Friday, October 9, 2009

News Items - October 12, 2009

1. LEGISLATORS: Diana Bowlin re-scheduled Staci Appel and Kent Sorensen on December 7.

2. POLICE RETIREMENT: HR Director RoxAnne Hunerdosse attended a Chapter 411 Police Retirement meeting on October 8 and received the following city contribution table based on return on investment (roi):

City Contribution Rates (Calendar Year)
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Return on Investments
3.50% 25.32% 31.22% 37.94% 42.79% 43.52%
7.50% 24.91% 29.92% 35.32% 38.55% 37.43%
10% 24.64% 29.03% 33.51% 35.55% 33.02%

Note that if the retirement plan’s roi is 3.5%, the city’s contribution will rise to 43.52% of each police officer’s salary in 2015. If the roi is 10% (best case), the city’s contribution will be 33% in 2015. 2010/2011’s contribution will be 19.9% so the difference is substantial.

This information will be provided to Staci Appel and Kent Sorensen on December 7.

3. OLD SEWER PLANT: The city received an offer from the Country Club to purchase the “old sewer plant” on N. Country Club Road. After reviewing the lease options, it was felt an outright purchase was more logical. There are ongoing discussions with the Country Club so the offer will be brought to council in a couple weeks.

4. “Y” STREET UPDATE: The grading has been completed and they are now seeding.

5. AMBULANCE WRITE OFFS: Office Manager Pat Allsup prepared the table (packet) showing write-offs since 2007.

6. MUNICIPAL BUILDING UPDATE: There are several change orders on hold until prices are determined that include carpet in the PD, ventilation changes, etc. So far the total is in the $8,000 range and will be placed on the October 19 agenda for council consideration.

7. FLU SHOTS: 19 employees/spouses received flu shots on September 30. This number compares to 13 in ’08, 10 in ’07 and 49 in ‘06.

8. EMPLOYEE BREAKFAST: The employee appreciation breakfast is October 23 from 7:00 am to 8:30 am at the Activity Center. Please plan to attend.

9. BALLOON MUSEUM DITCH: Based on three quotes received by Chuck Burgin a recommendation to hire Snyder and Associates to design the culvert extension will be placed on the October 19 agenda. The quotes were as follows:

French-Renecker $60,450
Snyder and Associates $29,900
Veenstra and Kimm $44,250

11. CIVIL SERVICE: Chief Steve Bonnett reports the Civil Service process to designate a list from which to hire will begin within the next week. Police Officer applications will be received through December 1 and the physical test and interviews will be after January 1.

12. ASK THE EXPERT: The Indianola Home Builders Fall Fair will be October 10th at the Activity Center from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Over 20 IHBA members including Chris Longer and Mindi Robinson will be on hand to answer building questions.

13. POWERED METAL PRODUCTS: Laurie Hebl and I met with Powered Metal Products (PMP) representatives, Myles Kappelman and Tiffany Coleman on October 8th to discuss the 10 employee job requirement. PMP has not reached their goal so we are discussing options for the $10,000 forgivable loan provided by the city in 2006. A one-year extension was provided by council in July, 2008.

14. COMP PLAN: Kathleen Conner, Snyder and Associates, will present the proposed 2010 Comprehensive Plan to the Planning and Zoning Commission at their October 13 meeting.