1. W HWY 92 SEWER: The informational meeting for affected property owners will be at 4:00 pm at the Activity Center on July 7.
After receiving comments about the short (2-day) notice of South Y’s closure to install the 22’ deep main, I contacted V&K’s Forrest Aldrich. The result will likely be a 3 or 4-day notice (longer the notice the less predictable the weather) and a night-time installation from 11:30 pm to 6:30 am to avoid as much inconvenience as possible.
2. SOUTH LIFT STATION PUMPS: John Hoyman, Dan Miers and I had a couple phone conversations with WILO reps regarding the pumps purchased in 2008 for the South Lift Station. One of the two pumps has failed at least 3 times and the cause has yet to be determined. WILO has been fairly responsive and a new pump will replace one making bearing noise. All are hopeful this will be the last time a pump will have to be replaced (at least for the next 5-10 years). So far there are no solutions to the pump failure.
3. 4 WHEELER: Chief Brian Seymour reports Van Wall Motorsports approached the Fire Department about a program where Yamaha will loan a Rhino (4x4 ATV utility vehicle with utility box) to public safety departments for a period of six months to be used for EMS/Fire response ATV. Brian and staff looked at the unit and think the Department can use it for various incidents/events throughout the year. There is no cost other than insuring the vehicle and repairing damage outside of normal wear and tear. This program is for one year but the vehicle is traded every 6-months. The program has existed since 2008 and will most likely be extended according to Van Wall.
4. ELECTRIC FRANCHISE: I received notice that MidAmerican Energy received the franchise ordinance and are in the process of reviewing it. They will contact the city in a few weeks with their comments.
5. TAX ABATEMENT: Of the 14 single-family dwellings permits issued this year, five have opted for the 5-year tax abatement with the energy efficient construction.
6. MCCORD PARK: At their meeting on July 14, the P&R Commission will host a meeting with area residents to discuss play equipment at McCord Park. A report will be provided at the July 19 council meeting. McCord’s equipment (except a swing) has been removed due to age and safety. Replacement equipment has been budgeted but removed/delayed in recent years.
7. HEALTH POOL: The pool reached $900,000 in May due to surprisingly low claims this past year. RoxAnne Hunerdosse, Todd Kielkopf and I will meet in the next two weeks with consultant Debbie Dean to discuss a potential adjustment to premiums. A recommendation may be brought to council/trustees in the next several weeks.
8. AQUATIC CENTER: Based on lower attendance and revenues, staff is predicting the pool will end the fiscal year in the red on July 1. Efforts are underway to reduce spending and raise revenues.
9. FINANCE DIRECTOR: Just over 40 apps were received by last Friday. The committee is meeting Tuesday at 4:00 pm to narrow the list for interviews that are anticipated the week of July 12.
10. AMPHITHEATER: They have started to pour the footings for the awning.
11. 19TH STREET: All the concrete has been removed and testing came out well. Sternquist intends to pour concrete next week.
12. JR POLICE ACADEMY: The PD conducted its fifth annual Junior Academy in conjunction with the Parks and Recreation the week of June 21. The 5-day event had 17 attendees who received instruction on officer training, criminal investigation and tools of the job. Thanks to the Departments and especially Officer Brad Metcalf and Office Manager Pat Allsup for conducting the program!
13. HWY 92 WEST: According to Mark Swenson, IDOT, the completion of right-of-way acquisition has been pushed to December 2010 with the letting on January 16, 2013.
14. NORTH 9TH: Below is a tentative project schedule for the North 9th Street Extension Project:
• Set date of public hearing & letting July 19, 2010
• Publish notice of public hearing & letting July 29, 2010
• Receive bids August 11, 2010
• Public hearing August 16, 2010
• Construction start date September 7, 2010
• Project completion November 24, 2010