Friday, June 17, 2011

News Items June 20, 2011


TO: Mayor and Council
DATE: June 16, 2011

1. HWY 65/69 CORRIDOR STUDY: The powerpoint presentation by Snyder’s Mark Perington on Monday the 13th is in the packet. The study will be on the July 5 agenda for formal council consideration.

2. ELECTRIC FRANCHISE FEE: In the packet is a Resolution Adopting Revenue Purpose Statement from the proposed electric franchise fee. Note that the fee is only for Mid American customers and is consistent with IMU’s payment in lieu of tax.

Ivan Webber (Ahlers Firm) reports condemnation is purely a local decision and there is no particular advantage/disadvantage to allowing MAE to condemn or leaving it to the city. It can be decided when council sets a hearing date on July 5 for July 20.

If removed, the city would have to condemn on behalf of MAE should the need arise. If left in, the city does not have control of that decision.

3. TAX REVENUES: Revenue thru June is just over 100%. Very good news!

4. STORM RECOVERY: About 127 calls were received resulting from last week’s record rain and 117 households had damaged items removed from their parking this week and Thursday the 21st.

Also, two Project Recovery Iowa Teams from the Dept of Human Services went thru the neighborhoods on June 16 and 17 educating residents about counseling, education services and additional assistance. Project Recovery Iowa is funded by a grant from FEMA under the direction of Polk County Health Services.

In the packet is a letter regarding a 4-plex on E Iowa that flooded last week. I advised the owner the city would clean the culverts and drainage ditches to help improve flow.

5. LIBRARY: The Library is getting new carpeting and lighting this summer and the Board set the following schedule:

The Library will be closed completely from August 4-7 (Thursday through Sunday). In addition, should it be necessary, it will close early on Wednesday, August 3 so that the carpet installers can begin removing the carpet. The carpet will not be done by August 7. Additional early closings might be necessary but the hope is that the carpet installer can bring in a crew to work overnight after closing. The work needed to add additional floor outlets in the middle of the building will be done on August 4. Preparatory work will begin on August 2.

During this time the staff will be doing some much needed housecleaning, pulling data cables, packing up desks so that "all systems are go" when it's time to do the staff area, and moving books on bottom shelves for the carpet people.

A question was raised at Monday’s meeting about the size of the Library. It has about 9,800 sq. ft. of finished space.

6. STREET WIDTH: Building Inspector Rich Parker surveyed metro cities for the minimum width of their residential streets and found the following:

• Des Moines – 26’
• Clive – 26’
• West Des Moines – 26’
• Waukee – 25’
• Newton – 26’

7. AMBULANCE: 3 bids were received on the 17th to replace the 2000 with 133,700 miles. $160,000 is budgeted for FY 11/12 and the low was $152,497.00. Chief Brian Seymour is reviewing the proposals and will have a recommendation at the July 5 council meeting.

8. MCVAY TRAIL: There is some severe erosion approaching the trail just north of the High School. The record rains in 2010 and 2011 are the cause. V&K’s Forrest Aldrich will tour the trail next week and provide recommendations.

9. HORTICULTURIST: Kathy Nutting submitted her two-week notice and intends to become a minister. She has been with the city since August 1, 2000 and will be missed. We wish her the best!

Glen Cowan and Mike Bowlin are reviewing the job description for possible changes.

10. SOUTH PLANT: Neuvirth Construction has requested a 2 month contract extension due to weather related delays.

The completion date would change from June 17th to August 19th, contingent on when lagoon discharge will start.

The change order will be placed on the July 5 agenda for approval. Dan Miers and V&K’s Becky Ford will recommend approval.

11. ROOF REPLACEMENT: During Phase 3 construction at the South Plant Lift Station, contractors working on the blower building noticed the roof leaking above the electrical panel (see memo). V&K Engineering inspected the roof and recommended replacing it. It is original from 1978. 3 bids were received:

• Central States Roofing – Des Moines - $10,540
• Hedberg & Son Roofing – Des Moines - $9,600
• Superior Roofing – Altoona - $9,650

Dan Miers reviewed the quotes, and recommends accepting Hedberg & Son Roofing for the roof replacement. Funds are budgeted under plant/grounds maintenance so we will proceed with the Hedberg Quote.