1. STORM WATER MODEL: V&K’s Forrest Aldrich reports the model for the E. Girard is near complete. Staff will review it and then present to council on January 18. A neighborhood meeting will either be held that date or soon thereafter.
2. AMBULANCE BILLING: Funds were budget this year to add about 15 hours of clerical time for ambulance billing by shifting the Clerk’s Office hours of Vicki Herald to the FD. Budget issues delayed the move but the plan now is to make the shift by the end of February or first of March. Skye Jacobs whose time is split between the Clerk’s Office and Sewer Dept, will make up the time in the Clerk’s Office and the Sewer Dept will replace her 20 hours/week with a part time person.
3. RECOGNITION LETTER: In the packet is a letter from Des Moines Police Chief Judy Bradshaw thanking Indianola Officer Rick Largesse for dedication and commitment for his contribution to the Metro S.T.A.R Unit that provided service on December 6 during the stand-off.
4. ASH TREES: The Indianola Tree Committee is meeting January 20 to discuss the ash emerald borer issue. In February they will present an ash tree inventory and a recommendation for dealing with the upcoming problem.
5. CHANGE ORDERS: In the packet is a list of Infiltration/Inflow Program change orders from phases 1-3. Council member Berry had asked about the number and cost.
6. 9th STREET: The 9th Street paving is complete and open for traffic.
7. STORM WATER UTILITY: Thus far there have been 17 appeals for storm water fees. There are a couple properties that qualify for a waiver because their land borders the city limit and the water flows directly into the rural area.
8. COUNCIL ORIENTATION: New council member Pam Pepper will tour the city and have her orientation on January 18.
9. UTILITY BILL ENVELOPES: During the last year, there have been 26 requests for return utility bill envelopes. The Clerk’s Office sends out one dozen at a time when customers ask.
10. SIGN: The Indianola Community Youth Foundation asked to place a “measurement” sign on the southeast corner of Hwy’s 65/69 and 92. Chuck Burgin ok’d the sign as long as it does not block visibility. It will be up for about three months.
11. MEETING: The Planning and Zoning Commission has rescheduled their meeting in January to the 18th at the Activity Center from 6:00 to 6:30. After they adjourn, they will hold a public input meeting. Citizens are invited to review maps showing future land use, master street plan, environmental restraints and other issues. This will be an open house format from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m.