1. FD HONOR GUARD: Indianola’s honor guard is believed to be the first in the state when formed in 1995 and was the first honor guard to be invited to the Iowa Firefighter Memorial service in Coralville. The group is still invited today and travels to other events honoring fallen firefighters.
On Monday the 20th, 6 new members will be added to the team. These six were interviewed by a committee and selected as members who will be part of an 18 member group that attends events and posts colors. This year they are planning fundraisers to finance their attendance at the National Fallen Firefighters Memorial in Maryland.
Their team commander will conduct the first pinning ceremony during the FD training session at 7:00 pm in the city hall training room.
2. DART: Over the years there has been discussion about inviting the Des Moines Area Regional Transit Authority to provide commuter bussing to/from Indianola. Finance Director Jean Furler contacted DART and received a $220,000 quote (packet) for a three bus inbound/outbound system.
The item will be placed on committee agenda early in 2011 for discussion.
3. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: P&Z will hold a public meeting on the comprehensive plan update on January 18 beginning at 6:30 p.m. at the Activity Center.
4. TAX REVENUES: Revenues are still slightly ahead of this time last year. Good news
5. MLK: A reminder that Martin Luther King holiday is Monday January 17 so our council meeting will move to January 18.
6. SNOW ORDINANCE: Chief Bonnett reports there were 32 tickets and 19 impounds during last Saturday’s snow fall.
7. W. BOSTON & IOWA: The proposed scheduled for the W. Boston and W. Iowa Storm Sewer Project is as follows:
• January 3, 2011 Set public hearing and letting
• February 2, 2011 Receive and open bids
• February 7, 2011 Public hearing and designate low bidder
• March 1, 2011 Start construction
• June 30, 2011 Project completion
The project will consist of construction of two headwalls on W. Boston with grading, backfill, surface restoration, etc. Construction of two double intakes with 110 linear feet of storm sewer, subdrains, surface restoration, etc. on West Iowa.
The costs will be paid by the new Storm Water Utility.