1. SEPTEMBER 12 COMMITTEE: The tentative agenda includes the joint labor negotiation meeting with the trustees, C Street report from V&K, goals/priorities. Other items that will be discussed in the October/November meetings include gas franchise fee for ladder truck purchase, Downtown Square Incentive program, Square streetscape discussion, Fire Dept bay expansion, office building purchase.
2. P&R PRESENTATION: The P&R Commission has invited elected officials to attend a presentation by Dr. John Crompton about the benefits of parks and recreation in a community. The session will be held in the Training Room (basement of city hall) at 5:00 pm on September 14.
3. JOINT MEETING: Labor Negotiations Consultant Jim Hanks will meet on September 12 in closed session with the council/trustees to discuss the upcoming labor negotiations. The current contracts expire June 30, 2012.
4. VISION IOWA: The next Vision Iowa Board meeting is September 14 and Indianola will update its $2.5 million application/presentation from August 10. VI’s Alaina Santizo reports there is about $3.2 million (possibly more due to additional casino revenues) in FY 12 and about $15-$18 million in applications. Competition will be strong.
5. CUSTOMER APPRECIATION: The Municipal Utility will hold its annual customer appreciation event on September 15 from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm at 110 South Buxton. There will be information about energy efficiency, fiber, underground conversion and water quality.
6. BRUSH FACILITY: RoxAnne Hunerdosse reports mulching at the facility will be conducted this fall due to the large volume of brush collected from storm damage this year. Street Supt Ed Yando solicited quotes and received two from qualified vendors including Chamness Technology ($5,350) and JC's Services - $4,800. Staff authorized JC's Services due to price and quality of finished product.
Residents continue to use the mulch for home use thereby eliminating a removal or hauling charge for the city.
7. SOUTH Y PAVING: The main line paving has been completed. All the driveway approaches on the west side of “Y” Street are being graded, framed and paved on Friday, September 2, 2011.
8. STORM SEWER PROJECT: West Iowa culvert extension has begun and will be completed next week. As well as grading of the detention pond. Street repairs for both West Boston and South Buxton are completed and open to traffic.
9. MC COY SANITATION: Jeff Mc Coy informed us Friday morning that McCoy Sanitation has sold to Waste Management. Will keep you posted.
10. AMBULANCE: Sarah Palin is hosting a political event on September 3 at the Balloon Field from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. The Fire Department has put an additional ambulance in service. Brian Seymour has billed them $450 to help cover the cost associated with covering the event. Along with the additional ambulance, the fire department will have two people roaming the grounds to provide first aid.
11. AERIAL UPDATE: Brian Seymour reports the specs went out to the two companies yesterday (Thursday, September 1) and are to be returned on September 16th @ 3pm for bid opening. Brian has talked to both companies and they currently see no problem with getting this completed. After the opening we will review the specs for compliance and forward information to you and the council.