1. NEXT MEETING: The next council meeting is Tuesday, September 7 at 6:00 pm.
2. FEMA MEETING: Indianola was well represented by city staff on Thursday, August 26 for Indianola’s FEMA Kick-Off Meeting. Staff now has 60 days to identify and categorize all storm damage to public property between June 1 and continuing. They will be working with state and federal officials to ensure Indianola’s infrastructure is returned a condition the same or better than before the rain events. Cost sharing on eligible projects is 75% federal, 10% state and 15% local.
3. SOUTH SEWER MAIN BREAK: Vanderpool’s completed the emergency sewer main repair at the south plant lift station Wednesday night.
4. NORTH 1ST SEWER: The sanitary sewer on N 1st is being replaced as part of I&I’s Phase II. When the sewer was opened, the services were found to be below the main which is why there have been problems for many years. There are 8 sewers that will be replaced with a change order of $14,080. Since the sewer is open now and residents will need sewer service, the contractor is moving forward. The change order will be placed on the September 7 agenda for formal consideration.
5. BALLOON MUSEUM DITCH: Van Hauen did not start on the 25th as planned and is now looking after Labor Day. They are working to set up a meeting on-site with Elder to do some initial grading and clear trees to the west side of the balloon museum building prior to starting the box culvert. Elder may be in before Labor Day but Van Hauen will let us know
6. JOINT MEETING: Mayor Bresnan and I met with Carlisle/Norwalk mayors/administrators on the 25th. One of the items discussed was a joint meeting with all elected officials in October. The tentative date is Thursday, October 14 but that will be confirmed later.
7. 19TH STREET: Paving is complete and erosion control will begin this fall.
8. STORMS: The last of the 3 neighborhood meetings was held on the 25th and Forrest Aldrich has a better understanding of the issues that occurred on July 23. A recommendation will be brought to council in several weeks.
I asked Forrest to prepare a proposal to provide a plan/spec for the repairs outlined in the Storm Water Utility information coupled with the neighborhood meetings. A recommendation will be brought to council in September or October.
9. 2011 STREET REPLACEMENT PROJECT: Three proposals were received for engineering the 2011 Street Replacement Project (special assessment) as follows:
Company Design/Gen’l Services Resident Review
• Snyder & Associates $ 98,800 $57/hour
• Stanley Consultants $115,150 $62/hr
• Veenstra & Kimm $106,500 $60/hr
A recommendation will be made at the September 7 meeting.
The tentative project schedule is:
Sept 2010 Hire engineer
Oct/Nov Review streets for replacement
Dec 2010 Public info meeting with property owners
Dec 2010/Jan 2011 Develop plan/spec
March 2011 Receive bids
May/Oct Project construction