1. FRANCHISE FEE: In the packet is the letter sent to MidAmerican Energy regarding the proposed franchise fee. Their comments will be provided to elected officials.
2. ONLINE BILLING: Billing Clerk Lindsey Offenburger reports there were 252 credit card payments thus far in June. In addition, 216 customers registered for online billing, 19 customers have opted for an on line bill (only) and 18 customers will receive their bill online and by mail. Our goal is 10% (about 500) online payments within the first year which will save significantly on bills, postage and staff time. More advertising/marketing will take place in July.
3. TAX REVENUES: Revenues for FY 09/10 were 100.09% of the amount budgeted. Very good news!
4. DIRECTOR OF FINANCE/ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES: 29 resumes were received as of Friday and the deadline is June 25. The committee will meet shortly after to begin narrowing the field.
5. SQUARE BUILDING: Per committee direction on June 14, John Hoyman will have a progress report regarding building renovation/removal on the north side of the square. In your packet are the February 16 council minutes and John’s letter to the owners dated March 5.
6. HOLIDAY: The next council meeting will be Tuesday, July 6 due to the (federal) holiday on the 5th.
7. LIGHTNING: Apparently lightning caused a surge in the electric system at city hall on June 12 causing a computer and several other pieces of equipment to fail. Estimated replacement is in the $2,500 range and IT Manager Kurt Ripperger is replacing the items.
8. BRAVO: The 28-E Agreement has not been received. It will be placed on the July 6 agenda.
9. TRAFFIC STUDY: A cost and scope of services has not been received from Comp Plan Consultant Snyder and Associates. V&K has also been contacted and a recommendation will be placed on the July 6 agenda.
10. CABLE CHANNEL: Cable Channel 7 continues to be unable to replay Council meetings. We have ordered and received the new upgraded system that was budgeted ($15,000) for next fiscal year. The timing of the device failure was somewhat fortunate as it allowed us to proceed with the purchase of the new system now without having to expend funds on a temporary repair of the old equipment.
Kurt Ripperger is anticipating that the new system will be delivered, installed, and functioning by no later than the week of July 12th. Total cost of the system is $12,932 plus shipping which will be split with IMU. The new system will allow us to store all meetings digitally on 2TB of hard drives instead of tapes and give us additional functionality such as the ability to post meetings online so citizens can stream them on demand.
11. FUEL ODOR: While cleaning a sanitary sewer main on Hwy 65/69 in front of McDonalds a petroleum/fuel odor was present according to staff. The IDNR was contacted.