Monday, November 5, 2012

City Manager's Blog - November 2, 2012

YMCA Update
We have scheduled an owners walk-thru to view the current progress of the YMCA on December 3rd at 2:00 pm at the YMCA. We anticipate most of the building to be enclosed by that date. We encourage Council members to attend if possible.

AFR Submittal/Budget
The FY12 Annual Financial Report will be published in the RHT next week and is due to the Iowa Dept of Management by December 1, 2012. The report shows the actual receipts and disbursements of the entire organization for the last fiscal year. Operations & Maintenance (O&M) Budgets for FY14 will be sent to department heads late next week. The General Fund CIP will be brought to council study November 12 and the entire CIP to the November 19 council meeting.

Fire Safety Month
The Fire Department finished up annual visits to the elementary schools as part of the annual Fire Prevention Month activities. Over the past two weeks we have taken the fire safety trailer to each elementary school and worked with students on fire prevention education. We also visited several day care facilities and provided tours of the station to classes that choose to visit the station instead of having fire fighters visit their location.

Street Improvement
Community Development staff discussed the remaining portion of the streets to be completed for this construction season. Staff has directed the contractor to focus on the completion of North Howard and open to traffic as soon as feasible, including the two blocks north of Ashland Avenue. If successful, only one block of Detroit between D and E will remain for possible completion this spring. The J/K Street Alignment project is still progressing, however we need to update the traffic counts and turning movements on both J and K Street and provide warrants for the signalization of the new intersection.  Property acquisition within the project area including the Champlin and Warren County Historical Society property is still proceeding.

Trail Ambassadors
As a result of some past public meetings to explain about our trails plan and get public input, we held a trails ambassador interest meeting last Tuesday, Oct 23. The purpose of the meeting was to get people together to see if there is interest in forming a trails support advisory group. We had 6 people attend and have scheduled another meeting for Nov. 13. The hope is that we can get more trail users to the meeting and officially organize a trail support group that would meet on a regular basis and help support, promote, develop, and education people about trails.