1. NEXT MEETING: The next meeting is October 4 at 6:00 pm.
2. QWEST POLES: Since April of this year Community Development Director Chuck Burgin has been unable to have Qwest relocate three poles on (2 on North 1st and 1 on East Franklin) so the Kelley Trail can be completed. And, this is not the only time Qwest has refused to re-locate poles as the trustees had the same difficulty in 1997 on South Jefferson and currently on the East Side Underground Conversion Project.
Ivan Webber met with Chuck Burgin, John Hoyman, Bob Miller, Todd Kielkopf and I on Tuesday the 21st to discuss options. Ivan recommended John proceed using the municipal infractions ordinance to have the court require Qwest to remove the poles. That item will be placed on the October 4 council agenda for discussion including hiring the Ahlers Law Firm should it be necessary.
Based on Qwest comments, they “may” challenge a city’s ordinance (packet) to force relocating their lines underground when IMU relocates their lines (Cedar Falls has a similar ordinance). As such, the trustees will discuss (September 27) joining the city and financing the challenge should Qwest proceed.
More information will be provided on October 4.
3. ROSENBERGER TRUCK SHOP: John Hoyman tried unsuccessfully since October ’09 (Chuck Burgin since June ’08) to have Rosenberger install the required buffer (a 6’ double-sided fence) on the west side of their 1813 N 7th property (industrial park). John reports the last assurance was the fence be installed by September 30. However, if not installed as promised, he intends to file a municipal infraction on October 1 to have the court order the buffer installation and possibly include a fine.
4. BALLOON MUSEUM DITCH: Snyder’s Jennifer Croate now says the project will begin next week with a subcontractor doing the initial grading. The contract was approved on May 3, 2010 and a completion date of December 19, 2010.
This type of contract allows more flexibility and results in a lower bid since the contractor can use their discretion as to when they do the work.
5. JOINT COUNCIL/TRUSTEES: The meeting is tentatively scheduled at 6:00 pm on October 11. Agenda items (thus far) include IDA’s annual budget request, Qwest pole re-location and other items of mutual interest.
6. FEMA: Applications for federal disaster (tornado/flood) can be made thru October 11.
7. P&Z: Jeff Jensen resigned (family commitments) from Planning & Zoning Commission after serving since 2004. Jeff served P&Z well and will be missed.
8. SEWER I&I PROJECT: The city has spent $1,896,422 on Infiltration/Inflow removal since May 2009 and been reimbursed $1,896,422 from the State Revolving Loan fund with an interest rate of 3.25% and 30-year term.
Another $7 million expense is projected for Phases 2, 3 and 4.
9. DARK WATER: The Water Dept will begin their annual hydrant flushing program approximately the middle of October and Supt Lou Elbert reminds residents that flushing can raise sediment in some mains thereby making water darker. There is no harm from the sediment but residents can run the faucet for several seconds to clear the sediment.
10. ARC FLASH: Compliance with electrical safety standards (NFPA-70E 2004) requires the city to complete a flash hazard analysis on all facilities supplied with electricity. Quotes are being collected at this time and will be included in the 2011-12 budget. Requirements include analysis, rating of each electrical panel, employee training and purchase of personal protective equipment.
11. CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS: Holidays will be celebrated on Thursday December 23 and Friday December 24 since Christmas Eve and Day fall on a Friday/Saturday respectively.
12. BRAVO: In the packet is a table showing Bravo contacts.
13. W EUCLID: Ivan Webber reports no contact from the Supreme Court regarding the W Euclid assessments.
14. TRAIL EXTENSION: The P&R Commission asked to attend the October 4 council meeting to request a $125,000 local match for a Surface Transportation Program Transportation Enhancement grant provided by the Central Iowa Regional Transportation Planning Association.
The Kelley Trail extension would provide a trail from Memorial Park to Wilder Elementary School (see map).
Funds are not budgeted so the match would have to be borrowed. A $125,000 10-year note at 4% interest would cost about $15,200 annually or 4 cents on the tax rate.