1. NEXT MEETING: The next council meeting is December 6.
2. COMMUNITY/WELLNESS CENTER: A reminder the Planning Committee will present its recommendation to a joint meeting of city, county, school and Simpson officials on December 13.
3. 110 W ASHLAND: After discussing with colleagues, John Hoyman reports the $18,650 engineering fee will be assessed to the owners of 110 W Ashland (Adams/Proctor) because it is their building that needs stabilizing to protect the public. The building was damaged in July 2008. The court hearing is still scheduled for December 14.
4. SEWER CAMERA TRUCK: Supt Dan Miers reports a major oil leak in the Camera Truck’s oil pan. The leak was caused by the dip stick rubbing against the inside of the pan. The engine must be lifted to remove/replace the pan and it is recommended the rear main seal be replaced at the same time. Their estimate for repair is $3,500. We will proceed.
5. SOUTH LIFT STATION (PHASE THREE): Supt Dan Miers met with Neuvirth Construction about the Phase 3 construction of the lagoon at the south lift station. The contractor is finishing the lagoon expansion and after draining the existing lagoon found about 2 feet of sludge in the bottom. V&K will evaluate the amount of sludge and will estimate the cost to remove it. We therefore are anticipating a change order for the Phase 3 project.
Removing the sludge will increase capacity and keep solids out of the collection system. Removal will be most efficient when the lagoon is empty.
6. HOLIDAY: The day after Thanksgiving is an official city holiday so most offices/departments will be closed.
7. TAX REVENUE: Tax revenue is slightly ahead of this time last year. Good news!
8. LIBRARY HVAC: The Board is meeting Tuesday the 30th to discuss the system. A recommendation will be on the December 6 agenda.
9. UTILITY BILLING: Do to some personnel issues in the Clerk’s Office, utility billing will be sent on December 2 or 3.
10. “C” STREET STUDY: Most of the data collection is complete and there will be meetings scheduled with city and Simpson staff in early/mid December. A recommendation will be brought to council on January 10.
11. JOINT MEETING: The date for Carlisle, Indianola and Norwalk to meet again regarding dispatch and EMS is (still) tentatively set for December 7. However, Norwalk and Carlisle have yet to confirm.
12. BRIDGE: County Engineer Mark Lee informed us Friday the bridge west of the sewer plant on Hoover Street has been temporarily closed this week. It will be open next week to light traffic.