1. NEXT MEETING: The next council meeting is February 7 at 6:00 pm.
2. TRAIL GRANT: The Central Iowa Regional Transportation Planning Association (CIRTPA) time frame for STP Transportation Enhancement fund expenditures is two years. Projects must be let within the two-year period or the funds must be returned to CIRTPA to redistribute.
The current round of funding is for Federal Fiscal Year 2012 which starts October 1, 2011. Given the two-year timeframe, the city would have until October 1, 2013 to begin the Kelley Trail project.
The CIRTPA Enhancement Committee will meet with applicants on February 9 to discuss their projects.
3. MOBILE RADAR: Several months ago, the PD applied for a Highway Safety Grant to help fund the purchase of a mobile radar unit. We receive $4,500 and Steve Bonnett will order an OnSite 350 by Decatur Electronics, that will track, record speeds and provide vehicle counts. It utilizes the same software that our pole-mounted tracker uses, which will greatly simplify its operation. The trailer's cost is approximately $9000.00 and about $4500.00 will be from personnel cost savings.
4. FEBRUARY 14 COMMITTEE: The tentative committee agenda of February 14 includes:
Fire Dept Aerial Truck Recommendation
Storm Sewer Projects Review (W. Boston, W. Iowa, S. Buxton and E. Girard)
Review Temporary Structure Ordinance
Mark Vickroy is chair and Pete Berry is vice chair.
5. SOUTH Y: Chuck Burgin, Jean Furler and I have a meeting with the engineer on Wednesday the 2nd to discuss the assessment schedule. We then intend to schedule an informational meeting within a week or two to discuss voluntary assessments and the corresponding paperwork. Elected officials are encouraged to attend so the date will be announced as soon as possible. The legal process for the project will likely start in late February by setting a public hearing
6. ELECTION PAPERS: As of Friday about 2:00 pm election papers were presented to City Clerk Diana Bowlin by Pam Pepper (at-large), Ivan Richert (at-large) and John Sirianni (2nd Ward).
7. DC TRIP: The annual Greater Des Moines Partnership trip will be May 11-13, 2011 at a cost of $2,100-$2,200/person. There is $8,600 in the budget. Let Diana know if you would like to attend. We will place this on the February 7 council agenda.