Friday, September 28, 2012

News Items - October 1, 2012

1.     MC VAY TRAIL:  The storm waterway that runs parallel to the McVay Trail between 9th and 15th streets has some significant waterway bank erosion which is impacting the McVay trail.   In a couple of places, erosion is within 12-24 inches of the trail surface and causing problems and concerns for approximately 175 ft. 

V&K evaluated the area and have designed repairs that will include vegetation, debris removal, earth fill, rip rap installation and surface restoration.  This will stabilize the waterway banks, prevent further erosion and preserve the integrity of the trail.

In accordance with legislation, the city is only required to solicit “quotes” for projects in the $40,000 to $100,000 range (in lieu of a “legal” bid process).  This work will be done this fall so it is in place prior to spring snow melting and rains.  Total cost is estimated to be $75,000.

The proposed schedule is as follows:
·       Receive and open quotes                                October 11, 2012
·       Council action to award contract                   October 15, 2012
·       Begin Construction                                        October 22, 2012
·       Project completion                                         December 31, 2012

·       East Boston Avenue east of 65/69 is open to traffic
·       Sidewalks and intersections on Boston Avenue west of 65/69 are being poured this week.  The street should open early next week
·       A portion of North Buxton, north of Ashland has been poured
·       The water main installation on Howard north of Boston continues

3.     CIP: Department Heads have been working on their capital improvement plans the past few weeks. The Street & Sewer plans will be discussed at the October 8 council study committee meeting.  

4.     PARK SIDE MOBILE HOME PARK:  Lakeshore Management Inc. has informed the Community Development Department that they intend to close the Park Side Mobile Home Park (Hwy 92 & 15th Street).  They intend to relocate several of the homes to North American and then abandon utilities and prepare the property for sale.

5.     STORM SEWER PROJECT:  The project located at North 8th Street and Iowa Avenue has been complete.  The Street Department has replaced the portion of the trail that was removed and the Park Department will re-seed the disturbed area.

Friday, September 14, 2012

News Items - September 17, 2012

·       South Howard Street paving and sidewalks are complete. IMU is currently installing street lighting.
·       The old surface of North Buxton north of Ashland has been removed and paving scheduled next week.
·       Paving on Boston west of Hwy 65-69 is currently being poured.

2.     TAX ABATEMENT: Diane Bowlin informed me that the past process for approving tax abatement has been to set a public hearing at one meeting, publish a notice in the paper, hold the public hearing and pass a resolution at another meeting. I incorrectly indicated it would be a three reading ordinance process at the study meeting. Council is set to schedule the public hearing Sept 17, 2012 and conduct the hearing on Oct. 15, 2012. A survey of all metro cities will be in your packets as well as other pertinent information. If you have any questions please let me know.

3.     HWY 92 UPDATE:  The unobligated federal DOT earmark of $86,305 was actually for the Hwy 92 study and was not needed to complete it. The remaining earmark amount of $491,964 was for actual improvements and was to be complete by December 31, 2012. Obviously, the original schedule was much too aggressive for the IDOT and was delayed. Jim Armstrong, Iowa DOT District 5 engineer was very honest when asked and said the IDOT delayed the project due to internal design team issues and private property right-of-way (ROW) acquisitions. However, Jim did indicate the Federal DOT has agreed to allow Indianola/Warren County to maintain these funds to be used on the project scheduled to be bid in calendar year 2014. They agreed understanding this project is under development and continues to be a priority for all.

The good news is the $300-$500K anticipated to be the city match for this project will now be covered by these funds. The city was planning on using Downtown TIF funds to finance the match. The IDOT will approve the contract Sept 18, 2012 and the city council Oct 1, 2012.

Friday, September 7, 2012

News Items - September 10, 2012

·       South Howard Street paving and sidewalks are complete.
·       Water main and storm sewer improvement east and west side of Hwy 65/69 is complete. Street paving on Boston Ave east of Hwy 65/69 is complete. The two blocks of Boston west of the highway is being prepared for paving.
·       The old surface of North Buxton north of Ashland has been removed.

2.     NORTH 8TH & IOWA: Vanderpool Construction will begin storm sewer and grading improvements for the North 8th & Iowa project (approved by council in July) next week.  During this time North 8th St. between E. Iowa Ave. and E. Girard Ave. as well as a portion of the Summerset Trail from East Iowa to North 6th will be closed during daytime work hours.  The goal is to open the street to one lane of traffic overnight. Residents in the entire one block area will receive notices on their doors.

3.     UNION NEGOTIATIONS: The city received notice from Union Business Manager, Tom Hayes of their intent to begin negotiations for FY2013 and will forward a proposal in the near future.

4.     WELLNESS CENTER: Data, phone and cable services to the YMCA were originally bid as an alternate at $93,000. Due to the various amounts ranging from $15,000 to $93,000 it was determined the YMCA should bid it as a separate project. This turned out to be a positive decision as the low bid came in at $34,665. The city’s portion will be $13,866 (exterior to the building) and YMCA’s will be $20,779 (interior connections).