1. STORM WATER STUDY: Forrest Aldrich reports the model for the E Girard area is near complete. A meeting will be scheduled in early January with the neighborhood to discuss the study and potential repairs. A copy of the recommendations will be in the packet as soon as available. Storm water revenues will fund the improvements.
Several appeals were received from residential customers regarding their $2/month storm water utility fee and Supt Dan Miers is reviewing them. Most relate to a lack of storm sewers in their particular area however, storm water in drainage ditches and thru culverts affects the system upstream.
2. C STREET CLOSURE STUDY: The study is near complete and will be presented to Simpson next week. It will also be placed on the January 10 committee agenda for elected official review. There will be three options for consideration. A copy will be delivered electronically next week.
Also, given the lack of direction on the street, I will recommend it be removed from the 5-year replacement project and handled as a separate project.
3. ONLINE UTILITY BILLING: Billing clerk Lindsey Offenburger reports 994 customers are signed online to view their accounts and 740 are paying online monthly. That means 740 less stamps, envelopes and bills and represents about 15% of our customers.
4. MCCORD PARK: Glen Cowan reports the neighborhood has raised about $2,500 for new equipment.
5. BUFFER: Community Development Director Chuck Burgin reports a buffer is not required on the south side of the PD/FD storage building because both zones are residential.
6. STATE REPRESENTATIVES: City Clerk Diana Bowlin is trying to schedule Senator Kent Sorenson and Representative Glen Massie for the January 24 committee meeting.
7. MFPRSI: The Board of Trustees consisting of two fire and two police, four city and one private citizen representatives are recommending no change to the current system in their report due January 10 to the legislature. Although many amendments were made to the recommendation, no amendments passed (5-4 votes). So if return on investments average 7.5%, Indianola will contribute the following in the next 5 years to police retirement.
July 1, 2011 July 1, 2012 July 1, 2013 July 1, 2014 July 1, 2015
% of Payroll 24.76% 29.31% 34.51% 37.33% 35.81%
8. SENATE FILE 2379: As mentioned in the December 6 news items, effective January 1 the new Senate File 2379 will go into effect which states a person could carry a firearm in the open if they want to. Police Chief Steve Bonnett has started to notify the banks and other businesses and plans to host a meeting to discuss the new law.
9. BALLOON MUSEUM CULVERT: As written previously, the contractor will remove and replace (no cost to city) dirt on either side of the culvert. However, work will not begin until next spring due to cold weather. A May 15 completion date is planned.
10. BUDGET REPORT: In the packet is the November budget report. Revenues are slightly ahead of schedule and expenses are on target.