1. SANITARY SEWER FEE: Per discussions during the budget process (see budget info), staff will be recommending a sewer fee increase effective September 1, 2010. In the packet are tables showing Sanitary Sewer revenues/expenses and ending cash balances. If no increases are budgeted, the cash balance is projected to fall below zero at the end of the year.
A major reason for increase fees is the debt retirement for the approximate $9 million I&I Program. The fee increase will be placed on the June 7 agenda to set a hearing date for June 21.
2. HANDBOOK: The trustees adopted the employee handbook changes at their meeting on May 10. They plan to discuss the employee sick leave program at their May 24 meeting. The handbook will be placed on the June 7 council agenda.
3. SMOKE ALARMS: In the packet is a press release from Brian Seymour that summarizes the importance of smoke alarms based on an actual incident. It is an excellent method to help improve safety and Brian is to be commended for the concept.
The release will be in the Record Herald and the city’s newsletter.
Brian also reports the department will also take part in a program (see memo) to promote smoke alarms on May 26. Brian checked with John Hoyman using Dept equipment is allowable.
4. PD: In the packet is a letter from Principal John Monroe thanking Steve Bonnett and the PD for their efforts during the bomb threat on May 7. Hats off to Steve and the Dept!!
5. WIND TURBINES: P&Z informally reviewed the wind turbine model ordinance and will formally review it at their June meeting. A recommendation will be brought to council in June.
6. NORTH 1ST SHARED SEWER SERVICE: We received a signed request to replace the shared service for 105/109 E. Iowa and 907 N 1st (see map). A meeting was held with these property owners on April 14 to explain the shared service and discuss options.
Supt Dan Miers is getting a quotes to line the shared service and install a manhole that will be brought to council for consideration in June.
7. MESSAGE BOARD: The community message board became functional on Friday and messages are being broadcast.
8. JOINT FUEL FACILITY: Per Steve Richardson’s comments several weeks ago about new gas pumps for the fuel facility on N 6th, a revised 28-E Agreement is being drafted. County Engineer Mark Lee reports the replacement cost is about $60,000 and will be paid by increasing the price/gallon about 5 cents. The revised 28-E will be brought to council when available.
The original agreement between the city, county and school was approved in 1994.
9. NORTH 9TH STREET: We received the signed agreement for the paving of North 9th in Lincoln Ridge as approved by council on May 3rd. An engineering proposal will be placed on the June 7 council agenda.