Friday, February 4, 2011

News Items - February 7, 2011

1. PRESIDENTS DAY: A reminder that Presidents Day is February 21 so the council meeting will move to Tuesday the 22nd at 6:00 pm.

2. COUNCIL PAPERS: Papers have been turned in for the March 1 election as follows:

At-Large Ward 2

Jody Miller John Sirianni
Pam Pepper Richard Sindric
Ivan Richart

3. SNOW REMOVAL: I received a call from a resident praising the snow removal efforts by our Street Dept with assistance from the Electric, Sewer and Water Depts. Dealing with 7-8 inches is difficult but the gusty winds really create havoc. Good job to all!!

Steve Bonnett reports 4 tickets and 3 tows during the 48-hour period.

4. E GIRARD: The residents on E Girard have been invited to the February 14 meeting to receive V&K’s storm water review. The W Boston (1500 block) and W Iowa storm water projects will also be discussed and a joint project will be recommended.

5. D&D: There was a request for a D&D purchase in the 900 block of N Howard. After calculating the estimated revenues/expenses, the home does not fit the D&D criteria of reimbursing the city’s expenses over a 10-year period (includes city, county and school tax revenues). Community Development Director Chuck Burgin will monitor the home to see that sidewalks are shoveled, lawn it mowed and other maintenance/nuisance issues.

6. BEST PRACTICES CERTIFICATION: IMWCA (Iowa Municipal Worker’s Compensation Association) has awarded the City of Indianola certification for successfully implementing practices to proactively manage its worker’s compensation exposures. The program was developed to recognize and reward members for meeting “best practices” in the areas of underwriting, claims and loss control.

7. SUSTAINABLE EVENT: In your packet is a memo from the Sustainability Committee requesting $400 in funds for their annual April 2011 events. I have authorized the request.

8. SOUTH ‘Y’: The assessment schedule is near complete so an information meeting will be scheduled in the next 2 weeks to discuss the project, the assessments and papers for voluntary assessments.