1. ROLLBACK: The rollback for FY 11/12 increases to 48.52% from 46.9% or about 3.4%. If there is no change in the tax rate, a home valued at $150,000 would pay $822 in FY 11/12 compared to $795 in FY 10/11, a $27 increase (about $2.25/month). Since Indianola’s taxes have not increased in the last two years, that increase would average about $8/year.
Industrial and commercial rollbacks remain at 100% in FY 11/12.
2. TRI CITY: The next meeting of Carlisle, Indianola and Norwalk is tentatively scheduled for December 7. Time and location are yet to be determined but we offered Indianola as a site. I will ask Steve Bonnett and Brian Seymour to attend as dispatch and EMS will be discussed. The supervisors will also be invited.
More information will be provided when available.
3. STORM WATER STUDY: V&K’s Forrest Aldrich reports the storm water model/study will be complete by the end of November and neighborhood meetings will be scheduled.
4. INFILTRATION/INFLOW PHASE 3: The South Lift Station Storm Basin project will receive a contract reduction of about $8,500 because soil will be taken from the site as opposed to hauling it from elsewhere. The change order will be on a December council agenda.
5. MEMORIAL POOL DEBT PAYMENT: The $180,000 final debt payment for the Memorial Pool will be made in June 2011. And, the P&R Commission intends to approach the council about using some or all of the 43-cent tax rate to provide trail extensions (yet to be determined).
6. BRUSH FACILITY: The brush facility will remain open thru November 30.
7. W HWY 92 SEWER: A meeting is scheduled for next Monday with utility owners to discuss the conflict with the sanitary sewer services. A recommendation will be provided at a December meeting.
8. FIRE DEPARTMENT EXPANSION: The grant Brian Seymour applied for to expand the Fire Station was $2.5 million.
9. D STREET: D Street was paved during a sewer replacement project in 1995.
10. MIDDLE SCHOOL EXPANSION: In the packet is a drawing showing the proposed Middle School expansion. City staff are meeting with school officials in early December.
11. VINTAGE HILLS: The November 8 Business Record had an article (packet) on Indianola’s Vintage Hills Retirement Community. Very good PR for Indianola.
12. MAYOR’S YOUTH COUNCIL: In the packet is a flyer explaining the Mayor’s Youth Council. High School students are encouraged to apply and will meet throughout the year with the involvement of the Mayor and council members. P&R Teen Coordinator Becky Lane will assist with the MYC. Meetings and activities will be lead and driven by the students with the assistance and guidance of the Mayor and Becky. The MYC will provide opportunities for high school students to learn about city government, provide input about city issues, represent high school youth by providing ideas that are of interest to them, provide leadership opportunities, learn how to work together with others, learn how to plan, organize, fund and administer activities for the community, etc.
Warren Co. United Way Action Council tried to start a county youth council successful so it was suggested Warren County Mayors be involved. Mayor Bresnan expressed interest so Indianola will have the first MYC.
13. HABITAT: The Warren County Habitat for Humanity will hold a dedicated ceremony for the recently completed home at 512 E. Euclid on Saturday, November 20 at 2:00 p.m.