1. COMMITTEE AGENDA ITEMS: We will have a big line-up of issues in the next 2-3 months. The tentative agendas follow:
• Sewer and Street Capital Budgets—October
• Goals/Priorities—October
• Fire Bay expansion—October
• Downtown Incentive Program ends December 31, ’11; consider extension and financing issues-October
• Square Streetscape design options—October
• General Fund Capital Budget—November
• Gas franchise vs. taxes to pay annual $140,000 Aerial Truck debt payment—November
• Wellness program enhancements-November
2. VISION IOWA: The next meeting is October 12 in Sioux City and we plan to have representation there.
3. HWY 65/69: We have asked IDOT to review the re-grade (addresses different levels of the north and southbound lanes) of Hwy 65/69 north of Hillcrest to the car dealerships. More information will be presented to council in the next few weeks when IDOT responds. A speed limit review has also been requested.
4. SOUTH Y STREET LIGHTS: Chuck Burgin has been working with General Manager Todd Kielkopf who indicated that our Electric Utility can install the lights on South Y for about $34,000. The cost of the lighting will then be charged to the city as part of the total lighting bill that is paid annually.
The initial understanding was that MidAmerican Energy could only provide the lights/electricity since it is their territory.
A recommendation will be placed on the October 17 agenda as more detail is worked out.
5. PAPERLESS SOFTWARE: Information Technology Manager Kurt Ripperger reports iPad quotes are in and favorable. They will be here in about two weeks.
The software should be installed early next week since tests on the remote connection with the company have passed. Staff training will take another 4-5 weeks after software installation.
Kurt anticipates the entire system will be functional by the end of November.
iPad training for elected officials will be scheduled after the units are configured.
6. WAYFINDING SIGNS: IDOT indicated the proposed Way-Finding signs required some changes including colors, warranty and reflective materials. There is an additional cost of $2,900 which I authorized. The concepts have been returned to Shive-Hattery for revisions and will be provided to elected officials when available.
7. WELLNESS PROGRAM: In an effort to maintain or reduce health insurance claims, the insurance committee is working on enhancements to the city’s wellness program. Enhancements discussed include fitness center assistance for 12 months (currently 9), flu shots, blood screen report/follow-up, pre-diabetes/diabetes counseling, etc. A presentation will be provided by the committee at the November committee meeting.
8. NORTH E SHARED SERVICE: Supt Dan Miers met with the property owners in the 800 Blk of N E St to discuss a shared sewer service (see map) that was discovered during I&I Program testing. Dan provided a cost breakdown of the project including city and owner share. Total project is estimated at $32,726 with the owners paying about $33,000 ($6,500 ea). All owners indicated a desire to proceed.
Dan recommends the project be conducted thru the I&I Phase 2 (change order) with Visu Sewer. A recommendation will be brought to council on October 17.
9. INTERN: Intern Chelsea Fulton was hired as the new city administrator of Griswold, Iowa and will start on October 10. There is no question her internship with the City of Indianola helped her gain employment. Congratulations to Chelsea and we wish her the best!
10. COUNTY/CITY ROADS: Dean Yordi, Jerry Kelley, Jason White, Chuck Burgin and I are scheduling a meeting the week of October 10 to further discuss joint road projects.
11. DAMAGE RECOVERY: Efforts by Park Superintendent Mike Bowlin, and Risk Manager RoxAnne Hunerdosse, resulted in $500 damage reimbursement from IDOT resulting from a snowplow damage to curbing at Pickard Park last winter.
12. BULLET-PROOF VEST GRANT: The Police Department once again received funding from the US Department of Justice for the Bullet-Proof Vest grant program. This week we received $1,662.50 (50% of the cost) to help off-set the expense of new vests for our officers. Vests are purchased for new officers and replaced on a rotational basis for current officers. Each vest cost $675.
13. STORM & DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS: In your packet is a list and map from Veenstra and Kimm showing proposed storm and drainage improvements in the city. Note that not all sites have been reviewed for cost estimates. However, this information will be prepared for an improvement project next spring funded by the Storm Water Utility.
14. ROBERT HAWKINS: Returned to active employment with the Police Department on Sept. 30th after serving 20 months of active duty in the US Army. Welcome Rob and thank you for your military service.