Friday, August 19, 2011

News Items - 08-22-11


TO: Mayor and Council
DATE: August 18, 2011

1. NEXT MEETING: The next council meeting is Tuesday September 6 at 6:00 pm due to Labor Day on the 5th.

2. SPECIAL MEETING: There will be a special council meeting in the council chambers Monday August 22 at 4:00 pm for final consideration of the ordinance re-districting wards and establishing precincts as required by Iowa Code 42.4.

3. WELLNESS CENTER: Seven project manager proposals were reviewed by the subcommittee (Chuck Burgin, Vicky Foresman, John Sirianni, Mike Teigland and myself) on the 17th. While all were very capable, they were narrowed to Ball Team, Hansen Company and Story Construction. Interviews will take place on August 30 and a recommendation presented to council on September 6.

4. COMP PLAN UPDATE: Indianola’s “draft” Comprehensive Plan Update can be viewed on the web site at: under the “I Want To” tab and “View the Comp Plan”.

5. CITY/COUNTY PAVING: Community Development Director Chuck Burgin and I met with County Supervisor Dean Yordi and IDA Executive Director Jerry Kelley on the 17th to begin dialogue on potential joint projects. Dean reported that the county will review their capital plan in the next several weeks.

I will contact Dean the first of October to continue discussions. Depending on progress and potential projects, a recommendation will be brought to council in our 5-year Capital Plan.

6. SOUTH Y: The sub grading is estimated at 95% complete as of August 19. Weather permitting, finish trim and paving main line should be completed Friday August 26.

Liquidated damages are $600/day and there are 60 working days (excludes weekends and rain days). 41.5 working days have been used thus far.

MidAmerican Energy serves South Y and will install the 8 street lights for $38,454 and charge $11.27/light/month forever. However, the city can pay $26.25/light/ month indefinitely with no initial payment for the infrastructure. When calculating interest on $38,454, the payback would take 34 years if paying the $26.25/light/month. A recommendation will be on the September 6 agenda.

7. JOINT COUNCIL/TRUSTEES: Another reminder of the joint council/trustee meeting on September 12 to discuss upcoming labor negotiations (see packet for union contract) and items of mutual interest.

8. WAY-FINDING SIGNS: Glen Cowan submitted the signage plan to the IDOT and they indicated some problems with one of the colors, a few places listed on some of the signs, straight forward arrows, and lettering font. The committee will meet with Shive Hattery to discuss how to address the IDOT comments/issues. The signs will be ordered once DOT gives their approval.

9. BRUSH: The Street Dept picked up brush from around 125 homes due to the August 6-7 & 11th storms. Our thanks to the crew!!

10. LIABILITY CLAIMS: Three claims have been submitted along with a fourth inquiry regarding the August 8th incident when a tree branch fell on an electric line at Iowa and “E” Street. When the branch fell it acted as a conductor between the 13.2 Kv and 4 Kv circuits and raised the voltage on the 4 kv system. The resulting power surge damaged electrical appliances in neighborhood homes.

This is a primary reason the Board of Trustees continue to invest in the underground conversion project and the on-going tree trimming program.

The Iowa Community Insurance Pool is not finding Electric Department negligence or liability.

11. STORMWATER REPAIRS: To date, all pipe on E. Euclid, E. Girard, S. Buxton and W. Boston has been completed. The contractor intends to start the W. Iowa area next week. Streets, driveways and sidewalks are completed on Euclid and Girard, and a portion on Boston. Grading of drainage areas and detention ponds still need to be completed. The project appears to be on schedule with minimal changes.

12. UTILITY BILLING: Billing Clerk Lindsey Offenburger reports 204 customers receive their bill online and 1329 are registered to pay online. The numbers are growing but we are working to get more online bills to reduce paper and postage.

13. MEMORIAL POOL: Recreation Superintendent Doug Bylund has compared the expensed and revenues from January – August of this year and 2010.

Revenues Expenses
2011: $157,756.82 2011: $141,829.46
2010: $159,125.32 2010: $150,498.26

The revenues are only through August 17, and there is still 9 days the pool will be open which gives potential for increased revenue.