1. NEXT MEETING: The next council meeting is September 6 at 6:00 pm.
2. JOINT MEETING: Council will meet with the trustees on September 12 at 6:00 pm to discuss upcoming labor negotiations for FY beginning July 1, 2012. One question is who to use as the city’s negotiator. Jim Hanks of the Ahlers Firm has been our negotiator since 2003.
FYI—The current labor contract is in your packet and I suggest you review it for potential changes.
3. SOUTH Y PAVING: The contractor started paving on Thursday, August 25 and completed 1,475’. Weather permitting, they are hoping to pave the remainder of the street within two days.
4. STORM SEWER PROJECTS: The Underground Company is working on final grading at the West and East Candle Ridge Ponds, and starting tree removal and initial grading work at Iowa for the construction of the headwall.
5. SIMPSON HOMECOMING: Simpson’s Homecoming is October 8 and they have applied for a noise permit for a band playing in the Hillman Hall parking lot (C St at Clinton) from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm and 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm. Chief Steve Bonnett approved the permit as no complaints were received last year.
6. SOAP BOX DERBY: There is a group in the community researching the possibility of hosting a Soap Box Derby race in Indianola (possibly) next July. They are looking at potential streets and will talk to residents about blocking their street for one day. We are also checking. A request will be brought to council in the next several weeks once details have been worked out.
7. WAL MART SIGNAL: Finance Director Jean Furler reports the IDOT approved Urban Systems Traffic Engineering Program funds for the traffic signal detector loops at Highway 65/69 and Apple Drive (Wal-Mart). Council approved the $13,000 expense on May 16 and USTEP will pay about $7,300 of the cost. The project will be complete by the end of September.
8. RECYCLING: City Clerk Diana Bowlin received quotes on August 3 from three haulers to provide recycling service for calendar years 12, 13 and 14. McCoy is the apparent low quote and if the current bins are maintained, the monthly cost will remain at $2.75 for residential customers. However, if we switch to the 96-gallon toters, the monthly cost would rise to $3.85 for residential customers. The additional cost is due to purchasing the new toters.
9. PALIN EVENT: Sara Palin is hosting a political event on September 3 at the Balloon Field from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm and our Police/Fire Depts are preparing for a potential of up to 15,000 visitors. They are working with organizers, County Sheriff’s Dept and State Troopers.
10. HOMECOMING PARADE: The annual Homecoming Parade will be held on September 8 from 5:30 – 7:00 p.m.
11. BIMONTHLY UPDATE: Staff is currently looking at combining the bimonthly update and biannual activity guide into a quarterly magazine style publication. Combining the two publications would result in more pages of content being distributed to the public on annual basis for the same amount of expenditures. In addition, Park and Recreation would be able to promote their activities twice as often as they do now. The issues would be set up as seasonal issues (winter, spring, summer, and fall) and would be based on a similar format that West Des Moines is currently using for their city publication. Staff is planning on bringing a recommendation to a September meeting.