1. NEXT MEETING: The next council meeting will be July 6 (moves to Tuesday due to Monday’s holiday) at 6:00 pm.
2. COMMUNITY CENTER: In the packet is the first meeting summary.
3. ONLINE BILLING: Billing Clerk Lindsey Offenburger reports 370 residents signed up for online billing access. This number represents 6.5% of our 5,748 customers.
Lindsey will also provide a live demonstration at the July 6 council meeting on how to register for online billing. A video will also be placed on cable channel 7 and 86 demonstrating the registration process as well.
4. BUDGET: In the packet is a table showing amounts budgeted and spent in FY 09/10. Note that all budgets averaged 94% spent for the year. Hats off to all department directors!!!
5. FINANCE DIRECTOR: Laurie Hebl will assume the position of budget analyst for the State Department of Corrections on August 1.
The replacement committee will review the top 10-12 resumes at its meeting on July 6 and pair them to several for interviews.
40 resumes/applications were received.
6. I&I: In the packet is a letter from IDNR’s John Tack indicating the Phase 3 deadline will be extended to June 30, 2011 based on the delay of the environmental review until August.
7. AMBULANCE INSURANCE: Chief Brian Seymour reports that our EMS intends to sign an agreement with United Healthcare Insurance as a “participating provider” which means we will accept a set fee for ambulance services and not bill the balance (same format as Medicare). The advantage is that our EMS will receive guaranteed payment from United and the patient will not be involved. Brian reports that even though we are accepting less than our normal fee (from United), there is a better reimbursement rate than working directly with patients. Revenues therefore will be higher. The agreement’s effective date will be August 1, 2010.
8. MOBILE RADAR: Chief Steve Bonnett reports the department will apply for a $4,500 grant from the Governor’s Traffic Safety Bureau to purchase a replacement mobile radar unit. It is a very handy tool that can be placed on streets where speed complaints are received. We have a unit now that is about 12 years old. Good luck Steve!
9. GEO THERMAL: Joyce Godwin reports the Library Board will review the plan/spec for the Geo Thermal HVAC system at their meeting on July 13. A recommendation will be brought to council on July 19.
10. SCOOPS SIGN: The temporary sign permit for Scoops Ice Cream expired on June 23. The sign was removed on the 24th.
11. W HWY 92 SEWER: V&K’s Forrest Aldrich reports that South Y will be closed between 8:30 am and 4:30 pm for up to two days to open cut and install the sanitary sewer (will accept bids on July 14th). Boring was reviewed but Forrest indicates the cost would have been in the $15,000 to $20,000 range due to the sewer’s 22’ depth. Residents on South Y and W 10th will be notified two days in advance.
12. STEPHEN COURT CULVERT: Forrest Aldrich reports the plan/spec will be complete by July 19. The tentative schedule follows:
• July 19, 2010 Council set dates for public hearing & letting
• July 29, 2010 Publish notice
• August 11, 2010 Receive bids
• August 16, 2010 Public hearing & consider bids
• September 7, 2010 Start construction
• November 19, 2010 Project completion date
13. SQUARE BUILDING: In the packet is Charles Saul’s report documenting his observations during a walkthrough of the building on November 24, 2009.
14. SIDEWALK: In the packet is a picture of a sidewalk at1509 Lundahl Ct that undermined from continuous drainage. City Inspector Rich Parker is working with a contractor, realtor and property owner to replace the walk.
15. STORM SIREN: The siren on Country Club Road is repaired and functional. However, the siren at the Electric Dept is not working due to an apparent power surge.
16. 19th STREET UPDATE: No progress was made this week due to the rain at the beginning of the week.
17. AMPHITHEATER UPDATE: No progress was made this week due to the rain at the beginning of the week.