Friday, July 6, 2012

News Items July 9, 2012

·       North “E” is paved and open with a few remaining cleanup items and landscaping.
·       South Howard Street is closed and sub grade prep work is being performed.
·       Sewer repair work is being performed on East Boston east of Hwy 92.

2.     SURVEY: Enclosed is information from 10 cities with either similar populations or structure (county seat). Information regarding economic development groups and chamber contributions was provided. However, only one city indicated they have formal agreements with these groups. Generally, quarterly or annual reports (similar to what we receive) are provided. A few cities have an economic development staff person others provide representatives, elected and non-elected to serve on these boards.

3.     COUNTY MAINTENANCE BUILDING: Very preliminary discussions with Doug Shull indicate the county may be relocating its road maintenance facility (currently located on North 6th Street) in the future. They are looking at options and at this time land has not been purchased. Doug indicated the county may approach the city to determine interest based on proximity to the city street and parks departments.

4.     APPRAISAL: Rally Appraisal out of Des Moines indicated they could provide an appraisal for North “C” Street at a rate of $2,500.

5.     HWY 65/69 STUDY: Attached is an agenda for Monday’s IDOT meeting in Ames. Mayor Bresnan, John Parker and I will attend on behalf of the city.