Friday, November 18, 2011

News Items - November 21, 2011

1. WELLNESS CENTER: SVPA will provide a progress report on December 5.

The concepts look very good.

Terracon conducted 13 soil tests taken this week and the results should be available in early December. We are hopeful soils will not be an issue.

The 28-E agreement with the Y has also progressed and is intended to be on the December 5 agenda for council consideration.

2. STREET REPLACEMENT PROJECT: At the public information meeting on November 10, Community Development Director Chuck Burgin indicated that the formal process would proceed in December. In order to do so, council can hold a special meeting on November 28 (same night as committee meeting) to set December 19 as a public hearing on the assessment plat/schedule and resolution of necessity.

Ken will call the meeting.

3. NOVEMBER 28 COMMITTEE: Tentative agenda items for the November 28 meeting include:

General Fund Capital Plan
Downtown Incentive Program
Employee Wellness Program
J/K Realignment Engineering Proposal
Joint meeting with Trustees to discuss labor negotiations

4. BRUSH FACILITY: The facility will be open through December 4 for free leaf/brush disposal.

5. NARROW BANDING: Chief Brian Seymour reports that the FCC is mandating replacement of radios that can function on the new band by January ’13. All departments are budgeting accordingly and Brian estimates the cost in the $45,000 range (includes Electric/Water).

Norwalk decided to contract for their dispatch services thru Westcom as of January 2013. Norwalk has been with Warren County since the 70’s but feel the service provided by West Des Moines, Clive and Urbandale would better suit their needs. Chief Seymour reports the effect on the remainder of Warren County would not be significant.

The managers and chiefs from Carlisle, Indianola and Norwalk met on the 15th to discuss dispatch issues and plan to meet again in early December to continue dialogue on dispatch issues. The group is suggesting a meeting with elected officials from cities and the county in the near future.

6. SANITARY SEWER FARM CONTRACT: In 2002, the city purchased 352 acres of farm land (see map) on the Middle River for a future Sanitary Sewer Plant site. There are 247 tillable acres and every two years bids are received to farm the ground. The current contract expires March 2012 so on October 21 Supt Dan Miers sent six rfp’s and on November 15, two were received. They are:

Dennis Moser
Indianola, Iowa $50,200

Allen Henry
Indianola, Iowa $40,725

A recommendation will be placed on December 5 to accept the $50,200 proposal from Dennis Moser for March 1, 2012 through March 1, 2014.

FYI—The funds are placed in the Sewer Plant Budget and used to offset the $87,000 annual debt to retire the land’s purchase. The current contract is $34,264.

7. BUXTON PARK PLAN: The P&R Commission budgeted $8,000 to provide a plan for Buxton to accommodate future memorials, pedestrian access, garden locations, etc. On November 3, eight proposals were received and four companies were interviewed by Park Friend reps and staff. The group selected Civil Design Advantage (same firm that designed the amphitheater in Memorial Park) for a total fee of $9,300.

Glen indicates there are funds available from the DeNelsky Park budget that will not be spent this year. The Buxton Park Plan will be reviewed by the P&R Commission and presented to council in the spring.

8. RACE CARS: Community Development Director Chuck Burgin and I met with Phil Watson and our attorney Hugh Cain on Tuesday the 15th. Phil does not plan to take the case any further so the matter is complete.

9. SLUDGE: Supt Dan Miers is getting quotes to haul about 1.1 million gallons of sludge from the North Plant. A recommendation will be on the January 3 (Tuesday) agenda.