Friday, August 17, 2012


TO:                 Mayor and Council
FROM:           Jean
DATE:            August 17, 2012

·       South Howard Street paving is complete with the exception of parking and driveways.
·       Water main and storm sewer replacement East Boston west of the highway is continuing. You may have noticed that a segment of one lane is closed. There is an issue with an existing storm sewer on the east side and staff is working with engineers and Sternquist to determine the best way to repair.
·       The contractor is scheduled to move to North Buxton next.

2.     WAY FINDING SIGNS: Glen Cowan indicated the signs are complete and the city will install those to be posted on city streets Monday, August 20th. A letter has been sent to the IDOT to determine if they have received the highway signs and when they plan to install. Will keep you updated.

3.     PICKARD PARK: The P&R Commission will submit a request to council Sept 4 for the north Pickard Park restrooms that serve youth and adult softball and youth baseball programs. Options will include renovation or replacement.