Monday, July 14, 2008


The south half of the building known as One Stop Sandwich Shop located at 112 West Ashland (north side of square) collapsed Sunday about 7:45 am.

The city is working with property owners, insurance companies and a structural engineer and here is what we have so far:

• It is not known at this time what caused the collapse
• A structural engineer reviewed the building and two buildings immediately east on Sunday and advised the entire quarter block be vacated until in-depth inspections could occur
• All utilities have been disconnected
• Clean-up will not occur until the buildings are stabilized
• Most of Ashland Avenue between Howard and Buxton have been closed
• Meetings are taking place with engineers, insurance representatives, property owners and city representatives to discuss inspection and building conditions

Please watch the city’s web site for more information and we’ll provide it as soon as possible.