1. ELECTION: As of Friday, both Pam Pepper and John Sirianni indicated they would submit papers for the March 1 election. Ivan Richert submitted papers for the At Large seat on January 20.
2. NORTH TREATMENT PLANT: V&K will review their 2001 study of the North Sewer Treatment Plant Improvements in the next 60-90 days and then council will be approached about soliciting engineering quotes for the $5-6 million project that is budgeted for FY 12/13.
3. FEMA: Risk Manager RoxAnne Hunerdosse reports the city submitted $340,200 in storm claims to FEMA and $320,900 is anticipated. Our thanks to Rox for a job well done as the collection and submission of this data is enormous!
4. TAX REVENUE: Collections to date are at just over 52% thru December which is very near the same as this time last year.
5. COMP PLAN: About 25 people attended the Comp Plan review last Tuesday at the Activity Center.
6. GIS: The county assessor’s office is reviewing a 3-D option for the Geographic Information System (GIS) that could prove beneficial. No decisions have been made and we’ll review options when (and if) pictometry becomes available.
7. DES MOINES PARTNERSHIP DC TRIP: This year’s annual trip will be May 11-13. Last year’s cost was $1,975/person. $8,600 is budgeted. Attendees the last two years were:
2008 2009 2010
Steve Richardson Mark Vickroy Mayor Ken Bresnan
Randy Gathers
Pete Berry
The item will be placed on a February agenda for consideration.
8. STEPHEN COURT CULVERT: The culvert has leaks between seams on the western side and the contractor fully acknowledges the problem. After meeting with the engineers and Community Development Director, Chuck Burgin, the plan is to seal the seams with a metal band that will eliminate leaking. A change order extending the completion date and recommendation will be brought to council in February.
Also, a water main break occurred on Friday morning that may be related to this project. It was being reviewed on Friday afternoon so more information will be available on Monday.