Friday, May 13, 2011

News Items - May 16, 2011

1. WELLNESS CENTER: Ten architect rfp’s were received on the 12th for the wellness center. A subcommittee (Chuck Burgin, Vicky Foresman, Mike Teigland and I) will review them, narrow to 4-6 and present them to full committee on May 24. The full committee will interview architect firms in early June and a recommendation will be on the July 5 agenda.

2. WEST EUCLID: Total sidewalk assessments were $55,882.32 so a 50% reduction would reduce them by $27,941.16 according to V&K’s Jeremy Enano.

A resolution changing the assessments is being drafted by Eric Boehlert and a recommendation will be on the June 6 council agenda.

In the packet is the May 11 Register Editorial titled “Like it or not, court’s ruling is sound”.

3. AMBULANCE REPLACEMENT: Fire Chief Brian Seymour sent four rfp’s to replace our 12 year-old ambulance that has 135,000 miles. City policy is to replace one of the three ambulances every four years.

This year Brian spec’d a “truck-style” chassis because Ford no longer makes the “van-style”. Chevrolet and Dodge make a van chassis but there are other challenges in addition to being more expensive according to Brian. Brian also reports the truck chassis was cheaper with a 4-wheel drive unit to replace the automatic tire chains the dept has used on past units.

$160,000 is budgeted in FY 11/12. Bids will be received on June 17 and a recommendation presented to council on July 5.

4. JUNE 13 COMMITTEE: Agenda items include:

• 2011 Street Replacement Update-- Snyder’s Jennifer Croat will provide the latest project updates
• Hwy 65/69 Corridor Study—IDOT’s Troy Jerman will review the Snyder study (Hillcrest to city limits) and discuss their intent to provide additional options
• W Hwy 92 Update—IDOT’s Troy Jerman will provide the project concept and schedule. At a meeting on May 12, Community Development Director Chuck Burgin and I asked the DOT to extend the project east to the fairgrounds where existing curb ends. The plan is to extend the 3-lane highway thru R-63 with curb/gutter and a trail.
• Paperless agendas/packets

4. TROPICAL SNOW: In the packet is a letter to the Tropical Snow owner (303 N. Jefferson) indicating the building violates the city code for temporary structures.

5. COMMERCIAL TAXATION: Thus far the Iowa House/Senate have not reached a compromise on commercial property taxation. The House version will lower commercial taxable value which could create a loss of about $1.1 million over 5 years with the (includes state backfill). The Senate version creates tax credits and has no effect on city, county or school governments.

Should the House version be adopted, the tax rate may increase to make up lost revenue therefore shifting tax to residential property.

6. HUMANE SOCIETY: In the packet are state inspection reports for Kiya Koda. The city provides about $36K annually for domestic animal care.

7. 506 W 2ND: The city purchased 506 W 2nd thru the Dangerous/Dilapidated program and will receive proposals to remove the building on May 24. A recommendation will be on the June 6 agenda. The work must be completed by July 15.

8. FD EXHAUST: The Fire Dept Bay exhaust system was installed by the first of May and is functioning well according to Chief Brian Seymour.

9. LAZERFEST: A reminder Lazerfest is Sunday May 15. Weather does not look that favorable however there will still be a sizable crowd thru Indianola. Last year the Fest received complaints about music playing until 11:30/12:00 pm (on a school night). The county supervisors approved their permit allowing music until 10:30 pm.

There is also a weekend softball tournament at Pickard.