Friday, October 29, 2010

News Items - November 1, 2010

1. FEMA: Below is a list of the emergency disaster project costs submitted to FEMA. Risk Manager RoxAnne Hunerdosse worked very well to compile this data and submit it to FEMA. Department directors also deserve recognition.

Federal funding will reimburse 75% of eligible expenses and state funding will reimburse 10% of the eligible expenses for a total reimbursement of 85%.
Debris Pick-Up, Removal, & Recycling $ 12,500
Emergency Protective Measures $ 18,800
Street & Storm Sewer Projects $380,000
City Hall & Library $ 9,300
Water $ 8,100
Electric $ 82,900
Water Pollution Control $172,700
Parks** $ 30,700
Total $715,000
*There may be some parts of a project that won’t be reimbursed due to an improvement on the “prior to event” condition. **This does not include the engineering or restoration work needed at Easton Park.

Total estimated reimbursement is $608,400.

2. STORM WATER UTILITY: Clerks Office staff has been meeting to discuss utility bill issues related to non-owner occupied single/two-family dwellings. There are about 800 and the key is to minimize the amount of new bills generated. It is possible the SWU billing may be delayed until February or March in order to ensure the most efficient utility method.

3. C STREET CLOSURE: V&K scheduled a meeting on Monday November 1 with reps from the city, school and Simpson to discuss the ramifications of “C” Street’s closure to thru traffic. The study should be complete in a few weeks.

4. W HIGHWAY 92 SEWER: The main (south side) is installed and the services for north side properties have been determined with the assistance of owners. However, based on the service locations, there are conflicts with existing utilities making the originally designed borings near impossible. V&K is working with Underground and the utility owners to determine the best option. We therefore anticipate a change order that will be brought to council in several weeks. At this time an open cut may be the best option.

5. SQUARE BUILDINGS: City Attorney John Hoyman reports there was a hearing October 27 to delay the December 14 court date for the lawsuit by the owners of 110 W Ashland against the owner of 112 W Ashland. The court date was not changed and will be held as scheduled.

Steve Gray of SVPA reports the plan/spec is complete and the estimate to repair the building is approximately $160,000. The tentative schedule for repairing the building follows:

• November 3 – submit construction document
• November 15 – Resolution ordering construction of public improvement and fixing a date for hearing and taking of bids
• November 22 – pre-con meeting
• December 1 – Receive bids
• December 6 – Award contract
• Completion within 90 days

6. GUN SALES: Chuck Burgin’s Office received a request to sell guns (see letters) under the “special exceptions , uses and structures” in an R-3 (mixed residential) zone. R-3 allows home occupations but does not include retail sales. Chuck Burgin and John Hoyman are working the issue.

7. NORTH Y/INWOOD: Chuck Burgin and I met with county reps to discuss options regarding the seal coat (placed for RAGBRAI) on North Y and Inwood. One option is to remove the gravel and put it back to its original surface.

8. HEALTH INSURANCE POOL: The pool remains around $990,000 and is hopefully well poised for new expenses arising from federal health care reform.

9. MEDIACOM: Notice was received from Mediacom to change channel KDSM DT@-Cool TV to channel 110 on November 15.

10. 204 NORTH JEFFERSON: Community Development Director Chuck Burgin is getting quotes to remove the D&D building 204 N Jefferson. The former Cottage Inn and building south will be removed later this year or early next year due to some required environmental testing.

11. DOWNTOWN INCENTIVE: Mary Donaghy of Mary Donaghy Insurance (206 N. Buxton) is working with Chuck Burgin on building improvements and the Downtown Incentive Program. Because of the nature of the late in the building season, most of the improvements have been started. This will be placed on a future council agenda.