Friday, May 28, 2010

News Items - May 31, 2010

1. NEXT MEETING: The next meeting is June 7 at 6:00 pm.

2. FINANCE DIRECTOR: Due to family circumstances, Finance and Administrative Services Director is resigning her position in September this year. Laurie worked with the city since November 2008 and will be missed. We wish her the best!!

A replacement committee consisting of council members Clark and Richardson, trustees Boone and Lester, General Manager Todd Kielkopf, HR Director RoxAnne Hunerdosse and myself will begin the process immediately.

A tentative schedule follows:

Week of May 24 Prepare Marketing Material
Week of May 31 Begin Advertising
June 25 Deadline
Week of June 28 Selection of Candidates
Week of July 12 Interview Candidates
Week of July 19 Make Offer

Progress reports will be provided on a regular basis.

3. TRAIL UPDATE: The trail will be substantial complete on May 30, 2010. The contractor TK Construction was able to complete the trail in the 30 working days. Final pay along with a change order, for high-early concrete design, will require council action in June. Final restoration and seeding will be completed this fall by the Park Department. Overall the quality and workmanship of the trail has been good.

4. AMPHITHEATER UPDATE: The majority of the grading is complete. The upper stairs and sidewalks are being completed. Footings are expected to start by June 1, 2010.

5. SOUTH Y: In the packet is information from South Y residents regarding the project. It has been forwarded to Garden & Associates, Mike Lyons.

6. DRAINAGE PROPOSAL: Chuck Burgin has a $5,200 quote from Vanderpool Construction to correct the drainage problems in front of Noble Ford. It will be on the June 7 agenda for council consideration.

7. HEALTH CARE REFORM: HR Director RoxAnne Hunerdosse reports the following Health Care Reform changes that will affect our plan:

Temporary Reinsurance - early retiree expense reimbursement between $15,000-$90,000 until 2014 or when $5 Billion is expended

Extend dependent coverage through year dependent turns 26 even if married, grandfathered plans only have to cover dependents that do not have another source of employer-sponsored coverage.

No pre-existing condition exclusion for participants under 19 years

2011 All employers must include aggregate cost of employer-sponsored health benefits on W-2s (2011 Tax Year)

Over the counter drugs are no longer reimbursable under HRA or Flex Spending Accounts unless prescribed by physician

2012 1099s required to non-tax exempt corporate providers for property and services on payments over $600 made after December 31, 2011

Employers will be required to provide several different notices to employees about changes coming in 2014

2013 Cap of $2,500 per employee Flexible Spending Account

Employers must provide notice to their employees informing them of the existence of state-based exchanges (health insurance options)

New federal tax, equal to $2 per enrollee to fund comparative effectiveness research

2013 No pre-existing conditions for anyone

Each state required to create an Exchange (where individuals and groups can go to purchase health insurance)

Annual and lifetime limits removed

8. MUNICIPAL BUILDING: There are still delays on the lockers so the staff recommendation will be to extend the project completion date on June 7.

9. MCCORD PARK PLAY EQUIPMENT: Most of the equipment will be or has been removed by the Park Department due to concerns about reliability/safety. The two swings will remain until replacement equipment can be budgeted.

10. STREET REPLACEMENT PROJECT: At the January 19, 2010 meeting, council voted 4-3 to proceed with the 5-year street replacement project. Community Development Director Chuck Burgin will prepare a request for proposal and send it to 5 or 6 firms and a recommendation will be brought to council in July.

Tentative project schedule follows:
• June 10 Drill core samples of streets candidates
• July 10 Send RFP’s to engineers
• August 10 Start preliminary engineering
• November 10 Approve construction documents and assessment plats
• April 2011 Begin construction

11. SOUTH 19TH: Letters were sent to residents on May 27 regarding the tentative replacement of South 19th Court which is scheduled to begin June 7th.

12. TEMPORARY STRUCTURE: Community Development received a request to install a mobile ice cream structure along Hwy 65/69 north. Chuck is working with the owner to determine building code compliance, however because of several menu items to be sold the owner may seek council approval if not approved by the Community Development Director.

13. COMPLAINTS: To date the Community Development Department has received 38 complaints (24 weed/tall grass, 8 miscellaneous junk, 3 sidewalks, 2 trees and 1 odor). The properties that do not comply with the tall grass/weeds are mowed by the Community Development Department and the fees are placed on the property taxes.

14. SANITARY SEWER FEE: In your packet are tables showing Sanitary Sewer revenues/expenses, ending cash balances, Sewer Debt Obligation and sewer rate increases since 2002. If no increases are budgeted, the cash balance is projected to fall below zero at the end of next fiscal year. Staff will be recommending a sewer fee increase effective September 1, 2010.

A major reason for increase fees is the debt retirement for the approximate $9 million I&I Program. The fee increase will be placed on the June 7 agenda to set a hearing date for June 21.