1. COMMUNITY WELLNESS CENTER GRANT: On January 10 council will consider a resolution authorizing a grant application (see Notice of Intent in packet) and committing local funds to Vision Iowa. The grant amount is $2.5 million or about 20% of the estimated $12.5 million cost. According to Vision Iowa sources, community wellness centers have been funded in the past. And, Indianola’s application looks very promising considering the partnerships with the Indianola Schools, Simpson College, Warren County and the YMCA. Keep in mind the grant application in no way commits the city to the project. It simply would help fund it should it be authorized.
The Vision Iowa Community Attraction and Tourism (CAT) Program supports projects that promote recreational, cultural, educational or entertainment attractions that are available to the general public. Indianola’s proposed project fits that definition perfectly!
2. AERIAL TRUCK: Per recent discussions by elected officials, Chief Brian Seymour is preparing information to replace our aerial truck that will be presented at the February 14 committee meeting. Information will include replacement options, how the apparatus is used and the Insurance Services Office (ISO) rating. Depending on the Street Replacement Project’s delay, timing could coincide well in 2012/13 for a joint bond issue.
3. D&D: In the packet is a table showing the Dangerous and Dilapidated program financial position. Note that using Tax Increment Finance revenues to reimburse expenses causes it to be in the red since TIF has a one-year lag. Funds certified for FY 11/12 to repay D&D total $358,500.
Another funding option (if there is concern about the negative balance) is to issue debt and then use TIF to pay the annual payment. This item will be brought to committee in January or February.
FYI—The D&D committee is meeting on January 5 to review other property purchases.
The D&D program uses city funds to purchase properties like the Cottage Inn, remove the building and sell the property for re-development. It removes eyesores and increases the tax base.
4. MLK: Another reminder the second council meeting in January will be on Tuesday the 18th given Martin Luther King’s holiday on Monday the 17th.
5. INFILTRATION & INFLOW: In the packet is the 2010 Infiltration & Inflow progress report prepared by Water Pollution Control Supt Dan Miers. Dan will present the report at the January 18 meeting.
6. SOUTH Y: Chuck Burgin sent a letter and easement to Lamar Koethe about two weeks ago. A response has been requested by January 3. If an easement is not received to move the storm water, the remaining options include ending the project or, condemnation.
The item will be on the January committee agenda.
It is worth noting that condemnation would be for a storm water “easement” across land upon which water is currently flowing. Condemnation, in this case, is not to own land, it is simply to pipe the water across the land, or, outlet the water from a pipe onto the land. The process involves a 6-member board who determines the value of the easement that the city must pay to the property owner.
7. STORM WATER UTILITY: On Monday the 27th about 380 commercial properties were sent Storm Water Utility notices indicating the fee based on the engineer’s calculations. As of Thursday 5 calls were received regarding waivers.
8. MEETING: The Planning and Zoning Commission has rescheduled their meeting in January to the 18th at the Activity Center from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. They will conduct a public input session for the Comprehensive Plan Update.
9. TAXABLE VALUES: The city received the FY2011-12 numbers from the county this week. Values increased slightly (2.7%) mainly due to residential growth just under 2% with commercial and industrial growth at approximately .5%. In your packet is a table showing rates by residential, commercial and industrial class.