda. Also Chuck Burgin has spoke with Steve Darr and he is opposed to additional water. He is also planning to speak with Koethe today.

2. I&I: In the packet is a list of 51 non-compliant I&I properties that are being billed monthly, and, a list of 40 non-compliant properties that “will” be billed. Supt Dan Miers, Office Manager Skye Jacobs, John Hoyman and I will meet next week to discuss the lists to determine how they can be reduced and then provide a recommendation at the September committee meeting.

FYI—In the packet are two articles regarding flooding in Des Moines and Urbandale. The articles show such occurrences are not exclusive to Indianola. Cities do not build storm water systems to handle 2-3 or more inches of rain in an hour or so.

3. NEIGHBORHOOD MEETINGS: The following meetings are scheduled:

East Girard 6:00 pm August 10 City Hall Training Room

D and Boston 6:00 pm August 18 City Council Chambers

Stephen Ct 6:00 pm August 25 City Council Chambers

Given the difficulty in scheduling dates, a report will not be made until the September 7 council meeting.

4. PRESIDENTIAL DISASTER: Warren County has been included in the Presidential Disaster Declaration #1930 thereby making Indianola eligible for public assistance for government infrastructure. RoxAnne Hunerdosse and Chris Longer are working to ensure Indianola’s eligibility and will fill out the appropriate applications when available.

No report yet from Warren County Emergency Management Coordinator as to funding for private individuals and businesses.

5. W HWY 92 SEWER: At the pre-construction meeting on the 6th, the contractor (Underground Company) indicated they would bore under South Y and not disturb the roadway. There will be little inconvenience to Y and W 10th residents.

6. DEER HUNTING: Over the years the city has received requests to hunt deer with a bow in the city. Our code does not prohibit using a bow in the city, but, does not allow hunting. Given the deer population in some areas of the community, I have asked Chief Bonnett to review other metro hunting ordinances and recommend an option for Indianola. A recommendation will be brought to a future committee meeting.

7. 2011 STREET REPLACEMENT PROJECT: Community Development Director Chuck Burgin sent request for proposals for engineering services on the 2011 Street Replacement Project. About $2.5 million is budgeted to replace 20 or so blocks of streets. A recommendation will be brought to council in September.

8. HEALTH POOL: The health insurance pool is at about $960,000 thru July. Good news but we are bracing for the federal health insurance costs.

9. 19th STREET: Paving of 19th Street as well as backfilling behind the curb has been complete. Chuck is working on repair of the yard of the four residences. Priority Excavation still needs to remove and repair a small area of East First Avenue.

10. AMPHITHEATER: Concrete has been placed in the main stage area, block was delivered and will start being laid on August 6, 2010.

11. ON LINE BILLING: Billing Clerk Lindsey Offenburger reports there are 730 customers registered for online billing, 82 customers have opted for an on line bill (only) and 71 customers will receive their bill online and by mail.

South "Y" Paving Project

The South "Y" Paving Project item scheduled for the August 9, 2010 council study committee meeting has been delayed until a future Council Study Committee Meeting.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


ON AUGUST 6, 2010

Monday, August 9, 2010
7:00 PM
City Council Chambers


1. Discuss McCord Park play equipment
2. Discuss Storm Water Utility
3. Discuss 1-5 year goals/priorities
4. Other items

Friday, July 30, 2010

News Items - August 2, 2010


TO: Mayor and Council

1. FIRE DEPARTMENT LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT: The Fire Department budgeted $8,000 for a washer and dryer to clean fire gear as required by NFPA and the manufactures. Brian Seymour received quotes from three companies as follows:

* Washburn $9,199.00 with install

* Freight Ross Chemical $9,224.25 with install only no freight cost included (average freight on the others is $265.00)

* Century Laundry $11,445.00 with install and freight

I am authorizing the purchase from Washburn and Brian will adjust other areas of the FD budget to accommodate the additional $1,199. References have been checked with good reports.

2. MCCORD PARK: P&R Director Glen Cowan reviewed the budget and does not have items that can be delayed in order to install equipment this year. And, given the $75,000 estimated cost the funds will likely be borrowed. Glen’s outlined the two schedules below based on an August allocation and budgeting for next fiscal year. Note that there is little difference in completion dates.

Council Funding allocation: Aug. 2010

Fundraising - now through January, 2011

Determine Play Experiences, desired colors and look at the types
of equipment - Sept, early Oct. 2010

Obtain Play Equipment proposals - mid Oct. Nov., 2010

Determine by neighborhood vote the play equipment to order -
early Dec., 2010

Order the play equipment - early Dec, 2010

Receive play equipment - Jan - Mar., 2011

Prepare the site for the play equipment - May, June- , 2011

Install play equipment, fall protection, remaining border - July,
August- 2011

NOTE: #1:

August funding allocation can be used to help with a Warren Co.
Philanthropic Partnership Grant - apps due Oct 6, 2010

NOTE #2:

Installation will be dependent on the weather and the other park seasonal
and maintenance preparations we need to get done - turf management, opening
up the pool & shelters, flower bed & tree work, etc. We do save money by
doing the installation in-house vs. contracted out; however it does take us
much longer to get it completed. (Unfortunately, the majority of the work is
not conducive to having volunteers involved.)

July, 2011 Funding Schedule

Budgeting and Council Funding allocation: Oct, 2010 - Feb. 2011

Fundraising - now through May, 2011

Determine Play Experiences, desired colors and look at the types of
equipment - March, 20

Obtain Play Equipment proposals - early April, 2011

Determine by neighborhood vote the play equipment to order - late April,

Order the play equipment - early May, 2011

Prepare the site for the play equipment - June-July, 2011

Receive play equipment - July

Install play equipment, fall protection, remaining border - August- Sept,

The item will be placed on the August 9 committee agenda for further review.

3. ROAD USE TAX: The Iowa League of Cities reports the Road Use Tax projection has been lowered to $90.50 per capita. That calculates to about $14,000 less than budgeted.

4. WEST HIGHWAY 92: Pre-construction meeting is scheduled for August 5 @ 3pm

5. FEDERAL DECLARATION: Warren County has been included in the federal declaration, thus federal funds will be available on a reimbursement basis for some of the storm and recovery efforts. Departments will be keeping track of time spent working and taking photos of damages to be reimbursed.

Friday, July 23, 2010

News Items - July 26, 2010

1. NEXT MEETING: The next meeting will be August 2 at 6:00 pm.

2. TRAIL DEDICATION: The trail dedication ceremony will be at 6:00 pm on Monday the 26th. The trailhead is located just off the Memorial Pool parking lot on the northeast side. Hope to see you there.

3. LOT SIZE: The former chiropractic building lot size is 74’ x 85’.

4. FINANCE DIRECTOR: Laurie Hebl will assume the position of budget analyst for the State Department of Corrections on August 1. Laurie has been with the city since November 2008 and we wish her the very best!

5. BALLOON MUSEUM DITCH: Due to the wet weather, the culvert extension project will be delayed until after August 9.

6. AMPHITHEATER: No work has been done this week due to the weather.

7. 19TH STREET: Work has been completed and the street is open except for one driveway approach which will be finished on Monday.

Friday, July 16, 2010

News Items - July 19, 2010

1. TRAIL DEDICATION: The new trail from McVey (on Euclid) to Memorial Park will be dedicated on July 26 at 6:00 pm. There will be officials from the area to help celebrate the occasion.

2. W HWY 92 SEWER: After additional review, the engineer now says there is room on the east side to place a gravel trail from Hwy 92 to “Y”. An addendum has been sent to bidders and it will be part of the contract. No closure of “Y” is expected!

3. TAX REVENUES: FY 09/10 revenues came in at 100.09%. Good news!

4. CRUSHED CONCRETE: For the third year, Street Supt Ed Yando contracted to have concrete from streets and sidewalks crushed at the brush facility on W Iowa. While the cost was about $17,000, the 2550 ton would have cost about $28,000 to purchase. The crushed concrete is used for fill when repairing streets.

5. GOALS/PRIORITIES: In your packet is a list of goals/priorities for FY 2011 that will be placed on the August 9 committee agenda.

6. IDA: Indianola Development Association’s quarterly payment request for $14,250 is in the claims.

7. 19th STREET: Sternquist paved the majority of the street to the cul-de-sac on Wednesday and will pave the remainder of the street on Friday.

8. AMPHITHEATER: Backfilling will start the week of July 19th.

Friday, July 9, 2010

News Items - July 12, 2010

1. FINANCE DIRECTOR: Four candidates will be interviewed on Monday the 12th. A fifth will be interviewed when schedules permit.

2. SOUTH Y PAVING: This item was pulled from this agenda because Garden’s engineer Mike Lyons is leaving the firm. Brad Utemarkt will assume the project but is on vacation this week and will not be up to speed by Monday evening. I will re-schedule for July 19 immediately after the 6:00 pm council meeting if acceptable to elected officials. Brad will provide a (near) final plan/spec and elected officials can discuss the west side resident requests and related costs.

3. STORM WATER UTILITY: Veenstra & Kimm’s Greg Roth is not finished with the storm sewer review which will provide information as to our current system, its deficiencies and related costs for repair. He reports it will be complete and ready for elected official review on August 10.

In the packet is a map from Ed Yando showing some of the areas of concern during the recent rains. Please note that June’s rains totaled about 16 inches or 11.5 more than the norm.

4. HEALTH INSURANCE POOL: RoxAnne Hunerdosse, Todd Kielkopf and I met with Benefit Source’s Debbie Dean to discuss the pool balance, premiums and the new Congressional Health Care Reform. Based on the uncertainty of the health care changes, our recommendation is to stay with current premiums. Debbie Dean indicates health care costs will rise in the next couple years and holding our premiums may be the best way to protect the pool while at the same time providing consistency for budgets.

5. SEWER DEBT: In the packet is a Sanitary Sewer debt schedule prepared by Laurie Hebl.

6. 19th STREET: Soil testing has been coming back very good and they are anticipating beginning repaving next week.

7. AMPHITHEATER: Weather has delayed construction, however the contractor still anticipates completion by the first week of August.

8. 2011 STREET REPLACEMENT PROJECT: Community Development Director Chuck Burgin contracted with Allender-Butzke to provide 43 street core samples. The results will be turned over to an engineer (yet to be hired) to help determine the replacement streets for the 2011 Replacement Project.

RFP’s for engineering services will be sent in early August.

9. CABLE CHANNEL: Information Technology Manager Kurt Ripperger reports he will have the new equipment installed and to go live Tuesday evening after the P&Z meeting (if all goes well).

Friday, July 2, 2010

News Items - July 6, 2010

1. W HWY 92 SEWER: The informational meeting for affected property owners will be at 4:00 pm at the Activity Center on July 7.

After receiving comments about the short (2-day) notice of South Y’s closure to install the 22’ deep main, I contacted V&K’s Forrest Aldrich. The result will likely be a 3 or 4-day notice (longer the notice the less predictable the weather) and a night-time installation from 11:30 pm to 6:30 am to avoid as much inconvenience as possible.

2. SOUTH LIFT STATION PUMPS: John Hoyman, Dan Miers and I had a couple phone conversations with WILO reps regarding the pumps purchased in 2008 for the South Lift Station. One of the two pumps has failed at least 3 times and the cause has yet to be determined. WILO has been fairly responsive and a new pump will replace one making bearing noise. All are hopeful this will be the last time a pump will have to be replaced (at least for the next 5-10 years). So far there are no solutions to the pump failure.

3. 4 WHEELER: Chief Brian Seymour reports Van Wall Motorsports approached the Fire Department about a program where Yamaha will loan a Rhino (4x4 ATV utility vehicle with utility box) to public safety departments for a period of six months to be used for EMS/Fire response ATV. Brian and staff looked at the unit and think the Department can use it for various incidents/events throughout the year. There is no cost other than insuring the vehicle and repairing damage outside of normal wear and tear. This program is for one year but the vehicle is traded every 6-months. The program has existed since 2008 and will most likely be extended according to Van Wall.

4. ELECTRIC FRANCHISE: I received notice that MidAmerican Energy received the franchise ordinance and are in the process of reviewing it. They will contact the city in a few weeks with their comments.

5. TAX ABATEMENT: Of the 14 single-family dwellings permits issued this year, five have opted for the 5-year tax abatement with the energy efficient construction.

6. MCCORD PARK: At their meeting on July 14, the P&R Commission will host a meeting with area residents to discuss play equipment at McCord Park. A report will be provided at the July 19 council meeting. McCord’s equipment (except a swing) has been removed due to age and safety. Replacement equipment has been budgeted but removed/delayed in recent years.

7. HEALTH POOL: The pool reached $900,000 in May due to surprisingly low claims this past year. RoxAnne Hunerdosse, Todd Kielkopf and I will meet in the next two weeks with consultant Debbie Dean to discuss a potential adjustment to premiums. A recommendation may be brought to council/trustees in the next several weeks.

8. AQUATIC CENTER: Based on lower attendance and revenues, staff is predicting the pool will end the fiscal year in the red on July 1. Efforts are underway to reduce spending and raise revenues.

9. FINANCE DIRECTOR: Just over 40 apps were received by last Friday. The committee is meeting Tuesday at 4:00 pm to narrow the list for interviews that are anticipated the week of July 12.

10. AMPHITHEATER: They have started to pour the footings for the awning.

11. 19TH STREET: All the concrete has been removed and testing came out well. Sternquist intends to pour concrete next week.

12. JR POLICE ACADEMY: The PD conducted its fifth annual Junior Academy in conjunction with the Parks and Recreation the week of June 21. The 5-day event had 17 attendees who received instruction on officer training, criminal investigation and tools of the job. Thanks to the Departments and especially Officer Brad Metcalf and Office Manager Pat Allsup for conducting the program!

13. HWY 92 WEST: According to Mark Swenson, IDOT, the completion of right-of-way acquisition has been pushed to December 2010 with the letting on January 16, 2013.

14. NORTH 9TH: Below is a tentative project schedule for the North 9th Street Extension Project:

• Set date of public hearing & letting July 19, 2010
• Publish notice of public hearing & letting July 29, 2010
• Receive bids August 11, 2010
• Public hearing August 16, 2010
• Construction start date September 7, 2010
• Project completion November 24, 2010

Friday, June 25, 2010

News Items - June 28, 2010

1. NEXT MEETING: The next council meeting will be July 6 (moves to Tuesday due to Monday’s holiday) at 6:00 pm.

2. COMMUNITY CENTER: In the packet is the first meeting summary.

3. ONLINE BILLING: Billing Clerk Lindsey Offenburger reports 370 residents signed up for online billing access. This number represents 6.5% of our 5,748 customers.

Lindsey will also provide a live demonstration at the July 6 council meeting on how to register for online billing. A video will also be placed on cable channel 7 and 86 demonstrating the registration process as well.

4. BUDGET: In the packet is a table showing amounts budgeted and spent in FY 09/10. Note that all budgets averaged 94% spent for the year. Hats off to all department directors!!!

5. FINANCE DIRECTOR: Laurie Hebl will assume the position of budget analyst for the State Department of Corrections on August 1.

The replacement committee will review the top 10-12 resumes at its meeting on July 6 and pair them to several for interviews.

40 resumes/applications were received.

6. I&I: In the packet is a letter from IDNR’s John Tack indicating the Phase 3 deadline will be extended to June 30, 2011 based on the delay of the environmental review until August.

7. AMBULANCE INSURANCE: Chief Brian Seymour reports that our EMS intends to sign an agreement with United Healthcare Insurance as a “participating provider” which means we will accept a set fee for ambulance services and not bill the balance (same format as Medicare). The advantage is that our EMS will receive guaranteed payment from United and the patient will not be involved. Brian reports that even though we are accepting less than our normal fee (from United), there is a better reimbursement rate than working directly with patients. Revenues therefore will be higher. The agreement’s effective date will be August 1, 2010.

8. MOBILE RADAR: Chief Steve Bonnett reports the department will apply for a $4,500 grant from the Governor’s Traffic Safety Bureau to purchase a replacement mobile radar unit. It is a very handy tool that can be placed on streets where speed complaints are received. We have a unit now that is about 12 years old. Good luck Steve!

9. GEO THERMAL: Joyce Godwin reports the Library Board will review the plan/spec for the Geo Thermal HVAC system at their meeting on July 13. A recommendation will be brought to council on July 19.

10. SCOOPS SIGN: The temporary sign permit for Scoops Ice Cream expired on June 23. The sign was removed on the 24th.

11. W HWY 92 SEWER: V&K’s Forrest Aldrich reports that South Y will be closed between 8:30 am and 4:30 pm for up to two days to open cut and install the sanitary sewer (will accept bids on July 14th). Boring was reviewed but Forrest indicates the cost would have been in the $15,000 to $20,000 range due to the sewer’s 22’ depth. Residents on South Y and W 10th will be notified two days in advance.

12. STEPHEN COURT CULVERT: Forrest Aldrich reports the plan/spec will be complete by July 19. The tentative schedule follows:

• July 19, 2010 Council set dates for public hearing & letting
• July 29, 2010 Publish notice
• August 11, 2010 Receive bids
• August 16, 2010 Public hearing & consider bids
• September 7, 2010 Start construction
• November 19, 2010 Project completion date

13. SQUARE BUILDING: In the packet is Charles Saul’s report documenting his observations during a walkthrough of the building on November 24, 2009.

14. SIDEWALK: In the packet is a picture of a sidewalk at1509 Lundahl Ct that undermined from continuous drainage. City Inspector Rich Parker is working with a contractor, realtor and property owner to replace the walk.

15. STORM SIREN: The siren on Country Club Road is repaired and functional. However, the siren at the Electric Dept is not working due to an apparent power surge.

16. 19th STREET UPDATE: No progress was made this week due to the rain at the beginning of the week.

17. AMPHITHEATER UPDATE: No progress was made this week due to the rain at the beginning of the week.

Friday, June 18, 2010

News Items - June 21, 2010

1. FRANCHISE FEE: In the packet is the letter sent to MidAmerican Energy regarding the proposed franchise fee. Their comments will be provided to elected officials.

2. ONLINE BILLING: Billing Clerk Lindsey Offenburger reports there were 252 credit card payments thus far in June. In addition, 216 customers registered for online billing, 19 customers have opted for an on line bill (only) and 18 customers will receive their bill online and by mail. Our goal is 10% (about 500) online payments within the first year which will save significantly on bills, postage and staff time. More advertising/marketing will take place in July.

3. TAX REVENUES: Revenues for FY 09/10 were 100.09% of the amount budgeted. Very good news!

4. DIRECTOR OF FINANCE/ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES: 29 resumes were received as of Friday and the deadline is June 25. The committee will meet shortly after to begin narrowing the field.

5. SQUARE BUILDING: Per committee direction on June 14, John Hoyman will have a progress report regarding building renovation/removal on the north side of the square. In your packet are the February 16 council minutes and John’s letter to the owners dated March 5.

6. HOLIDAY: The next council meeting will be Tuesday, July 6 due to the (federal) holiday on the 5th.

7. LIGHTNING: Apparently lightning caused a surge in the electric system at city hall on June 12 causing a computer and several other pieces of equipment to fail. Estimated replacement is in the $2,500 range and IT Manager Kurt Ripperger is replacing the items.

8. BRAVO: The 28-E Agreement has not been received. It will be placed on the July 6 agenda.

9. TRAFFIC STUDY: A cost and scope of services has not been received from Comp Plan Consultant Snyder and Associates. V&K has also been contacted and a recommendation will be placed on the July 6 agenda.

10. CABLE CHANNEL: Cable Channel 7 continues to be unable to replay Council meetings. We have ordered and received the new upgraded system that was budgeted ($15,000) for next fiscal year. The timing of the device failure was somewhat fortunate as it allowed us to proceed with the purchase of the new system now without having to expend funds on a temporary repair of the old equipment.

Kurt Ripperger is anticipating that the new system will be delivered, installed, and functioning by no later than the week of July 12th. Total cost of the system is $12,932 plus shipping which will be split with IMU. The new system will allow us to store all meetings digitally on 2TB of hard drives instead of tapes and give us additional functionality such as the ability to post meetings online so citizens can stream them on demand.

11. FUEL ODOR: While cleaning a sanitary sewer main on Hwy 65/69 in front of McDonalds a petroleum/fuel odor was present according to staff. The IDNR was contacted.

Friday, June 11, 2010

News Items - June 14, 2010

1. GOALS/PRIORITIES: In the packet are last October’s goals/priorities established by elected officials. Since this process will be placed on the July committee agenda, it would be helpful if each elected official selected at least 3 goals/priorities (not necessarily from these goals) for the next 1-3 years (some of the goals/priorities that did not make a top 2 priority will again be placed on the list). Send them to me or Diana Bowlin and they will be summarized for prioritization in July.

2. SUMP PUMP LINES: Community Development Director Chuck Burgin is getting quotes to install sump pump footing tile in four areas of the community. The tile (located in the parking) will allow property owners to connect their sump pumps thereby removing water from yards, sidewalks and streets. A recommendation will be on the July 6 council agenda. $8,200 has been budgeted.

3. AMPHITHEATER UPDATE: As of June 8th the walls are complete for the amphitheater and the headwall of the stage. Backfill will begin on June 14, the sidewalks and stage will begin shortly after, weather permitting.

4. ROUTE 65: There were no noise complaints to the PD on Saturday the 5th according to Chief Bonnett.

5. WIND MILLS: P&Z continues to review the wind mill draft ordinance from the Metro Advisory Council. They plan to discuss further at their July meeting.

6. CLOSE C STREET: In the packet is Simpson College’s request for a traffic study surrounding the campus to determine the affect of closing C to thru traffic between Clinton and Girard. Comp Plan consultant Snyder and Associates is preparing a cost proposal for the study that will be on the June 21 council agenda for consideration. Funds were not budgeted for this expense.

7. 19th STREET UPDATE: The contractor started to redo 19th Street, no parking signs have been put up and the owners have been issued emergency parking passes.

8. SNOW BLOWER: Ed Yando and Chuck Burgin prepared a request for proposal to replace the 1991 end-loader mounted snow blower. Quotes will be received until 10:00 a.m. on June 29th and a recommendation placed on the July 6th agenda. $60,000 is budgeted in FY 10/11.

9. CABLE CHANNEL: Cable Channel 7 continues to be unable to replay Council meetings. We have ordered the new upgraded system that was budgeted for next fiscal year. The timing of the device failure was somewhat fortunate as it allowed us to proceed with the purchase of the new system now without having to expend funds on a temporary repair of the old equipment. I am anticipating that the new system will be delivered, installed, and functioning by no later than the week of July 12th.

10. MCCORD PARK: We have received requests from the neighborhood around McCord Park requesting replacement of the play equipment.

Friday, June 4, 2010

News Items - June 7, 2010

1. BALLOON MUSEUM DITCH: At the April 28 preconstruction meeting for the culvert extension the engineer emphasized the need to maintain safe access to the Balloon Museum at all times and especially during the National Balloon Classic. One of the contractor's representatives at the meeting lives in Indianola and is well aware of the traffic associated with and importance of the event. Construction is scheduled to start in mid-July and a shoulder closure along Hwy 65/69 will be needed for 2-3 days to unload the pre-cast box culvert sections. After that there will be little to no affect on the highway or Orchard Avenue.

2. TRAFFIC STUDY: I am meeting with Simpson reps on Monday the 7th to discuss a proposed traffic study around the college. For some years Simpson has expressed an interest in closing “C” Street between Clinton and Girard given the high traffic volumes and split to the campus. The study will provide options to area streets including Howard, Buxton, “D” and “E”.

A formal request will be brought to council when received.

3. I&I PHASE III: Forrest Aldrich reports that the required Finding of No Significant Impact (FNSI) for the Infiltration & Inflow Project Phase III (lift station upgrade and storm pond expansion) will not be complete for several weeks. He therefore recommends the project be pulled from the June 7 agenda and delayed until there is more information in the FNSI.

Forrest is sending a letter to IDNR requesting an extension of the Phase III completion date in order to comply with the IDNR mandate.

4. CONNECT FEES: Several months ago there was some discussion about combining the sanitary sewer connect fees for the North Jefferson Way Trunk Sewer and the Northeast Trunk Sewer for Summercrest Hills (see map). The discussion has renewed and there may be a recommendation to combine and average the fees which will provide a more uniform system to compensate for access to the sewer main. The combination of fees will have little financial affect on the ultimate collection of fees.

A request to amend the connect fee ordinances may be placed on the June 21 agenda to set a public hearing date for July 6.

5. BRAVO: The 28-E membership agreement was not received from Bravo this week. It will be placed on the June 21 agenda for formal consideration.

6. MAINTENANCE BONDS: In the packet is a letter from Ivan Webber indicating there must be a pattern or practice showing an unreasonable risk to the public that obligations will not be adequately performed regarding maintenance bond rejection.

7. ALLEY: The handprints in north/south alley on the Square’s north side have been filled and smoothed over. It is much safer for pedestrian traffic and will be opened. The Keep Indianola Beautiful Committee will provide some furniture and vegetation to improve the appearance.

Our thanks to Gary Ruble and Cemen Tech for all their assistance!!

8. TRAIL UPDATE: The trail is considered substantially complete. There are three box-out areas where poles are still in conflict. Qwest is estimating the end of June to move their equipment off the poles. Final quantities and a change order for M-4 P.P.C. (Medicap Pharmacy) should be complete for the June 21 meeting.

9. AMPHITHEATER UPDATE: The footings were poured on June 2 and the walk ways are scheduled for June 7th.

10. MEETING: Due to the holiday on July 5th, the council meeting will be held on July 6th.

11. SALARY/BENEFITS: The 2010 salary resolution (packet) will be on the June 21 agenda. It is per the union contract approved by council on April 6, 2009 and in the FY 10/11 Budget adopted on March 1.

12. CABLE CHANNEL: Cable Channel 7's event controller has stopped working as of June 3rd. This device allows for the automated switching between different devices such as video decks and the slide generator. We have currently direct connected the slide generator to the modulator but are unable to rebroadcast any meetings off of the tape decks. We will be able to air live meetings by Monday, June 7th. Repair of the device could take up to two weeks at a cost of around $500. This device was scheduled to be replaced in July with a new system. We are currently exploring whether we can expedite that schedule to avoid having to perform the repairs on an already outdated piece of equipment.

13. LABORSHED STUDY: In your packet is the Warren County Laborshed Study which was released in April 2010.