Friday, September 16, 2011

News Items September 19, 2011

1. WELLNESS CENTER: Our second meeting with the Vision Iowa Board was held on September 14 and it went well. Ken presented a revised budget (based on elected official, committee and citizen input) that included the walking track and a racquetball court. The $2.5 million request was lowered to $1 million to show actual need and be more inline with VI resources. There are nearly $12 million in applications and around $3.5-$4 million in available funds. Nearly $2 million in applications was forwarded to the negotiation stage by the Board on the 14th.

2. I&I CHANGE ORDER: Supt Dan Miers and V&K Engineers Forrest Aldrich and Rebecca Ford have been working with Visu Sewer on changes to the Phase 2 Project that will amount to about $112,000. Total contract amount is currently $4,185,979.00.

The C/O is the result of a 3-1/2 hour meeting between Becky, Dan, Forrest and the contractor on August 31st. The contractor was originally asking $227,524 before Becky and Dan negotiated the cost to the $112,000.

The changes are described by location/purpose in the V&K recommendation. Some repairs are for fixing a shared service while the majority is due to changes in sewer conditions (worse) compared to what was originally televised (several years ago). Becky, Dan and Forrest reviewed the original TV tape during design and the new TV tape for the repair. The difference is remarkable in some instances. It is not known why the sewer deteriorated so quickly in these locations but a guess is that the wet weather this spring surcharged some of the sewers and they couldn't take the strain. The rest is for miscellaneous odds and ends discovered during excavation.

Most of the entire Phase II has now been televised for repairs and most of the excavation work is completed, so we do not expect any more change orders of this magnitude.

3. RECYCLING PROPOSALS: On August 3, 2011 Diana Bowlin received recycling proposals for the next 3-5 years (see packet) indicating McCoy Sanitation as the low bid. However, McCoy’s recently sold to Waste Management.

I met with WM’s Brian Neppl and Dave Massey to discuss the transition and McCoy’s and recycling proposals. They are willing to honor the current (bin) option of $2.75/month and are considering a reduction to their cart system.

Based on the healthy financial condition of the Recycling Fund, and, the fact that the single-stream cart recycling option is becoming more accepted in the metro area, the recommendation is to accept the cart recycling option. Keep in mind that eventually the bin system will be obsolete and a change to carts will be inevitable. The 96 gallon carts would be provided to residents and picked up every two weeks compared to once/week under the bin program. WM also indicates participation increases with the cart system.

This will be placed on the October 3 council agenda.

4. STORM WATER FUNDING: Chuck Burgin, Jean Furler, Dan Miers and I had a meeting with reps from IDNR regarding a new program that will help fund Water Resource Restoration projects using interest paid (by cities) on their Sanitary Sewer improvements using the State Revolving Loan Fund. The city council has budgeted around $6 million for sewer plant improvements that will be constructed in 2013 (plans are being developed now) so the 3% interest on that project can be used for storm water improvement projects including permeable paving, drainage way improvements, water gardens and other projects that limit storm water freely flowing into a drainage way.

More information about the project will be available in a couple weeks when we plan to meet again. And, it will be placed on a future council study agenda.

5. EMPLOYEE BREAKFAST: Up to a year or so ago the council and trustees held an employee breakfast as a meet and greet and show of appreciation for the fine work performed by our employees. After discussion with Todd Kielkopf, we are scheduling October 27 from 7:00 am to 8:30 am for the breakfast that will be held at the Activity Center. Elected officials are asked to attend to help serve and meet employees. Mark your calendars.

6. THE VILLAGE: The Village will be celebrating their 20th anniversary on Friday, September 30 from 2:00-4:00 pm in the Heritage Room in the Maple Crest Building. The retirement/assisted living center have been a great corporate citizen of Indianola.

7. SOUTH Y PAVING UPDATE: South “Y” is open to the traffic, 90% of the sidewalks have been poured and restoration will begin next week. Chuck has met with the representative of the townhomes, to discuss detour damage and will be corrected. The damage was minimal and repairs will begin next week.

8. NO PARKING: I have received an informal request from a farmer to place no parking on South “Y” Street. He stated it is very difficult to get his large machinery through to his farm land. I have asked Steve Bonnett to review and make a recommendation.

9. TAXES: In your packet are the general fund and debt service tax distribution at a 100.35% and 100.39%. This is good news.