1. KELLEY TRAIL: The P&R Commission has asked Glen Cowan to submit a grant application to Safe Schools and Surface Transportation Trail Enhancement Programs for the approximate $625,000 cost to extend the Jerry Kelley trail from Memorial Park to Wilder School (see map). Commission member Jay Byers will attend a council meeting in September or October to discuss the project and discuss funding.
The Surface Transportation Enhancement program provided through the Central Iowa Regional Transportation Planning Agency requires a 20% ($125,000) match which is the purpose of the Safe School grant application. If not received, however, a city commitment of the $125,000 is required to apply for the $400,000 Surface Transportation Enhancement Funds.
Also, Chuck Burgin is still working to get Qwest to remove/relocate poles on N 1st and W Franklin so the trail can be completed.
2. TRAFFIC SIGNALS: Signal controllers at 12th & Hwy 92 East, Valley Dr & 65/69, Ashland & 65/69, and Iowa Ave & 65/69 have been damaged during various storms throughout the summer and being repaired. Also, 3 of the 4 cameras at Valley Drive were damaged on August 20th.
The loaner controller units do not communicate with our system so the signals along Jefferson Way are not synchronized as designed.
Listed below are new and repair costs for the items and the time length for repair or delivery.
New Multisonic 820A $4,062.50 30 to 45 Days
New Detector Camera $3,562.50 30 to 45 Days
Controller Repair $600 to $2,000 2 to 6 Months
Camera Repair $600 to $1,600 1 to 3 Months
At issue is getting an answer to whether the controller and cameras can even be repaired. And if they can be repaired what other damage have they sustained to shorten their life span.
3. BUSINESS MAKEOVER: In the packet is a letter/invitation to a business makeover presentation from Linda Hayes who is working with ISU. The meeting is September 15 in the council chambers at 6:30 pm.
4. STEPHEN COURT CULVERTS: Per V&K’s Becky Ford, the new culverts will increase flow by 3 times over current capacity which is the equivalent of a 25-year storm. Had the culverts been in place this year, only the July 23 storm where 4-plus inches of rain fell in less than an hour would water have topped the street this year.