Friday, May 22, 2009

News Items- May 27, 2009

1. PLASTIC GROCERY BAGS: At a meeting on the 21st, several retailers got together with city reps to discuss a program to encourage the use of re-usable bags in-lieu of the plastic bags. The group agreed to meet the end of June to discuss further a joint effort.

2. SIDEWALK PLANTERS: There will be a request from the Re-Light Indianola Committee to place planters on the square sidewalks at a June meeting. The planters will be similar (smaller) to those on Simpson’s Campus. Previous councils have approved planters to help beautify the square.

3. TAX REVENUE: Revenue thru May is about a quarter percent behind this time last year.

4. PHONE SYSTEM: As part of the Municipal Building renovations, Laurie Hebl is reviewing our 19-year old phone system and 16-year old voice mail system. Several phones are not working properly and in 2004 we had a major phone/voice mail system failure. Will keep you posted.