1. SOUTH Y: Community Development Director Chuck Burgin has a verbal agreement to sign an easement with LeMar Koethe to drain storm water onto his property. A very good job by Chuck. This will give us the go-ahead to finalize plans/specs and begin the legal process to move the project forward.
Eminent Domain has therefore been pulled from the agenda.
2. SHARED SERVICES: Supt Dan Miers is working with a group on Ann Parkway to eliminate a shared service. A recommendation will be brought to council in February.
3. STEPHEN COURT CULVERT: There are leaks in the new culvert installed on Stephen Court and a meeting has been scheduled for next week to discuss options. A change order will be brought to council to extend the contract completion date in February.
4. STORM WATER PROJECTS: The E Girard storm water recommendation will be brought to committee in February for council consideration. The neighborhood will be invited.
There are other storm water projects that staff intends to combine for one major project and hopefully obtain some economies of scale. Projects include W Boston Culvert repair (FEMA), W Iowa Culvert repair (FEMA), South Buxton Storm Water Main repair.
5. COMMUNITY/WELLNESS REFERENDUM: Auditor Traci Vanderlinden has secured the American Legion as the polling site for the March 1 referendum. She estimates the cost at about $2,000.
6. BUDGET: The FY 11/12 Budget will be presented on Monday, January 24 at 6:00 pm after the discussion with state representatives.
7. ORIENTATION: Council member Pam Pepper’s orientation is January 18.
8. AWARDS BANQUET: A reminder the annual awards banquet is Friday, January 21 beginning at 6:00 pm.
9. RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT: Chuck Burgin and I met this week with an engineer and developer about a large residential development on the city’s east side. More information will be provided when available.
10. ANNUAL SPRING CLEAN UP: Diana Bowlin has tentatively set (subject to council approval) April 18-22 (one week) for the city’s annual cleanup with McCoy Sanitation. Also the free spring leaf and organic yard waste disposal will be available April 18 – May 1 at the Brush Facility. She is still working with Midwest Recovery to pick up the appliances either at the Brush Facility or on the curb. This will be placed on the February 7 council agenda.