1. FINANCE DIRECTOR: Four candidates will be interviewed on Monday the 12th. A fifth will be interviewed when schedules permit.
2. SOUTH Y PAVING: This item was pulled from this agenda because Garden’s engineer Mike Lyons is leaving the firm. Brad Utemarkt will assume the project but is on vacation this week and will not be up to speed by Monday evening. I will re-schedule for July 19 immediately after the 6:00 pm council meeting if acceptable to elected officials. Brad will provide a (near) final plan/spec and elected officials can discuss the west side resident requests and related costs.
3. STORM WATER UTILITY: Veenstra & Kimm’s Greg Roth is not finished with the storm sewer review which will provide information as to our current system, its deficiencies and related costs for repair. He reports it will be complete and ready for elected official review on August 10.
In the packet is a map from Ed Yando showing some of the areas of concern during the recent rains. Please note that June’s rains totaled about 16 inches or 11.5 more than the norm.
4. HEALTH INSURANCE POOL: RoxAnne Hunerdosse, Todd Kielkopf and I met with Benefit Source’s Debbie Dean to discuss the pool balance, premiums and the new Congressional Health Care Reform. Based on the uncertainty of the health care changes, our recommendation is to stay with current premiums. Debbie Dean indicates health care costs will rise in the next couple years and holding our premiums may be the best way to protect the pool while at the same time providing consistency for budgets.
5. SEWER DEBT: In the packet is a Sanitary Sewer debt schedule prepared by Laurie Hebl.
6. 19th STREET: Soil testing has been coming back very good and they are anticipating beginning repaving next week.
7. AMPHITHEATER: Weather has delayed construction, however the contractor still anticipates completion by the first week of August.
8. 2011 STREET REPLACEMENT PROJECT: Community Development Director Chuck Burgin contracted with Allender-Butzke to provide 43 street core samples. The results will be turned over to an engineer (yet to be hired) to help determine the replacement streets for the 2011 Replacement Project.
RFP’s for engineering services will be sent in early August.
9. CABLE CHANNEL: Information Technology Manager Kurt Ripperger reports he will have the new equipment installed and to go live Tuesday evening after the P&Z meeting (if all goes well).