Friday, July 29, 2011

August 1, 2011 News Items


TO: Mayor and Council
DATE: July 28, 2011

1. WELLNESS CENTER: Seven project manager proposals were received on July 27 and a sub-committee will review and narrow the list to present to the full committee on August 18. Interviews will take place in late August and a recommendation presented to council in September.

Also, we have been invited formally by Vision Iowa staff to make a presentation to the Board on August 10 regarding our $2.5 million grant application.

2. GIRARD STORM SEWER: The Storm Water Improvement Project begins at the detention ponds and works south (see map). However, I received a call from an adjacent property owner asking if we could extend the project north (to Iowa Avenue) by removing the brush and installing a small drainage tile. This concept was discussed several years ago but not all neighbors approved so it was dropped.

I have asked Forrest Aldrich to get a quote (change order) from Underground to provide the additional work and will bring a recommendation to council.

3. W HWY 92 SEWER: A meeting was held on July 27 to discuss property owner payment options for the new sewer extending from Y Street east 1,425 feet (see map). Two property owners attended (9 are affected).

The project has been planned as a “connect fee” (pay only when connecting to the sewer) but a special assessment option will be offered as well for those who prefer to pay (begin immediately) over 15 years.

Project acceptance will be placed on the August 15 agenda with an assessment schedule for council consideration. The connect fee ordinance will be on the agenda as well.

4. J/K RE ALIGNMENT: The $181,000 appraisal for property affected by the proposed re-alignment has to be “re-evaluated” according to IDOT policy. Community Development Director Chuck Burgin is getting quotes. When using IDOT funds there are additional steps/procedures the city must pursue.

The function and purpose of the review is to:
1. Protect the interests of the public
2. Protect the interests of the property owner
3. Provide an approved estimate of just compensation
4. Provide consistency of values
5. Maintain a high quality appraisal product

5. SOUTH Y: The Alliance Paving Company could begin paving on August 4 or 5 weather permitting. August 8 is their second option. Chuck Burgin met with the west side (see letter) residents and indicated east-side access options during paving. Access will be limited for 48-72 hours.

6. POOL: Rec Supt Doug Byland reports the heat is an advantage for pool attendance as well as not needing to heat the water for the last 3 weeks.

Through July 26, pool revenues averaged $770 for daily admissions compared to $528 in May and June. More admission revenue was collected thru July 27 than was collected the entire 41 days of May and June. However, since year-round school started at Irving, admissions dropped over the past week:

July 21-26: $723 average
July 15-20: $964 average

Those numbers show exactly a drop of 25% which coincides with 1/4 of the elementary kids now in school during the day.

7. C SPAN CAMPAIGN BUS: On August 10 from 11:30 am to 1:40 pm C-SPAN will park their 45’ bus on the south side of Salem just east of Crouses to allow political input. The bus interior is equipped with state-of-the art digital media technology and visitors will be encouraged to use the devices. Mediacom is the host for C-SPAN’s visit.

Steve Bonnett, Brian Seymour and Ed Yando have all been apprised and are ok with the concept.

8. P&R PRESENTATION: The P&R presentation will be delayed until September according to Director Glen Cowan.

9. SIDEWALK REPAIRS: The Community Development Dept sent RFP’s to 4 contractors to repair sidewalks that property owners have yet to repair themselves. The process of inspecting and repairing sidewalks is undertaken about every 2-3 years to maintain safety and minimize liability.

Property owners are given 30 days notice (letters were sent on June 27 with repairs to be made by July 27) and then the city hires a contractor (low bid) to make repairs. Costs are then placed as liens on the property.

A contractor recommendation will be brought to council in September.

10. HORTICULTURIST: As of Friday morning, 16 applications have been received. Mike Bowlin, Glen Cowan, and RoxAnne Hunerdosse will screen and interview candidates in the next couple weeks. They are anticipating a late August, early September start date so a recommendation will be brought accordingly.