1. GOALS/PRIORITIES: In the packet are last October’s goals/priorities established by elected officials. Since this process will be placed on the July committee agenda, it would be helpful if each elected official selected at least 3 goals/priorities (not necessarily from these goals) for the next 1-3 years (some of the goals/priorities that did not make a top 2 priority will again be placed on the list). Send them to me or Diana Bowlin and they will be summarized for prioritization in July.
2. SUMP PUMP LINES: Community Development Director Chuck Burgin is getting quotes to install sump pump footing tile in four areas of the community. The tile (located in the parking) will allow property owners to connect their sump pumps thereby removing water from yards, sidewalks and streets. A recommendation will be on the July 6 council agenda. $8,200 has been budgeted.
3. AMPHITHEATER UPDATE: As of June 8th the walls are complete for the amphitheater and the headwall of the stage. Backfill will begin on June 14, the sidewalks and stage will begin shortly after, weather permitting.
4. ROUTE 65: There were no noise complaints to the PD on Saturday the 5th according to Chief Bonnett.
5. WIND MILLS: P&Z continues to review the wind mill draft ordinance from the Metro Advisory Council. They plan to discuss further at their July meeting.
6. CLOSE C STREET: In the packet is Simpson College’s request for a traffic study surrounding the campus to determine the affect of closing C to thru traffic between Clinton and Girard. Comp Plan consultant Snyder and Associates is preparing a cost proposal for the study that will be on the June 21 council agenda for consideration. Funds were not budgeted for this expense.
7. 19th STREET UPDATE: The contractor started to redo 19th Street, no parking signs have been put up and the owners have been issued emergency parking passes.
8. SNOW BLOWER: Ed Yando and Chuck Burgin prepared a request for proposal to replace the 1991 end-loader mounted snow blower. Quotes will be received until 10:00 a.m. on June 29th and a recommendation placed on the July 6th agenda. $60,000 is budgeted in FY 10/11.
9. CABLE CHANNEL: Cable Channel 7 continues to be unable to replay Council meetings. We have ordered the new upgraded system that was budgeted for next fiscal year. The timing of the device failure was somewhat fortunate as it allowed us to proceed with the purchase of the new system now without having to expend funds on a temporary repair of the old equipment. I am anticipating that the new system will be delivered, installed, and functioning by no later than the week of July 12th.
10. MCCORD PARK: We have received requests from the neighborhood around McCord Park requesting replacement of the play equipment.