1. NEXT MEETING: The next council meeting is December 6, at 6:00 pm. Have a great holiday!
2. ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN: Theisen’s is asking to use pre-cast concrete walls on their exterior which is not an approved method in our ordinance that requires brick, E.F.I.S., cultural stone and Nova Brick. P&Z will hold a special meeting on November 30 and a recommendation will be brought to council on December 6.
Theisen’s is locating on Hwy 65/69 just south of Noble Ford in the Summercrest Hills Development.
3. FIRE DEPT: $75,000 was budgeted to provide a vehicle exhaust system for the Fire Dept bays and Brian Seymour received quotes in the $40,000 to $60,000 range. The higher end system provides the best option/most flexibility especially given the cramped spaces. A recommendation will be placed on the December 6 council agenda.
4. STEPHEN COURT CULVERT: Chuck Burgin reports that additional sod is needed on the slopes of the east side of Stephen Court to minimize erosion. A change order will be on the next council agenda.
5. TEMPORARY STRUCTURE ORDINANCE: In the packets are the October 26 P&Z minutes indicating their recommendation to allow beverage sales (only) from temporary structures in a C-3 (general retail/office) zone. The correct ordinance is in the packet.
Also, while the ordinance does not include language regarding a 3-year extension of enforcement for McCoy’s west structure, John Hoyman reports the action taken by council on May 3, 2010 will allow the extension.
6. W HWY 92 SEWER: Financing for this $300,000 project will be added to the GO Debt refinancing that council set a hearing date for December 6. Even though the cost will be re-couped by either assessments or connections fees, the immediate cash flow is necessary to keep the Sewer Fund in the black.
7. 110 W ASHLAND: SVPA has been paid $12,227.50 of an $18,650 contract to design improvements to 110 W Ashland to make it safe from collapse.
8. SQUARE BUILDING INCENTIVES: Chuck Burgin is working with the property owner regarding the items eligible for grants/loans (i.e. roof replacement). A recommendation will be placed on a future council agenda.
9. 204 N JEFFERSON: Quotes will be received on November 23 to remove the Chiropractic Center at 204 North Jefferson. The Fire Dept has used the grounds for training purposes.
Community Development Director Chuck Burgin reports the Cottage Inn and building south will be bid after the first of the year. There were closing issues among other delays.
10. WIND ENERGY CONVERSION SYSTEMS: After talking with Chuck Burgin, he reports the original recommendation for small wind energy conversion systems was 1 acre for commercial and 3 acres for residential consistent with the Metro Advisory Council’s model ordinance.
11. JOINT MEETING: December 13 is the joint meeting with the trustees to receive the Indianola Development Association’s latest report and request for FY 11/12 funding.
Other (tentative) items include the Community/Wellness Center recommendation, Qwest pole removal/re-location (John Hoyman), state representative/legislative review, South Y progress report and park dedication review.
12. LIBRARY HVAC: The Library Board will consider a third option next week. Chuck Burgin and Joyce Godwin met with a contractor and he provided a reasonably priced alternative that will fully meet the needs.
A recommendation will be on the December 6 agenda.
13. STREET REPLACEMENT: The engineer does not recommend replacing all of “D” between Ashland and Clinton because it was partially replaced in 1995.
However, the blocks between Euclid and Girard on N. Howard can be added per council direction.