1. STORM WATER UTILITY: The Clerk’s Office and Sewer Staff have been meeting to discuss utility billing and a schedule for implementation. Below are the tentative results:
• Letters were sent today to non-owner occupied single and two family dwellings indicating the $2/month fee. An agreement has been included allowing the tenant to pay the fee (owner/tenant must sign).
• Letters will be sent next week to commercial/industrial owners indicating their fee and providing information as to the appeal process
• Supt Dan Miers will handle appeals and those that are not agreed upon will be brought to council
• Appeals will be reviewed in January
• Billing will begin March 1
This process provides opportunity for property owners to learn more about the new utility and to discuss their fee prior to actual billing.
2. MIDDLE SCHOOL: Steve Bonnett, Chuck Burgin, Glen Cowan, Brian Seymour and I attended a meeting with school officials on December 3 to learn more about the Middle School expansion. While there will be some changes to the north, the majority will expand east (see flyer).
Bidding is anticipated next February and construction will be from spring ’11 thru summer of ’12.
The CAF parking lot will be paved as part of the project.
3. SOUTH LIFT STATION: In the packet is a letter from IDNR’s Daniel Cook indicating a need to test soils because a portion of the south lift station was used as a shooting range. Tests were taken this week and the lead concentrations were well below IDNR levels. Mr. Cook has been advised.
4. LIBRARY HVAC: It appears now the board will consider bidding the existing equipment (estimated $70,000) along with the Geo Thermal system. Shive Hattery is preparing a list of replacement equipment that the board will review at their December 14 meeting.
Should the board recommend the replacement option, it will be an opportune time to replace lighting and carpet as listed in the FY 11/12 Capital Budget for a total cost of about $160,000.
A recommendation will be presented at the December 20 meeting.
Also, in the packet is the FY 2009/10 Library annual report that will be presented on December 20.
5. ISA: The Indianola Sports Association (operates diamonds at Pickard) had a very difficult year due to rain and will request an extension of their $134,000 loan with a local bank. As co-signor on the loan, council will have to consider approval at their December 20 meeting. President Todd Ahrens will be there to discuss the request.
6. POOL: A lawsuit filed by a patron of the Memorial Pool who slipped and injured herself in June 2008 was dismissed in District Court recently.
7. SOUTH Y: Garden’s Brad Uitermarkt will attend the December 13 committee meeting to discuss the final recommendation. It includes flowing the storm water west along the Halsted driveway and southwest to the Lamar Koethe property. Brad reports the 24” pipe size will be adequate to handle in excess of a 100-year rain.
Chuck Burgin has a signed easement from the Halsted’s and is discussing one with Lamar Koethe early next week. He is also working with the town home association and Deer Run Golf Course for the access road and there is verbal agreement on that easement as well.
The next step will be a preliminary assessment followed by voluntary assessment applications sent to property owners. The more of those received, the more likely the project will proceed.
No word from the Supreme Court.
8. CULVERTS: There are problems with both culvert projects as discussed below:
a. Balloon Museum—The contractor did not use proper compaction when replacing the soil on either side of the new culvert. The soil will consequently be removed and replaced in accordance with the plan/spec.
Project completion will likely be delayed until spring.
FYI—Due to IDNR restrictions related to wetland protection and the amount of weight the new culvert can withstand, the height of the fill is just about where it will be when complete.
b. Stephen Court—The western section of pipe is not fitted properly and water there seeps underneath. We are having discussions with the contractor as to the options of how to repair.
9. SENATE FILE 2379: Effective January 1 the new Senate File 2379 will go into effect which states a person could carry a firearm in the open if they want to. Police Chief Steve Bonnett has been told that private businesses may regulate guns on their premises, but government buildings cannot accept the courthouse.
10. TRI-CITY: No word from Norwalk’s Mark Miller so the December 7 meeting with Carlisle and Norwalk will be delayed until further notice.
11. NARROWBANDING: Police Chief Steve Bonnett has received some good news regarding their base radios. He will be budgeting $12,000 in next year’s O&M which will take care of the police department. This must be placed in the O&M to keep them compatible with other law enforcement agencies next year.
The fire department has some flexibility between O&M and next year's CIP. The reason is that the fire department’s expense is in portable radios, where the police department’s expense is all in the form of base radios.