1. EAST IOWA SHARED SERVICE: Supt Dan Miers met with the property owners on Thursday the 26th and the consensus was to move forward with a sewer main that will eliminate the shared services. Quotes for the estimated $17,525 project will be presented at the September 20 council meeting.
2. STORM SUMARY: Department Directors met on August 30, 2010 to discuss the July 23 storm. Below is the summary:
• Emergency response happened as planned with the following departments responding: fire, police, street, water pollution control, electric, water and IMU administration
• Fire and police personnel worked with tornado affected neighborhood
• An emergency shelter was opened at the Middle School but closed a little after midnight due to no need
• Fire was kept busy with a wide variety of calls both inside and outside the community
• Police clerical staff assisted dispatch in answering calls
• Mayor Bresnan’s assistance at City Hall was greatly appreciated
• Staff are reviewing capabilities of the new phone system and may program adjustments for emergency events
• High vehicle traffic on West Euclid the next day was monitored for closure consideration but decided keeping it open to the volunteer cleanup effort was in the best interest of the neighborhood
• Electric is adding components to their communication system due to a couple minor weaknesses discovered during the event
FYI—The home on Stephen Court that had flooding in 2008 and 2010 was inspected by our staff the week of August 30. It was determined it had a cross-connection (footing tile connected to the sanitary sewer) and a sump pit/pump that was not connected to anything. When storm water and sewer backed up to the home thru the service, it went through the footing tile and dispersed under the foundation. A cavity was found under the home where the sump pit emptied thru a separate tile.
3. OFFICER WAGNER: In the packet are letters of commendation from Sheriff Mike Balmer (Jasper County) and Sergeant Brian Sher for effort by Officer Mesha Wagner regarding two burglary suspects that were apprehended on July 31. Hats off to Mesha!!
4. FEMA ON-SITE VISIT: FEMA personnel spent all day Wednesday and Thursday morning visiting all the various sites of damage for the city and utility. Damage since June 1 has ranged from telephone replacement and alarm panel repair to culvert extensions and sewer main repair. Superintendents from streets, parks, water pollution control, electric and water described in detail what occurred and what was or will be needed to repair or improve the site. FEMA will pay to return the site to before event condition and will consider some Section 406 Hazard Mitigation. Mitigation must be cost-effective as determined by FEMA which means benefits exceed costs or the ratio of benefits to costs is greater than one.
Staff continues to repair, document and work with consultants to bring infrastructure back to original or improved condition. All eligible expenses will be reimbursed 75% by federal and 10% by state.
5. HOMECOMING PARADE: The annual Homecoming Parade will be held on September 23 from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m.