Friday, July 30, 2010

News Items - August 2, 2010


TO: Mayor and Council

1. FIRE DEPARTMENT LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT: The Fire Department budgeted $8,000 for a washer and dryer to clean fire gear as required by NFPA and the manufactures. Brian Seymour received quotes from three companies as follows:

* Washburn $9,199.00 with install

* Freight Ross Chemical $9,224.25 with install only no freight cost included (average freight on the others is $265.00)

* Century Laundry $11,445.00 with install and freight

I am authorizing the purchase from Washburn and Brian will adjust other areas of the FD budget to accommodate the additional $1,199. References have been checked with good reports.

2. MCCORD PARK: P&R Director Glen Cowan reviewed the budget and does not have items that can be delayed in order to install equipment this year. And, given the $75,000 estimated cost the funds will likely be borrowed. Glen’s outlined the two schedules below based on an August allocation and budgeting for next fiscal year. Note that there is little difference in completion dates.

Council Funding allocation: Aug. 2010

Fundraising - now through January, 2011

Determine Play Experiences, desired colors and look at the types
of equipment - Sept, early Oct. 2010

Obtain Play Equipment proposals - mid Oct. Nov., 2010

Determine by neighborhood vote the play equipment to order -
early Dec., 2010

Order the play equipment - early Dec, 2010

Receive play equipment - Jan - Mar., 2011

Prepare the site for the play equipment - May, June- , 2011

Install play equipment, fall protection, remaining border - July,
August- 2011

NOTE: #1:

August funding allocation can be used to help with a Warren Co.
Philanthropic Partnership Grant - apps due Oct 6, 2010

NOTE #2:

Installation will be dependent on the weather and the other park seasonal
and maintenance preparations we need to get done - turf management, opening
up the pool & shelters, flower bed & tree work, etc. We do save money by
doing the installation in-house vs. contracted out; however it does take us
much longer to get it completed. (Unfortunately, the majority of the work is
not conducive to having volunteers involved.)

July, 2011 Funding Schedule

Budgeting and Council Funding allocation: Oct, 2010 - Feb. 2011

Fundraising - now through May, 2011

Determine Play Experiences, desired colors and look at the types of
equipment - March, 20

Obtain Play Equipment proposals - early April, 2011

Determine by neighborhood vote the play equipment to order - late April,

Order the play equipment - early May, 2011

Prepare the site for the play equipment - June-July, 2011

Receive play equipment - July

Install play equipment, fall protection, remaining border - August- Sept,

The item will be placed on the August 9 committee agenda for further review.

3. ROAD USE TAX: The Iowa League of Cities reports the Road Use Tax projection has been lowered to $90.50 per capita. That calculates to about $14,000 less than budgeted.

4. WEST HIGHWAY 92: Pre-construction meeting is scheduled for August 5 @ 3pm

5. FEDERAL DECLARATION: Warren County has been included in the federal declaration, thus federal funds will be available on a reimbursement basis for some of the storm and recovery efforts. Departments will be keeping track of time spent working and taking photos of damages to be reimbursed.