Friday, August 12, 2011

News Items August 15, 2011

1. 15th STREET: Steve Bonnett and Brian Seymour have approved temporary parking on the west side of 15th Street on August 19 for the Indianola Community School’s first football game. They are unable to use Simpson since it is still under construction.

2. SIDEWALK PROGRAM: According to Community Development Office Manager Mindi Robinson, 90 sidewalk letters were mailed on the 11th to advise homeowners that a contractor has been hired to complete the necessary repairs. The letter also provides their cost. May Construction Company is the low bid contractor and will begin work no sooner than August 29. Homeowners who complete their sidewalk repairs prior to that date will not be charged by the city.

3. TIF Committee: A committee comprised of Pam Pepper, Grant Johnson, Mike Coppess and Jean Furler is meeting August 23 to review the three city urban renewal areas. A report will be brought to the September committee meeting.

4. Fire Bays: At the last committee meeting a question was asked regarding how much additional space would be added for just adding bays. Brian indicated an additional 3,000 sq. ft. would be added to the current 5,486’ now. Also, Mike Allen of Shive-Hattery indicates there would NOT be a reduction in costs due to past improvements.