Wednesday, December 22, 2010

News Items - December 27, 2010

1. NEXT MEETING: The next meeting is January 3. Have a great holiday!

2. CONFLICT OF INTEREST: There seemed to be some question as to what constitutes a conflict of interest for elected/appointed officials at the December 20 meeting. The following clarifications are intended to help:

“A conflict exists when there is a clash between public and private duty, or the loyalty owed an employer and the duty to act in the public interest. The good faith of the public official and lack of corruption are not defenses. The disqualifying conflict need not be actual, nor based on dishonesty, but rather is predicated upon whether there is a potential of a conflict or an appearance of an impropriety that is more than fanciful”.

3. C STREET: City, Simpson and school staff met V&K Engineers on Tuesday the 21st to discuss the C Street Study recommendations (see packet). After a thorough review, it was decided to hold on a presentation to council until February or March when more information about the school’s plans for new parking at Irving can be developed.

4. HOMELAND SECURITY: The city recently received the annual bill from the city of Des Moines for its share of the Homeland Security Program funds. The city’s annual cost has been as follows:


The city used the Homeland Security Team during the December 6 standoff in the 200 block of North F Street. 60 staff members assisted the PD including a negotiating team, and, no one was injured. A very good investment.

5. LETTER TO THE EDITOR: There was a letter to the editor in the December 21 RH&T from a person who received a speeding ticket. The ticket was issued on November 7 for doing 71 mph in a 45 mph zone. The ticket was paid on November 18.