Friday, August 24, 2012

News Items August 27, 2012

·       South Howard Street paving is complete with the exception of parking and driveways.
·       Water main and storm sewer replacement on East Boston west of the highway is continuing. An existing storm sewer and openings were discovered under the pavement. Most of the system will be abandoned; however a change order request will be forthcoming. Additional sanitary sewer services have been discovered and replaced during the paving project. A change order will be requested at the end of the project.
·       The new storm sewer and water main west of Hwy 65/69 should be complete by the end of next week.
·       Change Order #2 for water main improvements (IMU cost) and storm sewer changes on “E” Street and East Boston will be submitted at the end of the month.

2.     WAY FINDING SIGNS: The city’s way finding signs have been installed. IDOT reports they will begin installing next week and the goal is to have them complete by September 7th.

3.     PICKARD PARK: The P&R Commission will submit a request to council Sept 4 for the north Pickard Park restrooms that serve youth and adult softball and youth baseball programs. Options will include renovation or replacement. Glen will provide the presentation and answer questions.

4.     CIP: Each department received capital improvement request forms for FY13-14 this week (see memo). You’ll note a request was made to delay any projects over $100,000 until FY15 and the related reasons. Please let me know if you have any questions.

5.     PROSPECT: We have been approached by WCEDC to contribute $25,000 over two years ($12,500 in FY14 and $12,500 in FY15) to a company considering locating in Indianola (see letter). They would be required to stay in Indianola for a minimum of three years as well as other commitments. When an official request is made it will be brought to council.

6.     J&K REALIGNMENT: Attached is the IDOT’s determination that no properties within the J&K Realignment are classified as “historic”. The city will be acquiring the property included in this project when the environmental study is complete, hopefully within the next 30 days.

7.     I&I: Per the discussion at Monday’s council meeting Dan Miers reports that approximately 80 properties have been inspected in 2012. Consequently, the department will continue to inspect per the consent decree.

8.     COUNTY: Warren County Supervisor, Dean Yordi requested the city’s assistance televising a sewer line in Liberty Center. The city has provided this service in the past and will be appropriately reimbursed for expenses.

9.     CAPITAL CROSSROADS: Attached is information regarding Capital Crossroads Local Government Collaboration background, a pilot project concept and proposed schedule of contributions. Mayor Bresnan discussed this group and what they are trying to accomplish at the August 20 council meeting. As this moves forward and you feel this to be a worthwhile endeavor support in the form of a resolution including financial will be requested.

Friday, August 17, 2012


TO:                 Mayor and Council
FROM:           Jean
DATE:            August 17, 2012

·       South Howard Street paving is complete with the exception of parking and driveways.
·       Water main and storm sewer replacement East Boston west of the highway is continuing. You may have noticed that a segment of one lane is closed. There is an issue with an existing storm sewer on the east side and staff is working with engineers and Sternquist to determine the best way to repair.
·       The contractor is scheduled to move to North Buxton next.

2.     WAY FINDING SIGNS: Glen Cowan indicated the signs are complete and the city will install those to be posted on city streets Monday, August 20th. A letter has been sent to the IDOT to determine if they have received the highway signs and when they plan to install. Will keep you updated.

3.     PICKARD PARK: The P&R Commission will submit a request to council Sept 4 for the north Pickard Park restrooms that serve youth and adult softball and youth baseball programs. Options will include renovation or replacement.

Friday, August 10, 2012

News Items August 13, 2012

·       South Howard Street is closed and 75% of paving is complete. One more pour is required to complete the street portion.
·       Water main and storm sewer replacement East Boston west of the highway is continuing.
·       Soil prep is being completed on East Boston east of Highway 65/69.

2.     POLICE CHIEF RESUMES: As of Aug 10th 23 resumes have been received.

3.     WAY FINDING SIGNS: Glen Cowan indicated the signs are complete and the city will install those to be posted on city streets. A letter has been sent to the IDOT to determine if they have received the highway signs to coordinate schedules. Will keep you updated.

4.     AUGUST 13: Just a reminder a meeting will not be held Monday, August 13. Enjoy your evening!

5.     YMCA: Concrete pouring continues on the Wellness Center. The competitive pool is the main focus. Walls will be delivered to the site beginning August 23rd.

Friday, August 3, 2012

News Items August 6, 2012

·       South Howard Street is closed and half of paving is complete. The remaining portion is currently being trimmed and will be paved next week.
·       Water main and storm sewer replacement East Boston west of the highway is continuing.
·       “D” Street is completely open

2.     POLICE CHIEF RESUMES: As of Aug 3rd 15 resumes have been received.

3.     HWY 65/69 STUDY: See attached letter sent to area property owners explaining elements of study and process.

4.     I&I MEETING: Per the realtors request the meeting is now Tuesday, August 7 at 11 a.m. Mayor Bresnan and John Parker will attend.

5.     NATURAL GAS FRANCHISE FEES: See the attached request from Mid-American Energy asking for a delay to implement the gas franchise fees to October 1, 2012 instead of September 1 due to staffing issues. Fortunately, the financial impact is approximately $2,000 as August is a low usage month. If this had been mid-winter the effect would have been much greater.

6.     TAX ABATEMENT: Tax abatement for residential, commercial and industrial properties is set to expire December 31, 2012. Staff will bring information to a future committee to discuss whether or not the program should be continued.

7.     REAL ESTATE: A real estate agent contacted Chuck this week and indicated the two parking lots directly west of city hall are for sale. Price was not mentioned and both properties were just placed on the market. Staff will keep you informed as we receive additional information.

8.     YMCA: The footings for the YMCA are 90% complete and the competitive pool is in the process of being poured.

9.  NORTH 8TH & IOWA: A pre-construction meeting for the North 8th Street and Iowa project will be held Tuesday, August 7 at 9 am. The project awarded to low bidder Vanderpool Construction is scheduled to be complete October of this year.