Friday, April 2, 2010

News Items - April 5, 2010

1. BUILDING PERMITS: The Community Development Dept reports 7 single family dwelling permits issued thru March compared to 3 last year. Good news and hopefully a trend.

2. ROAD USE TAX: IDOT released new projections for the RUTF for FY 2010/11 and reduced the per capita amount from $92.50 to $90.50. Finance Director Laurie Hebl reports a consequent reduction of about $14,000 in “budgeted” revenue. Not good news.

3. MEMORIAL TRAIL PROJECT: Trail construction begins on Tuesday the 6th at Memorial Park and moves east to Summerset Trail (just north of E. Euclid). The most up-to-date figures for the trail project are:

Trail Construction $199,880
Engineering $ 23,435
Testing $ 4,700
Easements $ 2,680
Sign relocation $ 2,970
Total $233,665

Grant $147,570
City $ 63,245
US Cell $ 20,000
Total $230,815

There is a 5% contingency of $11,000 built into the project quantities so the cost may actually be less than $230,000. The project figures will be provided to elected officials when complete.

4. LIBRARY HVAC: At their March 30 meeting the Library Board authorized Iowa Geothermal to proceed with a test drill for $6,500. Barker Lemar’s quote was $8,100.

5. TREES PLEASE: MidAmerican’s Darla Vanderpool presented the Indianola Tree Committee a $1,000 check in March to plant trees in parks and public property. The trees will not only improve Indianola’s appearance but also help reduce the carbon footprint. Hats off to all!!

6. MEDIACOM CHANNELS: On or about April 27, Mediacom will make the following channel changes to digital:

Broadcast Basic Channels moving to digital New digital channel

Government Access 7 86*
Educational Access 12 85*
Public Access 17 84*
The College Channel 16 83*
HSN 15 15*

*Digital Broadcast Basic tier

In addition Mediacom is adding the following channels:

HD Channel Adds New Channel Adds
Spike HD 870**
Comedy HD 871**
Nick HD 877**
MTV HD 872**
CMT HD 875**
VH1 HD 873**

**These channels require an HDTV and HD box to view

7. SUSTAINABILITY MONTH: The following are the events scheduled for April as part of Indianola’s sustainability efforts. This calendar (packet) was also placed as an insert in the utility bills this month. Chris Longer and Mindi Robinson have done an excellent job programming the event for the second year.

April 7 Simpson College Campus Day
Week of April 11 Annual Spring Clean Up Week April 17 E-cycling Day-Brush Facility 9-4
Free tire recycling – Wal Mart 8-5
Spring Fun Fest-Fairgrounds-10-noon
April 22 Earth Day
April 23 Indianola Sustainability Fair-at IMU – 11:30-1:30
April 24 Cool Congregation Workshop-Trinity United
Presbyterian Church – 9-noon

8. APRIL 12 COMMITTEE: Below is a tentative agenda for April 12 that will begin at 6:00 or 6:30 p.m.:

• Joint meeting with the trustees to receive IDA’s progress report
• Joint meeting with trustees to review employee handbook policies/procedures
• Joint meeting to review FY 2008/09 audit
• Architectural design discussion for E Hillcrest
• Further discussion regarding sidewalk waivers
• Bravo contribution for FY 2010/11

Steve will be chair and Randy vice chair.

10. STREET CLOSURE POLICY: In the packet is a revised Street Closure Policy as discussed at the March 8 meeting. I spoke Corvette Club reps and they indicate they have insurance and will decide next year whether to hold an event if the “named-insured” is required. There was some concern about cost but they did not get a quote.

11. SURVEY: IDNR recently classified the Cavitt Creek drainage way as an A-3 which is casual use by humans including swimming/wading. The former classification was A-2 and does not include swimming/wading. The designation is important because the sewer plant effluent flows into Cavitt Creek and therefore is regulated depending on classification.

Supt Dan Miers, with the assistance of intern Chole Casber, is surveying residents in the area to determine their use of Cavitt Creek. Those results will be provided to IDNR for their review and possible re-classification of the stream.

12. SIDEWALK WAIVERS: Chuck Burgin is reviewing the sidewalk waivers and will have a report at the May committee meeting.

13. CITY TREASURER’S REPORT: In your packet is the February 2010 City Treasurer’s report which will be presented with the March report on April 19th.