1. TRAIL DEDICATION: The new trail from McVey (on Euclid) to Memorial Park will be dedicated on July 26 at 6:00 pm. There will be officials from the area to help celebrate the occasion.
2. W HWY 92 SEWER: After additional review, the engineer now says there is room on the east side to place a gravel trail from Hwy 92 to “Y”. An addendum has been sent to bidders and it will be part of the contract. No closure of “Y” is expected!
3. TAX REVENUES: FY 09/10 revenues came in at 100.09%. Good news!
4. CRUSHED CONCRETE: For the third year, Street Supt Ed Yando contracted to have concrete from streets and sidewalks crushed at the brush facility on W Iowa. While the cost was about $17,000, the 2550 ton would have cost about $28,000 to purchase. The crushed concrete is used for fill when repairing streets.
5. GOALS/PRIORITIES: In your packet is a list of goals/priorities for FY 2011 that will be placed on the August 9 committee agenda.
6. IDA: Indianola Development Association’s quarterly payment request for $14,250 is in the claims.
7. 19th STREET: Sternquist paved the majority of the street to the cul-de-sac on Wednesday and will pave the remainder of the street on Friday.
8. AMPHITHEATER: Backfilling will start the week of July 19th.