1. IDA: Indianola Development Association reps will attend a joint meeting with council/trustees on October 11 to request funding for fiscal years 10/11 and 11/12. The city provided $29,000 supported by Hotel/Motel taxes and an additional $29,000 from TIF funds beginning in FY 10. 69K is budgeted this year for additional marketing materials. The new contract will be provided in October.
2. SWECS: The small wind energy conversion system (swecs) ordinance has passed out of P&Z and will be placed on the October 4 council agenda to set a hearing date (or it can be sent to committee). A copy of the recommendation will be in the packets on September 24.
3. JOINT MEETING: A joint meeting of mayors/councils from Carlisle, Indianola and Norwalk is tentatively scheduled for October 14 at 6:00 pm in the Norwalk Library.
4. METHANE STUDY: The South Central Iowa Landfill Board approved a study to determine the amount of methane generated by the landfill. Once complete, options will be discussed as to how to use/dispose of it.
5. STRATEGIC PLAN: In your packet is a draft copy of the Indianola Community School’s Strategic Plan for 2010-2015.