1. AMPHITHEATER: A groundbreaking ceremony will be held Saturday, May 15 at 10:00 am.
2. PARK DEDICATION: The revised ordinance will be on the June 14 committee agenda. Ivan Webber removed some of the fee language and also attempted to schedule a meeting with Charles Becker but Mr. Becker was not interested. His position is that Iowa Code Chapter 354.8 (allows land dedication as a condition of subdivisions) is not constitutional. However, the Home Builders Association has not challenged a city to date. The letter (packet) received by the city is one Mr. Becker sends to cities that consider the ordinance.
3. WIND TURBINE: In the packet is the Metro Advisory Council model wind turbine ordinance. P&Z will discuss it at their May 11 meeting and make a recommendation to council. Depending on preference, it can either be placed on a council or committee agenda.
4. TEST WELL: Joyce Godwin reports the 300’ geo-thermal test well was successful and the good news is the heat transfer is a little better than expected.
5. CORRIDOR STUDY: Traffic projections, capacity analysis and geometric needs are complete according to Snyder’s Mark Perrington. A meeting will be scheduled next week to discuss the results and roadway improvement specifics.
6. WARREN COUNTY PHILANTHROPIC GRANT: Good news!! The Community LED Sign was awarded $5,000, and the safety net at the Pickard softball fields and electric panel/outlets at the amphitheater received $4,600 and $5,000 respectively. Our thanks to Jennifer McCurdy and the grant committee!
7. 19th STREET: We are in the process of scheduling the replacement and reconstruction. Our hope is to have the project completed in May. However, Priority Excavation cannot remove until June. We have requested a specific time period from Priority and hope to have it next week.
8. W EUCLID: The Supreme Court will read briefs on the W Euclid assessment suit on May 18. Ivan Webber estimates a decision could take 6-12 months for a decision.
9. LOT: The Public Safety Storage Building lot is 101’ x 165’.
10. LINCOLN RIDGE AGREEMENT: Based on correspondence this week, it appears the owners will approve the paving assessment agreement although we have yet to receive it.
11. SIDEWALK WAIVERS: The sidewalk waiver discussion will be on the June 14 committee agenda. Chuck Burgin has been occupied inspecting the trail from Memorial Park to McVey.
12. TRAIL: Work has been completed from the Memorial Pool parking lot to the NW corner of Franklin and North First. We anticipate the project will be complete by the end of May provided Qwest Communications removes their equipment from poles within the next week.
13. FAIRGROUND NOISE: I asked John Hoyman to prepare a summary on noise issues and the fairgrounds. Iowa Code provides some immunity to fair boards regarding certain city ordinances. John’s information will be provided when received.
14. TAX REVENUES: Tax revenues are nearly 3% ahead of this time last year. Good news!!
15. MEDIACOM CHANNELS: Mediacom reports they’ve added a new HD channel KFPX on 810.
16. HANDBOOK: In the packet is a color-coded summary of the employee handbook recommended changes. There are no new employee benefits included in the recommendations. The trustees will consider the handbook at their May 10th meeting and it will be placed on the May 17th council agenda.
17. LT. GOVERNOR JUDGE: Lt. Governor Patty Judge will be visiting preschools in Indianola next week to highlight the Culver/Judge Administration’s commitment to expanding Iowa’s voluntary preschool program. She will be at Whittier Elementary School on May 10 at 10:30 a.m.