1. BALLOON MUSEUM DITCH: At the April 28 preconstruction meeting for the culvert extension the engineer emphasized the need to maintain safe access to the Balloon Museum at all times and especially during the National Balloon Classic. One of the contractor's representatives at the meeting lives in Indianola and is well aware of the traffic associated with and importance of the event. Construction is scheduled to start in mid-July and a shoulder closure along Hwy 65/69 will be needed for 2-3 days to unload the pre-cast box culvert sections. After that there will be little to no affect on the highway or Orchard Avenue.
2. TRAFFIC STUDY: I am meeting with Simpson reps on Monday the 7th to discuss a proposed traffic study around the college. For some years Simpson has expressed an interest in closing “C” Street between Clinton and Girard given the high traffic volumes and split to the campus. The study will provide options to area streets including Howard, Buxton, “D” and “E”.
A formal request will be brought to council when received.
3. I&I PHASE III: Forrest Aldrich reports that the required Finding of No Significant Impact (FNSI) for the Infiltration & Inflow Project Phase III (lift station upgrade and storm pond expansion) will not be complete for several weeks. He therefore recommends the project be pulled from the June 7 agenda and delayed until there is more information in the FNSI.
Forrest is sending a letter to IDNR requesting an extension of the Phase III completion date in order to comply with the IDNR mandate.
4. CONNECT FEES: Several months ago there was some discussion about combining the sanitary sewer connect fees for the North Jefferson Way Trunk Sewer and the Northeast Trunk Sewer for Summercrest Hills (see map). The discussion has renewed and there may be a recommendation to combine and average the fees which will provide a more uniform system to compensate for access to the sewer main. The combination of fees will have little financial affect on the ultimate collection of fees.
A request to amend the connect fee ordinances may be placed on the June 21 agenda to set a public hearing date for July 6.
5. BRAVO: The 28-E membership agreement was not received from Bravo this week. It will be placed on the June 21 agenda for formal consideration.
6. MAINTENANCE BONDS: In the packet is a letter from Ivan Webber indicating there must be a pattern or practice showing an unreasonable risk to the public that obligations will not be adequately performed regarding maintenance bond rejection.
7. ALLEY: The handprints in north/south alley on the Square’s north side have been filled and smoothed over. It is much safer for pedestrian traffic and will be opened. The Keep Indianola Beautiful Committee will provide some furniture and vegetation to improve the appearance.
Our thanks to Gary Ruble and Cemen Tech for all their assistance!!
8. TRAIL UPDATE: The trail is considered substantially complete. There are three box-out areas where poles are still in conflict. Qwest is estimating the end of June to move their equipment off the poles. Final quantities and a change order for M-4 P.P.C. (Medicap Pharmacy) should be complete for the June 21 meeting.
9. AMPHITHEATER UPDATE: The footings were poured on June 2 and the walk ways are scheduled for June 7th.
10. MEETING: Due to the holiday on July 5th, the council meeting will be held on July 6th.
11. SALARY/BENEFITS: The 2010 salary resolution (packet) will be on the June 21 agenda. It is per the union contract approved by council on April 6, 2009 and in the FY 10/11 Budget adopted on March 1.
12. CABLE CHANNEL: Cable Channel 7's event controller has stopped working as of June 3rd. This device allows for the automated switching between different devices such as video decks and the slide generator. We have currently direct connected the slide generator to the modulator but are unable to rebroadcast any meetings off of the tape decks. We will be able to air live meetings by Monday, June 7th. Repair of the device could take up to two weeks at a cost of around $500. This device was scheduled to be replaced in July with a new system. We are currently exploring whether we can expedite that schedule to avoid having to perform the repairs on an already outdated piece of equipment.
13. LABORSHED STUDY: In your packet is the Warren County Laborshed Study which was released in April 2010.